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Chapter 804 It's All Gold

Chapter 804 It's All Gold
After the basic repair work is completed, the next step is firing.

At this time, it is necessary to identify the utensils that need to be restored to see what kind of kiln they were fired in, and then fire them at the same temperature with the same process.

Afterwards comes the most important grinding process, which is very demanding. Dust splashes affect sight and breathing, and requires high precision.

If there is an extra 0.1mm of grinding, it must be repaired again, so there is a good saying: "Seven points for grinding, three points for glazing and painting!"

After polishing, it needs to be toned, glazed, and then painted to complete the missing picture, and finally the outer glaze is applied.

Looking at the three pieces of porcelain in front of him, the three-legged washing machine is just a small plate with three small feet underneath.

This thing is best fixed and set aside for now.

The large bottle with double dragon ears is not difficult to repair, because the container is relatively large and easy to handle.

On the contrary, it is the jade pot and spring vase, which is the most difficult to restore because of its relatively small opening.

If it is in the process of learning, others are willing to choose the simpler one first.

But Chen Wenzhe is a veteran, so he naturally chose a difficult one to repair that others dare not challenge.

The mouth of this porcelain bottle was very small, and he couldn't reach it with his hand, which brought him great trouble during the polishing process.

You can't get in with your hands, so you can only use tools to poke in and polish it. You can only use your feeling. Sometimes, if you grind too much, you have to fill in the raw materials and start all over again.

After repeated failures, it is almost tormenting people to collapse.

However, the more difficult it is, the more Chen Wenzhe likes to do it.

After polishing, it is glazed, calligraphy and painting skills, which brought some convenience to his restoration work.

There are characters on some porcelain, but those who don't know how to calligraphy can write them without strength, just pictograms.

No matter how similar the description is, a discerning person will know that it was written later.

The calligraphy skills he acquired in his dream recently will definitely allow Chen Wenzhe to write with ease.

It is a pity that in the Song Dynasty, the celadon glaze was generally characterized by depiction and decals, but there was no color painting. It can be said that his calligraphy is useless here.

However, painting still plays a vital role in repairing these incomplete porcelains.

By carefully observing the symmetrical pattern, another part can be reproduced, or the pattern of the incomplete part can be imagined.

The three pieces in front of me naturally don't need to be so troublesome, as long as they are spliced ​​together, the pictures on them are slightly trimmed, polished, and then they can be fired in the kiln.

The most important thing to restore these three pieces of porcelain is splicing, polishing and glazing.

These are not too difficult to do, and Chen Wenzhe didn't think about repairing it in one go.

Today, he only needs to splice them together, polish them, then dry them, and then fire them in the kiln.

The materials for making shadow celadon are readily available, and there is no shortage of glazes. It is not difficult to do so, but it takes a lot of effort to polish!

If it can be done quickly, Chen Wenzhe will try his best to finish it at one time, and the rest will be done slowly.

At noon, after having lunch in the factory and resting for an hour, Chen Wenzhe didn't get up until Feng Jinming came to pick him up.

The Mu family's villa is really not far from here.

Feng Jinming drove and arrived in less than ten minutes.

When he came outside the villa, Chen Wenzhe was shocked. What kind of villa is this?Isn't this an ancient castle?

He really didn't expect that such a large group of ancient castles could be left on this riverside.

The buildings here are also western buildings. Although they are not tall, they are all in the style of authentic western manors.

The manor is not big, but the small castle inside can be built in a decent way.

"This is the place where the foreign devils first logged in. At that time, they were also afraid of being attacked, so the houses they built were more like bunkers!"

When they came outside a manor, Cao Qingchun and Li Jinli were there.

Cao Qingchun was more familiar with this side, so he led the crowd forward, introducing the houses here while walking.

As the distance got closer, I realized that the house was really big, and it was all made of real materials. At least from the outside, it was full of granite.

Such a house is not only built with strips of granite for the foundation, but even the walls are built with strips of granite.

Although it is a bit rough at a close distance, it is really strong, so these houses are still intact after nearly a hundred years.

Of course, the interiors of these habitable houses have all been modernized, otherwise, it would be too uncomfortable to live in.

Going up the steps and walking through the door, you will see a brightly lit hall.

Chen Wenzhe found that large pieces of glass were installed in places where light could pass through. Even so, the lighting in the house was not very good.

This is the disadvantage. With safety, comfort is lost.

However, the area is large, even if there is a little shadow, it will not affect anything.

So, after entering, Chen Wenzhe was shocked, the Mu family's wealth is very rich!

Walking into the hall, they saw a row of glass booths, all of which were filled with gold.

Under the illumination of the lights, these golds are dazzling and eye-catching!
After adapting to the light in the room, Chen Wenzhe found that many people had already gathered here, and they were relatively latecomers.

After a casual glance, many people from the Dahai City Collectors Association came, as well as museums and some private collectors.

"Is this a gold earring? Antique?"

The people inside were wandering around in the hall, Chen Wenzhe and others came in, but did not attract anyone's attention.

They looked around, and there were indeed gold artifacts here, and many of them looked like antiques.

Behind every counter, there is a person watching, like a security guard, or a salesperson?

Is the Mu family really at the end of their rope?On this point, Chen Wenzhe didn't quite believe it.

Huge golden beast?It can't be eighteen catties, can it?
Chen Wenzhe turned his head again to look at the gold earring, he was a little speechless, this one should be an imitation ancient gold earring.

If he was not mistaken, it should be an imitation of a gold earring about four thousand years ago.

Gold earrings dating back about 4000 years, a golden beast weighing 18 kilograms, a deer swaying in the wind and shaking its crown with its first step...

The golden baby is simply blinding.

This is not a new product launch event of a jewelry brand, but a private collection auction?

These things seem to be the real ones hidden in major museums, right?

He had known for a long time that the Mu family had imitated ancient gold wares, but he really didn't expect that his family could imitate all kinds of gold wares.

Next, Chen Wenzhe has learned a lot, and Ying Yuan has it all.

Yingyuan is an ancient gold coin, or a weighing currency of Chu State, and it is also the earliest primitive gold coin in my country.

"Ying" is the name of the capital city of Chu, and "Yuan" is the unit of currency weight. Its gold content is more than 90%, and the best quality can reach 99%.

When using, cut the gold plates or gold cakes into sporadic small pieces as needed, and then weigh them with a specific equiarm balance.

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(End of this chapter)

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