My system is not decent

Chapter 883 This is about to float to the sky

Chapter 883 This is about to float to the sky

Gao Qijing is not polite, besides, what are the chances of taking gold casually?And doing it once is very stress-free!

He is just an ordinary person, and he also feels moved when faced with the gold in the cave.

One gold brick was fifty catties, and ten pieces were only five hundred catties. He really couldn't believe it. He still couldn't carry five hundred gold bricks.

And as long as he brought it up, even if the other gold was piled up in front of him, he wouldn't even take a look at it, because it wasn't his own after all.

Thinking that she might get five hundred catties of gold at once, Gao Qijing was overjoyed.

A gentleman loves money in a proper way, and his way is not to be crushed to death.

Gao Qijing had regained his composure, he squatted down slowly, and began to build bricks on his body.

Pick up one piece first, get used to it, and feel that the weight is okay, mainly because this thing is small in size, even in your pocket, you can put a few pieces in it.

It's a pity that it's too heavy, and only one can be stuffed into a big pocket, otherwise the clothes he's wearing won't be able to bear it.

After several experiments, he finally picked up eight yuan.

Don't underestimate this point, you must know that four yuan costs almost two hundred kilograms.

Ordinary people don't say two hundred kilograms, he can't hold two hundred kilograms.

Fortunately, there were still four yuan in my pocket, so I picked up twelve yuan.

Unfortunately, this is Gao Qijing's limit, after all, the twelve yuan is close to [-] kilograms. .

"Do you still want to try it? Maybe you can get two more yuan after a few more experiments?" Chen Wenzhe said with a smile.

"Definitely have to try!" Gao Qijing looked at the brothers beside him unwillingly.

It's a pity that these people are not young, and their physical fitness is not at their peak.

Even if this one is elected, the most powerful one does not have very good results.

Of course, compared to Gao Qijing, he was much stronger.

Not only was his pocket full, but he even had two pieces on his shoulders.

That's ten yuan, not to mention, there are still ten yuan on his arm.

The arms on both sides were covered with gold, so he could stand up slowly like this, which is really amazing.

In the past, Chen Wenzhe only knew that there was someone in Africa who could carry a weight of several hundred kilograms on his head, but he did not expect that he would actually see it today.

"How much?" Gao Qijing asked involuntarily.

"Hey, sixteen yuan!"

"Damn, you kid is amazing!"

"Can someone help me? If someone puts it on for me, I can still put four yuan on my shoulder!"

"Do you want to put a few more pieces between your legs? You can also put two pieces in your armpits!"

"It's not impossible. I'll rest for a while and get up again. Maybe I can bring more than [-] yuan at a time!"

At this time, Chen Wenzhe was speechless. These people are really powerful, but this is too desperate.

The sixteen yuan just now should be his limit.

Twenty yuan is one thousand catties, even if it is pressed on the body and does not move, not everyone can bear it!
"Don't be so troublesome, you guys discuss it, find the most powerful one, as long as he can stand still, how many gold bricks he can carry on his body, and when he goes out in the future, each of you can take as many gold bricks home!"

"Eh? Is this okay? If it's [-] yuan per person, it's like rewarding us with [-] gold bricks." Gao Qijing said immediately.

"Is it more than two hundred yuan? It's less than one-twentieth of the price here. Besides, what I'm looking for this time is not just gold bricks, but also gold wares, bronze wares, and pottery figurines."

"Okay, as long as your big boss is willing, we really dare to take it!"

Gao Qijing naturally understood what Chen Wenzhe meant, how much gold he took was not important, the most important thing was not to be distracted.

Find something for these subordinates to do, so you don't have to think about those messy things.

Twenty gold pieces per person, how much is this?

Although one piece of these gold bricks is less than fifty catties, the difference is only three hundred grams, less than one catty.

In other words, a difference of twenty catties is a thousand catties of gold, and the exact amount is nine hundred and eighty catties.

It's about [-] kilograms. If one kilogram is [-] yuan, it's worth about [-] million yuan.

It's a pity that no matter how you try it, the strongest strong man can only carry twenty yuan.

And this is still very reluctant, twenty gold bricks are pressed on his body, and he can support it for two or three seconds at most.

This is already very powerful, after all, twenty gold bricks are worth a thousand catties.

This is also [-] kilograms, half a ton, half a ton of gold for each person, which is definitely not a lot.

Regardless of others, Gao Qijing was very satisfied at this time anyway.

A dozen or so people were scattered around, talking in low voices.

They are all looking forward to how to spend the money after completing the mission this time and returning home.

I must buy a house, and I must buy it in a big city. After that, I will arrange for my children to go to school. If I can buy a good car, that would be the best.

"You boys, don't you plan to retire after sharing this bonus?"

After listening for a while, Gao Qijing felt something was wrong.

Is it too much bonus given to them this time?Even if it is [-] kilograms, the value is more than [-] million. With so much money, can these guys be normal if they get it?
If it floats, it will hurt them.

"Don't think about good things. This batch of gold must not be sold at one time. At most, some should be sold in case of emergency. The rest will be hidden in the bank vault. Otherwise, if you get it, why don't you spend time and drink? Who will come out to carry out the mission? ?”

After Gao Qijing said this, the others stopped talking.

"Don't be so short-sighted, what is this little money now? We still have to salvage the sunken ship! Our boss has information on a whole treasure ship, but we haven't found it yet. As long as we find any one, it will be another time. A level of harvest.

Also, we still have quite a few brothers. They didn’t come out to carry out the task, and they couldn’t get a large bonus. Think about it, do you want to retire after doing it once? "

"Captain, we haven't thought about retirement. Is this a lot of money? It's not much at all, okay?"

Gao Qijing looked over in surprise, [-] million is not too much?How drifting are you?

"Yes, hasn't the captain watched the short video? [-] million is not considered a rich man in a second-tier city, because half a [-] million is enough to enter a house, decorate it, buy some good furniture, and [-] million will be gone. After that Didn’t pay the property fee?”

"Ah?" Gao Qijing opened his mouth in surprise, what else is there?

You can buy a villa with [-] million yuan, right?What furniture can be worth [-] million?This is going to float to the sky!

"It's true, this is still a second-tier city. If you go to a first-tier big city, maybe this little gold can't be exchanged for a big house!"

Gao Qijing was speechless, who is so stupid?I can't think about it before spending [-] million to buy a house!

[-] million, you are considered rich wherever you go, right?And he is very rich!
It's good to let these guys think so, though.

(End of this chapter)

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