Chapter 823

Although the place in Pengcheng is not small, there are not many mountains there, and it is not easy to hide the tombs of the Han Dynasty.

For example, Liu Li's tomb has been discovered long ago in modern times.

It's a pity that the contents inside have been cleaned up long ago.

Even so, modern archaeologists have also found many cultural relics inside.

Through search and comparison, Chen Wenzhe found that some of the scenes he saw through backtracking were really similar to the modern tomb of Liu Li.

It was a very inconspicuous village, and an important Han tomb was hidden in it, which is the famous Beidongshan Han tomb.

From the appearance, it is far less magnificent than Guishan Han Tomb and Shizishan Han Tomb.

But its cultural relic value far exceeds the latter.

The Beidongshan Han Tomb is the only one in the archaeological excavations in my country so far, which is completely built according to the scenes of life in the underworld.

At the same time, it is also the tomb with the most complicated burial structure among the tombs of the Han Dynasty kings in Pengcheng.

With such an obvious layout of the tomb, Chen Wenzhe would not admit it wrong.

What's more, this tomb is said to be the tomb of Liu Li, the fourth king of Chu in the Western Han Dynasty.

The reason why it is a legend is not certain that it is Liu Li's tomb. It must be because all the important funerary objects inside have disappeared.

The batch of treasures that Chen Wenzhe saw earlier was transported away from here.

There is a lot of information that can be searched on the Internet. This ancient tomb looks inconspicuous on the outside, but there are hidden caves inside, which is an eye-opener.

Beidongshan Mausoleum of King Chu is located in Dongshan Village, Maocun Town, Tongshan District, on the north bank of the Grand Canal, ten kilometers north of Pengcheng City, and on the west side of Jinpu Railway.

Because the village is located in the north of Pengcheng City, it is commonly known as Beidong Mountain.

You know, there is not only one ancient tomb here, but at least three.

Through Xiaoxiong Ding, it is natural that this situation is not clear, but through the Internet, Chen Wenzhe does know that there are three hills in that small village.

In a place like Pengcheng, there should be a Han tomb under almost every mountain.

The largest and most attractive of them must be the tomb under a mountain in the southeast.

This hill is called Mount Huan, and there is a stone tomb in the mountain, which was stolen in the early years.

Even now, you can still see many inscriptions on the two walls of the tomb passage, which must be a Han tomb.

It's just that after walking in now, the walls are empty, with neither ash nor ashes.

Obviously, the tomb has been stolen, and it can even be said to be looted.

On this point, Chen Wenzhe has the most right to speak, because he knows some of the unearthed things.

Not to mention anything else, just seeing a large number of broken dancing and musical figurines unearthed from the tomb, he knew that these things belonged to people from that small village back then, and should not be thrown here.

It's just that those people are not professionals after all, and they don't clean up the ancient tomb.

The main reason is that it cannot be cleaned properly, because there is too much silt in the tomb.

It is only modern archaeologists who want to brush away the silt with a small brush little by little.

Besides, when so many treasures were discovered in the underground palace, who would have thought that there were many small treasures hidden in the mud?
It's just that modern people probably wouldn't have imagined that what they found were leftovers, right?

The main reason is that there are many things left behind. After modern people have discovered them, they feel very satisfied.

It also has to be said that professionals are professionals.

Although the ancient tomb was stolen, many precious cultural relics were cleared out, including gold belt hooks and small pieces of gold ornaments, copper bells, door locks, and crossbow arrows.

Jade wares include openwork jade pendants and jade sword decorations;

There are also a lot of lacquerware, but many of them are decayed, but the decoration is still very clear, and most of the shapes are of the case;
There are also many pottery figurines, but it is a pity that none of them are complete, because the complete ones have been transported away.

Among the things left over, what can best illustrate the identity of the owner of the tomb, the king of Chu, is the jade piece of the golden jade garment.

Fifty or sixty pieces of those jade pieces were found in the end, in the shape of scales. This is an early shape, which just serves as an annotation for the pearly scales in "Lushi Chunqiu".

Regarding this point, Chen Wenzhe felt very sorry, because if he found the treasures that were transported away, he might not be able to make up a complete set of golden jade clothes.

In addition to these important things, there are also some fragmentary ancient coins.

For example, in the tomb passage, a large number of half-two coins were unearthed, with a total of about [-] to [-] pieces.

This is the result after more than two million pieces were transported away. From this we can also see how luxurious this King Chu tomb is.

In fact, in the early Western Han Dynasty, all the princes and kings of various countries could mint a large amount of money in their feudal countries.

Therefore, the value of these copper coins is not high, even now, because too many unearthed.

Not to mention other things, just such a tomb has unearthed more than two million pieces.

In fact, what makes Chen Wenzhe feel more regrettable is that apart from the above fragments, those villagers left behind many important things, in addition to the jade pieces of the golden jade clothes, there are also copper seals.

Such as "Chu Palace Si Cheng", "Hong Zhi Zuo Wei" and other seals.

It is particularly worth mentioning that during the cleaning of the tomb passage, seven small niches were newly discovered on the two walls.

Go down the steps, pass the gate, and enter the tomb passage.

This side looks like an ordinary passage, and no one would have thought that there are niches on the walls on both sides of the tomb passage.

Among these niches, there are more than [-] painted pottery figurines in each niche, a total of [-] bodies.

These painted pottery figurines are all "lively" and vivid, which is also a great harvest from the cleaning of this tomb.

These are the guards of the tomb owner, guarding the gate for him.

But these pottery figurines are very small, and they are made with freehand brushwork.

Almost all Han figurines are like this, relatively small and exquisite.

It's a pity that those non-professional farmers never thought about cleaning up the passage of that ancient tomb, did they?
That's right, most people feel unlucky when entering the tomb, who would seriously clean the tomb passage inside?

Walking into the ancient tomb, there are also many pottery figurines left behind.

Many of these pottery figurines are familiar to Chen Wenzhe, such as the pottery figurines with arrows on their backs.

There are still 64 figurines left in the ancient tombs that have not been transported, including 6 figurines with double-breasted robes and back arrow grates, and 58 figurines with curved skirts and deep clothes with back arrow grates.

They all wear hats, wear long swords, and carry arrows on their backs.
The arrows are fixed by three straps under the armpit and the left shoulder, and tied to the chest to form a triangle, which is convenient for carrying and running.

The terracotta figurine's hands are half clenched on both sides of the waist, and the left hand is slightly crossed with the right hand, with the palm facing down, as if holding an object.

Judging from the arrow receptacle on the back, it is speculated that the bow may be held in both hands, but a few figurines still have decay marks of vermilion lacquer in their hands.

The painted Yiwei terracotta figurines unearthed from the tomb of the king of Chu in Beidongshan also have a major feature, that is, except for one terracotta figurine, all of them wear long swords.

From the length, color, and decoration of the saber, it can be seen that there are many types of Han swords with different decorations, which also reflect the different identities of the wearers.

(End of this chapter)

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