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Chapter 80 A Mountain of Money

Chapter 80 A Mountain of Money

Snakes hibernate in winter, what if summer comes in?Will the snake escape the heat here?

There is really a possibility, the area of ​​this tomb is not small, and after a long time, rats and snakes will definitely make their homes here.

Since there is food, the snake will not leave, not to mention, it can spend the winter here in winter.

"Just go to the mezzanine inside, you can't go outside." Chen Wenzhe said decisively.

"Mezzanines are dangerous too."

"It's definitely safer than the tomb passage outside. It's a dead end. Even if you pass through the sea of ​​fire, there must be rolling stones behind. In that kind of place, it's impossible to even find a place to hide."

"What about the snake? We don't have poisonous snakes here, right?" Chen Qingchuan hesitated.

Chen Qinglin said: "Even if there are poisonous snakes, we are not afraid. The place here is big enough, and poisonous snakes will not gather together. This is our chance."

Chen Wenzhe has already checked, and the one-meter-wide mezzanine is completely walkable.

"Take the passage to the northwest. The northwest belongs to gold, so you should be able to avoid the snakes."

Groping forward, although the speed is slow, but at least in this kind of place, there is no need to be afraid of flipping traps.


"Be careful, there are still wooden figures!"

"I'm sub-Ao, why is this wooden dummy worthless?"

"It's worthless. Even the spear is made of wood. Put it in the fire and burn it. After polishing, it is a qualified wooden man."

The three of them stopped talking, they all thought of this possibility.

There is not much cost, and it has good lethality. Naturally, the owner of the tomb can use as much as he can.

"It seems that there is no need to be so pessimistic. Pulling the chain of the wooden man is not easy to preserve. Besides, ancient candles are not cheap."

"Well, ancient candles are indeed very valuable, and there shouldn't be too many wooden figures."

"Be careful!"

"There are snakes! Watch your step!"

Along the way, we found quite a few snakes. Fortunately, the place is big enough and the snakes are not too densely distributed. As long as you are careful not to step on them, you will be fine.

The main reason is that here in Chen Wenzhe's hometown, there are no poisonous snakes at all.

What's more, this catacomb is near their village, even if there were poisonous snakes, they would have been killed long ago.

Stop and go, has been tossing for more than two hours, but still haven't reached the destination.

They felt like they were spinning around all the time. At this moment, Chen Qingshan and Chen Qingchuan had become a little irritable.

The main reason is that it is too stuffy here, and the air must not circulate.

Coupled with the narrow passage, the longer you stay in this environment, the more depressed and irritable you will feel.

"Uh, there's a large cave ahead."

"No, why is it dark inside?"

Chen Wenzhe saw it too, and when he saw the pile of black things in the cave clearly, he was dumbfounded!

That should be a mountain of money. Those black things are all copper coins. After the copper coins are oxidized, they are all black.

Judging from the appearance, it was originally stacked together in a string.

But after oxidation and decay, they all stick together, forming a huge black mountain of money.

"This is money?"

"It's really a rich mountain? Didn't we come to the money cellar of some landlord Lao Cai?"

Chen Qinglin and Chen Qingchuan were not without knowledge, they quickly recognized what it was.

"Be careful, don't come close."

Being blinded by money is a common problem of all people. After seeing so much money, it is natural to want to pass it.

Fortunately, it is not ancient times now, and those copper coins have also become black. If they are golden, like a golden mountain, maybe Chen Wenzhe can't help it.

Now, he held back.

After seeing Qian's eyes open, he soon discovered that there was a huge open space in front of Qianshan.

This is underground, and any cave must be used.

In the narrow and stuffy tunnel, I suddenly saw a golden mountain, but the front of the golden mountain was still empty.

When encountering such a situation, one naturally wants to get out of the oppressive tunnel, so that one can naturally enter the wide money cellar.

Chen Wenzhe is not an ordinary person. He has countless experiences of robbing tombs, especially the experience of dying in tombs, so he knows that such places are often very dangerous.

However, for a while, Chen Wenzhe didn't realize where the danger came from.

It's not like there is a flap trap, and it's unlikely to collapse directly. There's money here, and it's unlikely to be set on fire, so what's the danger?

Haven't encountered a strong crossbow yet?There is only this possibility.

However, in a wide area, the use of machine-powered crossbows does not seem to be very effective.

Chen Wenzhe took out a bright flashlight and took a look at the surroundings. After looking at it this way, he found the problem.

Around that empty place, there were burning figures, and there were actually many wooden figures.

"Huh? Isn't it black?"

Soon, Chen Wenzhe discovered the problem.

"What? Not a wooden man?" Chen Qingchuan said.

"No, it should be the Bronze Man. We walked through the Wooden Man Alley and then entered the Bronze Man Hall."

Chen Wenzhe smiled. Bronze figurines are much more valuable than wooden figurines. Most importantly, the weapons they hold should be iron or bronze.

The weapons of the Tang Dynasty are more likely to be made of iron. If they have been specially maintained and can be kept until now, this is likely to be a weapon of the Tang Dynasty!
The Tang Dynasty is the most famous but the Tang Dao, if there are a few Tang Dao, it will be a big hit.

"How did you get to this place?" Chen Qinglin asked.

"You must not step on the ground. It is very likely that you have entered the center, which will trigger the attack of the surrounding bronze figures. There are all organs below this place."

Chen Wenzhe thought for a while, and said: "We can only adopt a stupid method, tear it down!"

He didn't want to move the copper figures around the cave, because after they moved, the outer protective measures would be worn away, and damage might occur in this way.

Chen Wenzhe counted, there were twelve bronze figures standing against the cave wall.

I don't know how it is preserved, anyway, it looks green now, it should be green.

As for the weapons in their hands, they were too dark to tell what material they were made of.

There's a good chance it's not woodwork, and that's enough.

Anyway, no one would rob them of the things here, and there was no need for Chen Wenzhe to carry out destructive excavations.

He has plenty of time, and even if there is nothing else after that, what he has in front of him is worth the price of admission.

A mountain of money, twelve bronze figures, and the weapons in their hands, not to mention there are a lot of celadon and white porcelain outside.

After some calculation, the open space in front is only six meters in length and width, that is, thirty to forty square meters.

In such a large place, it will not take much time to turn over the ground.

Before working, Chen Wenzhe planned to replenish his physical strength.

He took off the backpack, and immediately saw the big hole in the backpack. If it wasn't for the cans inside, his body might be pierced.

(End of this chapter)

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