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Chapter 829 A Lot Of Big Lobsters

Chapter 829 A Lot Of Big Lobsters

Choosing to study, in an instant, Chen Wenzhe's brain fell into a fantasy.

He directly chose immersion learning. After all, he already had some foundations, and his physical fitness was extremely strong, so it would not be difficult to learn.

Sure enough, he learned very fast, and he mastered the basic skills of diving and hunting fish in less than a minute.

Then, Chen Wenzhe once again consumed ten achievement points and learned a specialization-level skill.

It didn't take long this time, it took a full ten minutes.

This is also very fast, because in this way, he can be compared to the old skilled worker, that is, Lao Zhao's current level, right?

There is no need to reach the master level for underwater fishing and diving, and the professional level is enough.

Chen Wenzhe didn't want to waste his achievements, he got up and moved around, ready to go into the water for a try.

There are still many skills learned this time. As an old fisherman, hunting fish is not easy.

Of course, the ancient fish hunting skills are not just about hunting fish. It can be said that after diving underwater, all activities are part of hunting fish.

Such as looking for abalone, catching abalone, as well as lobster, crab, conch, scallop and so on.

It can be said that in ten minutes, Chen Wenzhe learned a lot of knowledge, including many old fishermen, all the skills of making a living at sea.

And the most powerful thing here is to observe the environment. If you see what kind of environment, you will know what kind of creatures are likely to live here. This is the foundation for veteran fishermen to catch enough fish at sea.

With this kind of knowledge, or insight, Chen Wenzhe looked at the surrounding environment and found that this rocky area is really a good place.

Especially in the distance, facing the reef area facing the open sea, the aquatic products on the shore should be more abundant.

It's a pity that the wind and waves over there are even bigger. If you want to go there, you'd better familiarize yourself with the newly learned diving skills first!

With diving equipment, we came to another reef.

Instead of choosing a place with the most wind and waves, he chose a calm area with dense reefs around it.

This environment should be very suitable for the survival of creatures such as lobsters and crabs.

After thinking about it, this time Chen Wenzhe didn't directly put on the equipment and go into the water.

He really wanted to test whether the diving skills he had learned were really the same as those of an old fisherman.

"If you're lucky, there are lobsters here too."

Old Zhao was sitting on the boat, looking at Chen Wenzhe with a smile all the time.

For this group of young people, his senses are very good, he looks like a rich man, but he is neither arrogant nor impetuous, such young people are rare.

"If I find lobsters later, I'll catch a few with my bare hands."

"The reef over there encloses a piece of sea area. It can be regarded as a sea pit. There must be lobsters under the water. It depends on your ability."

Since Chen Wenzhe likes it, Lao Zhao doesn't mind pointing it out.

Chen Wenzhe went over to look around, and it was really not easy to see the reefs around. It seemed that the sea surrounded by reefs was not small.

Where Lao Zhao reminded, there must be good things underwater.

Chen Wenzhe took a deep breath and dived into the water.

This time it was completely different from the previous feeling. It turned out that going into the water was just going with the flow.

You must know that the ocean is not static, so without any experience, you can only drift with the current.

But now, at least Chen Wenzhe can control his body freely.

As the dive continued, the underwater visibility became lower and lower. At this time, Chen Wenzhe's control over himself became stronger and stronger.

Turn on the spotlight on his head, and with the light to provide illumination, you can see the sea fish swimming in front of him from time to time.

During this process, Chen Wenzhe also recognized some familiar sea fish.

"Grouper! You swim so fast!"

"Shi Jiugong! A litter, there is really something here!"

"I don't know the depth, how deep is it? The sun can't even shine down, so it shouldn't be shallow!"

Soon, Chen Wenzhe slowly dived into the bottom of the sea.

Along the way, he saw many fish.

It turned out that he didn't recognize them when he saw them, but now, he can recognize them at a glance, what kind of fish they are, whether they are dangerous, and whether they are delicious!

For example, grouper, even if he saw it, he would not recognize it.

Following the light, he slowly saw the situation under the sea.

Only when you see clearly will you be disappointed.

On the bottom of the sea, there are actually some beer bottles dropped by fishermen, and even some daily necessities.

It's just that it's a little quiet here, and this underwater seems to be another world.

Seeing this, Chen Wenzhe actually found it very interesting.

But where's the lobster here?

The environment below was very flat, and around him he saw some small crabs hidden in the sand.

Maybe there are lobsters here, but they must not be everywhere. Otherwise, Lao Zhao would have caught them long ago, so they can stay here?

Lobster is not cheap, no matter who it is, it is impossible to let it go.

With this understanding, Chen Wenzhe decisively picked up a wine bottle underwater.

Then, scenes of undersea scenes appeared before his eyes.

Search for lobsters, crabs, and soon, these creatures are all in front of his eyes.

Under the dark seabed, there is only a faint light.

But it is by virtue of this ray of light that the creatures on the bottom of the sea are living and multiplying.

Throwing away the wine bottle, Chen Wenzhe touched a broken fishing net again.

Sure enough, the backtracking skill can also be used on the fishing net, but the picture is more broken.

Otherwise, he might be able to see what's going on under the sea area through the fishing net.

It can be said that as long as the net remains intact, he can see through the net and see all the energy in the net.

If it is an old fishing net, then it has passed through this sea area, right?

It's just that the backtracking picture is too fragmented, and he can only analyze a few situations.

It's a pity that when using backtracking on the seabed reef, there is no response.

Float up, take a breath, come down and continue searching.

Soon, Chen Wenzhe felt the pattern.

There are lobster activities in this reef area, but very few, and they usually come out to look for food at night.

If you really want to look for lobsters, you need to go to reef groups with more complex environments.

Through a pendant, Chen Wenzhe accurately locked a group of reefs.

I don't know whose fishing rod left that pendant here, anyway, through it, Chen Wenzhe saw a lot of big lobsters.

Of course, he didn't know how many years of accumulation it was. He didn't think there were many big lobsters in this sea area.

Slowly groping, Chen Wenzhe soon found the trace of the big lobster.

Just after turning around a reef, Chen Wenzhe saw crabs and lobsters crawling on the bottom of the sea surrounded by reefs.

It's just that, being illuminated by the light, many crabs began to get into the mud, and the lobsters also began to hide.

Chen Wenzhe was very excited to see the shape of shrimps and crabs under the sea for the first time.

However, he quickly reacted and began to search around for targets that could be captured.

There are even a few lobsters that he can grab easily, but let them go one by one, mainly because they are too small.

(End of this chapter)

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