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Chapter 893 One Jade Pillow and One Tomb

Chapter 893 A Jade Pillow and a Tomb
After touching the ring head knife in his hand a little, at least Chen Wenzhe can use it proficiently now, right?

There is also the short halberd in his hand, which can be used as a dart.

If it is thrown, no one can escape within a short distance.

This is also an annoyance caused by discovering too many treasures at once.

What's more, the contact time between him and the dozen or so bodyguards under him is really too short.

If it's been a long time and he's already familiar with it, maybe he won't worry about gains and losses and feel uneasy.

Looking at the time, it was almost dawn, there was not much time left, and Chen Wenzhe had no interest in continuing the treasure hunt.

After working all night, I was already very tired, but now I have learned a lot of martial arts.

To say that martial arts is too exaggerated, at most, it is considered to have learned some skills in using cold weapons.

I don't want to continue the treasure hunt, I feel that my brain is okay, and I am not too dizzy.

Chen Wenzhe simply pulled out a halberd, and started dancing in a small space.

This is good for self-inheritance, as long as his skills are slightly adapted, it is as if he has been practicing martial arts for many years, and he can skillfully use the hand halberd in his hand!
Although he didn't learn some routines, he felt that the simplest movements such as chopping, stabbing, and locking were more practical.

"Boss, it's getting late, why don't we continue tomorrow night?"

Chen Wenzhe was reminded by Gao Qijing and immediately came to his senses.

He looked at his watch, it was already six o'clock in the morning, it should be dawn outside, right?

Unexpectedly, after practicing like this, he actually contacted for more than an hour. .

"Go, continue tomorrow!"

Without any hesitation, Chen Wenzhe even put back the four weapons he picked out just now.

However, before leaving, Chen Wenzhe took some pictures with his mobile phone.

After returning to the house and closing the passage, Chen Wenzhe didn't leave the room, but Gao Qijing and the others started to go about their own business.

They couldn't rest yet. At this time, everyone was carrying a backpack, fully armed and ran around the manor a few times. After the sky was completely bright, they ran out of the manor and ran to the small port.

In fact, it is not far from the small port. After running out of the manor, and turning half a circle around the hill in the north, we arrived at the small port sandwiched between two hills.

It turned out that they would run back to the small port every morning, and had dinner on the boat in the small port before returning to the house.

These are all planned, they were useless before, but now they are used.

Now that the house has been built, it is a bit unreasonable to continue to eat on the boat, but training is still necessary.

So Chen Wenzhe and Gao Qijing didn't go there, only the other ten people ran over fully armed as if they were training, and came back after eating.

During this process, a backpack of gold bricks has been transferred to the ship.

Using backpacks to transfer gold bricks was a plan they had made long ago.

Eat three times a day, and take out thirty backpacks each time.

After a little longer, all the things here can be transferred out.

Now we can only transfer the gold bricks first. They are large in number and small in size, so they are the easiest to transfer.

Of course, a modified fishing boat that stops at the port every day and does nothing is also suspicious.

Therefore, from time to time, this ship can also go to sea, or return to China to do some supplies.

These things are very normal to do, and even these things are things that some local people are looking forward to, so naturally they don't arouse suspicion.

Now the most important thing is to sort out the cultural relics, and to transport them out and load them on ships.

"We transfer in this way, the speed is still too slow, too fragmented, the time is prolonged, and it is prone to problems!"

Gao Qijing spoke while eating.

Chen Wenzhe glanced outside, the chefs hired locally were not there, so they didn't have to be afraid of being overheard when they spoke.

"Take your time, as long as the opportunity is right, the exit at the port must be opened, otherwise some large treasures will not be able to be transported!"

You know, all the things that appear now are small things, and the large bronzes and pottery figurines have not been discovered yet!

Chen Wenzhe was a little worried. He took out his mobile phone and did a little calculation. There were too many commonly used gold utensils.

Previously, what he paid attention to were some special gold utensils, some common ones such as calendula, golden spoon, gold cup, gold town, ordinary gold belt hook and gold leaf, these things were put together in large batches.

For example, calendula, with a little search, you can count dozens of pieces.

There are not a thousand pieces of these pieces of gold, but there are 999 pieces.

In addition, there are thousands of spring-shaped vessels made of gold or other metals.

Let’s not talk about the value of these things, just the shape, and some of them cannot be moved at will.

Take ordinary marigolds as an example, one of them is 11 centimeters high, 15 centimeters in diameter, 1 centimeters in lid diameter, and weighs 15 grams.

It weighs more than four catties, and it's just a bottle of calendula.

A calendula of this grade must be the largest among gold wares, not to mention the largest and heaviest among the gold wares unearthed in China, it must not be far behind.

If such gold objects are stacked together, they will definitely be damaged. Even if there is no other damage, it is just a deformation, which is unacceptable.

In fact, these pure gold utensils are relatively easy to deal with. What are really difficult to deal with are some inlaid utensils, or some treasures with vulnerable parts.

For example, some jade pillows he photographed, the appearance of this kind of thing can be said to represent an ancient person, or it can be said that a jade pillow represents an ancient tomb.

When he left in a hurry, Chen Wenzhe wanted to take photos, so he naturally took the important ones and took them in large quantities.

The most numerous are calendula, golden cups, golden bowls and other things.

Among the important treasures, there are things like jade pillows.

How many jade pillows there are in that cave can almost determine how many ancient tombs of the Han Dynasty were dug by a clan in that small mountain village in the past few decades.

"The number really exceeds ten!"

Find a photo. The jade pillow in this photo has the most complicated shape and the best preservation.

In fact, a jade pillow of this size has been unearthed long ago, and Chen Wenzhe is very familiar with the shape of this kind of jade pillow.

This kind of jade pillow is composed of 9 pieces of jade pieces, 3 pieces of jade plates, 2 pieces of tiger heads and bamboo plates.

There are drilled holes on the top of the jade plate and jade tiger head, and the jade piece is decorated with animal patterns.

This kind of jade pillow with complex shape is not small. It is 42.1 centimeters long, 7.5 centimeters wide and 10.4 centimeters high.

In 1991, a jade pillow from the Western Han Dynasty was unearthed at Houlou Mountain in Pengcheng.

It can be said that it is roughly the same as the one in front of me.

In comparison, these two jade pillows are both engraved with tiger patterns on the top of the jade piece, and the tiger body of the weapon is decorated with scroll patterns.

These features are so obvious that you can remember them at a glance, and it's hard to forget them!

(End of this chapter)

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