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Chapter 880 The Only Passage

Chapter 880 The Only Passage
All of Chen Wenzhe's plans were completed, and he waited for the right opportunity to dig out the hidden treasure.

The reason why he paid so much is definitely because Chen Wenzhe has already confirmed that there is a treasure under the hill behind his new house.

At this time, he has fully integrated into this small mountain city, and it is more convenient to do anything.

However, just when he wanted to do something, the locals were more enthusiastic.

Now that Chen Wenzhe knew about the secret channels for obtaining wealth in the village, some folk customs in South Vietnam were no problem.

During this month, Chen Wenzhe had been stuffed by women three times, and each time became more beautiful.

I have to say that there are really many beauties in South Vietnam.

This is really a very special and interesting country, and there are many strange things in folk customs.

The idea of ​​"polygamy" has been thought of by many men, and it should be realized here.

In South Vietnam, monogamy is legally stipulated, but due to war and other reasons, there are fewer men here, generally men: 49%, women: 51%.

Such a demographic structure makes the local government acquiesce in polygamy.

Of course, polygamy here is rather unique.

If the husband wants to find another wife, he must get the consent of the eldest wife. .

If a man can support many wives, the husband can marry as many wives as long as the eldest wife agrees.

What they call their wives is more interesting than having multiple wives.

The first wife is called rice, the second wife is called second rice, the third wife is called rice noodles, the fourth wife is called noodles, and the fifth wife is called instant noodles.

Such titles are sorted according to the importance of food, and it also shows that for husbands, different wives have different importance.

The popular explanation is: rice is the staple food and is indispensable;

Although the importance of two rice is not so strong, it is still a staple food after all;
Rice noodles are used as snacks and supplemented as staple food;
Noodles are used when you are hungry; instant noodles are eaten whenever you want, and put aside when you don’t want to eat.

Therefore, when Chen Wenzhe didn't want rice, the locals, especially the few officials who had already gotten to know each other, began to stuff him with rice noodles.

They call their wives rice and their lovers rice noodles.

So when you are traveling in South Vietnam, if someone asks you if you want to eat "noodles", then you should pay attention.

Chen Wenzhe had no intention of looking for rice in South Vietnam, and of course, he would not eat rice noodles casually.

However, it is still essential to appreciate the beauty of South Vietnam.

Therefore, during this period of time, he didn't stay in the small mountain village every day, but also followed some local capable people to go out to see the world.

It was during this process that he met all kinds of beauties.

And what moved him the most was not the feasting, nor those beauties wearing modern clothes and makeup, but those innocent beauties wearing traditional clothes.

If you don’t come here, you really don’t know that their traditional dress, Ao Dai, is actually a cheongsam.

The cheongsam we are familiar with is generally the cheongsam that highlighted the slim figure of women during the Republic of China. When women wear it, they will look particularly elegant and beautiful.

In order to facilitate walking, the design of Chinese cheongsam is generally slit to the thigh.

Nanyue cheongsams are very different from the cheongsams in our impression. Their cheongsams are slit to the waist and both sides will be slit.

Don't think too much, people usually wear loose pants inside, which not only shows the elegant figure of women, but also facilitates their daily life.

After seeing beautiful women from South Vietnam, Chen Wenzhe also became a landlord. He directly took a group of new friends, boarded his own fishing boat, and went out to sea for a lap.

After being out for such a long time, other fishing boats would naturally not be idle, so after going out to sea, I met my own people who were fishing not far away.

At this time, the supplies consumed in South Vietnam for a month were sent to the ship again in large quantities.

This time, it is no longer ordinary tobacco, alcohol, sugar and tea, but various daily necessities, most of which are electronic products.

Naturally, the leaders of the base bought these things with the help of them, and they asked about it when they went out to sea. This is not against the law.

It's just that if you don't go through the customs of other countries, if you ship to other countries, you have to ask the laws of other countries.

Chen Wenzhe will certainly not violate any national laws, so in the open sea, when some fishing boats pass by, there will be some friendly exchanges.

These fishing boats will stop and make some exchanges with them.

It is usually exchanged with fish catches, and at most there are some precious metals, or precious wood, and some local specialties.

These things will first be transported back to the base in the South China Sea. After that, if they want to go to the island, they must pay taxes.

After a period of friendly exchanges, it became a matter of course for Chen Wenzhe to use the hidden small port in the small village.

Unfortunately, no matter how hard Chen Wenzhe searched, he couldn't find a convenient way to dig out treasures.

Even if he kept using backtracking to trace the historical picture here, he still didn't find a convenient passage, it seems that there is really no.

In the end, Chen Wenzhe determined that if he really wanted to find those treasures, he might still need to go through that mansion.

As far as he knew, the only remaining passage had been sealed.

If you want to get through now, it will definitely take a lot of time to get through.

Originally, I wanted to take a shortcut, but I didn't expect that there is no shortcut here!

That's right, if there is a shortcut, someone might get there first.

On this day, Chen Wenzhe returned from going to sea again, and lived in the luxurious mansion he built.

The mansion at this time is different from a month ago.

It was just a frame before, and now even the decoration has been completed.

As for the earth dragon that was still a bit damp, Chen Wenzhe kept and restored it, could it be a decoration?

Since the frame was completed, a large amount of wood has been stuffed into the ground dragon, plus sawdust and the like, and lit, the entire main building of the house will be nurtured.

It was at this time that the local people knew that the underground passage and small dark room were originally used for burning fire.

After a month of decoration, the house here was baked for a month.

Is there any trouble in doing so, and will it reduce the service life of the house? Is it important?

The most important thing is to be able to move in. After returning this day, Chen Wenzhe went directly to the house and invited some respected people in the village to have dinner.

After eating and drinking and sending everyone away, Chen Wenzhe really started to do what he always wanted to do.

Have to be careful, because there are no fools in this world.

A big family once disappeared in this land, could he be careless?

When I came to the main room, I lifted a piece of cement board, which was originally a part of the earth dragon, but now it is empty.

This is the main room, which is the most important central hall of the house.

Just below this, there is a passage leading to the back mountain.

The bottom here has been filled tightly, so it must be dug up.

(End of this chapter)

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