Chapter 871
Most of the large yellow croakers and red groupers were snatched by Qian Cheng, and the rest Gao Qijing decided to sell to fishmongers who bought frozen fish.

This can be regarded as a bonus, and these fishmongers are very happy.

Who would want too much of such a good product?

When all the fish in the freezing compartment were emptied, the returning crew members were all tired and excited.

What is tiring is that it is time-consuming and labor-intensive to salvage these catches from the water tank.

Happily, these catches were sold at high prices.

Although the specific income has not been calculated yet, the accountant has roughly calculated the income from fishing catches during this trip to sea, which is estimated to be more than one million yuan.

This also means that the crew who participated in the sharing can indeed earn a lot during this trip!

After selling the catch and cleaning the fishing boat, Chen Wenzhe immediately led the smiling crowd to the fresh fish restaurant to prepare for a big meal.

In any case, this trip to sea is also called a good start, and it is indeed worth celebrating.

Even though the business of Qian Cheng's restaurant was booming, when he learned that they wanted to reserve a box, he arranged it immediately.

It was at this moment that Chen Wenzhe received a call from Zheng Yu.

No need to think about it, he wants seafood.

But Dahai City is too far away from here, and he has no way to transport it in a short time. At most, he will leave some crabs for him.

It's just that it's too late to want it now, and they've all been sold just now. .

Gao Qijing only talked about the fleet when the group was in the restaurant and had almost eaten and drank.

The fleet must belong to the country, because Gao Qijing is just a poor soldier, and he can't buy a fishing boat worth a few million dollars.

Therefore, it turned out that they dispatched the fleet, but it was only used to carry out the mission.

When there is no task, they have to fish.

It's just that if you are not a professional, you don't catch many fish every time.

In this way, the gas money is lost, and often there is not much money to be made, and the management fee must be paid to the management company of the fishing boat.

It is better to say that it is a depreciation fee than a management fee.

But it was very difficult for them to pay for the depreciation fee.

The last time they went out with Chen Wenzhe, they cast nets to catch fish, purely depending on God's will.

At that time, Chen Wenzhe saw them working so hard and thought they had caught a lot of fish.

But after returning to Hong Kong, they realized that they hadn't caught anything at all.

If it wasn't for him this time, they certainly wouldn't have gained anything.

Gao Qijing understands this very well.

They can be said to be a drag on the base now, they can be used, but they are not often used.

And they control the fishing boats by themselves, and they can't support themselves.

There is no way, the base can only give them a part of the subsidy, which is the so-called salary.

Of course, their wages are not too high, even if a part of the fish harvest income is added, it is not much higher.

On the contrary, this time, they can have a good harvest.

The accountant was not busy eating just now, but calculated the accounts first.

This trip to sea, although not for a long time, has yielded a lot.

After deducting various expenses, the total harvest is [-] million yuan.

Among them, the biggest income is large yellow croaker, crab and red spot.

There are not many large yellow croakers, that is, one hundred and ten catties, but this little thing has sold for more than [-] yuan.

Crabs are not cheap either, even at the wholesale price, it has reached [-] yuan.

This time they went out mainly to catch sea crabs. With the price of [-] yuan, just this batch of crabs sold for [-] yuan!

In other words, they caught a total of more than [-] catties of crabs, more than five tons!

The sum of these two harvests is more than [-] million.

Other red spots, including miscellaneous fish, also sold for three to four hundred thousand.

A total of [-] million was earned, and [-] management fees were handed over. This time they will keep [-] million.

[-] million, Chen Wenzhe wants at least half, the other Gao Qijing takes [-]%, and the remaining [-]% is divided equally among ten people.

Even with such constant reductions, those ordinary crew members each have more than [-] yuan.

It's a year's worth of money at a time, and they can't be unhappy.

It's just that the happiness is only temporary, and Chen Wenzhe doesn't go to sea with them every time.

Now all the crew members can see that Chen Wenzhe has real skills.

They all wanted to keep Chen Wenzhe, or in other words, they all wanted to hang out with Chen Wenzhe.

But is this possible?
It's really possible, because if they follow the base, they won't be able to get ahead.

And many people in the base don't want to see them now, after all, they are a burden.

As for carrying out some secret missions, such as salvaging submarines released by some hostile countries, such things are not often done.

After a year, the number of tasks performed is very small, and they have now become a group of dispensable people.

Wouldn't it be better if someone helped the base to support them, and could help the base with some small tasks from time to time?
Therefore, the base also wants Chen Wenzhe to take over.

If Gao Qijing hadn't known this and got a hint, Gao Qijing wouldn't have tried Chen Wenzhe either.

"Boss Chen, do you have any idea to buy some fishing boats?"

Is this hint obvious enough?Gao Qijing looked at Chen Wenzhe eagerly, fearing that he would refuse.

"I really have this idea, but it's not easy to buy a fishing boat, right? Besides, I don't have time to go fishing often when I buy a fishing boat!"

Gao Qijing looked at Chen Wenzhe a little strangely, what does this mean?
Do you want to buy it, or don't you want to buy it?
Fishing is really profitable. Of course, this is for capable captains, and Chen Wenzhe must be a capable captain.

"I want to buy it, but I want to find a qualified captain!" Chen Wenzhe said with a smile.

Gao Qijing was even more worried. If he was qualified as a captain, he wouldn't want to sell himself to join him.

Looking at Gao Qijing's appearance, Chen Wenzhe understood what he was thinking.

"Actually, fishing is not difficult. If you have the basics, you only need to understand some underwater conditions, especially the distribution of fishing grounds, the movement of fish schools, and where do fish schools swim from every year, so that you can't catch fish? "

Without waiting for Gao Qijing to speak, Chen Wenzhe continued: "Also, this time going out to sea, where we go to the crab cage, you go there once a year, are you still afraid that you won't get anything?"

Some crabs can migrate, but the sea areas that Chen Wenzhe fished are all suitable places for crabs to live.

In that kind of place, as long as there is no overfishing and overfishing, there will be a lot of harvest every year.

Even harvesting two or three times a year is normal. If so, would Gao Qijing choose to join Chen Wenzhe?
Gao Qijing obviously thought of this too, but, relying on just a few sea areas, can he support more than forty brothers on four ships under his command?

It was obviously impossible, which made Gao Qijing very helpless.

"Does Boss Chen like our boats?" Gao Qijing asked bluntly.

"Of course I like it. Those leaders of your base want to sell it?" Chen Wenzhe asked with a smile.

"Sell, but the price is a bit high."

(End of this chapter)

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