My system is not decent

Chapter 919 Goose World "Rolls Royce"

Chapter 919 Goose World "Rolls Royce"

For example, many foreigners can't accept the various whips that are more popular in China.

Among domestic gourmets, the meat quality of Nanyue Dongtao Chicken is mediocre, which is not considered good.

However, this thing is quite popular with local South Vietnamese diners.

You might think that Nanyue Dongtao Chicken has weirdly thick and fat legs.

But in fact, he has a lot of meat. If he has never eaten other good things, there is such a special thing with a good taste, will it be sought after by people?

Therefore, they were once used as tribute to the royal family and sacrifices, and top-grade hospitality in South Vietnam.

If you let Chen Wenzhe say, this kind of chicken is actually similar to domestic chickens in taste.

In this way, there is no need to say nothing to it because of its strange legs.

In fact, the method of this kind of chicken is the same as our domestic chicken, nothing special.

It's just that this kind of chicken is considered unpalatable to domestic people if it loses the aura bestowed on it by the royal family.

However, what people focus on is not chicken, but the pair of chicken legs.

Poultry, don't they eat chicken wings, chicken legs and so on?
These parts are the most delicious, right?It was delicious, but the drumsticks of this Dongtao chicken are still so thick.

Thickness means that there is meat, and with the stickiness of the chicken legs, it tastes okay.

At the very least, it tastes much better than other muscles. .

With the addition of local ingredients and methods in South Vietnam, this kind of chicken drumsticks tastes more flavorful.

Anyway, Chen Wenzhe was quite satisfied with his meal.

There must be a reason why this thing has not been promoted in China.

It can only be said that the audience of this thing is too small and not common.

Not to mention anything else, just because there are few, the price must be high.

Depending on the type, the price per kilogram of Dong Tao chicken can reach 35 to 40 South Vietnamese dong, or about RMB 105.5 to 118.

This price, even in China, is definitely not low.

The thick chicken feet can be sold for up to 600 million South Vietnamese dong, or about 1775 yuan.

In 2013, a farmer in Ho Minh City even refused to sell a pair of Dong Tao chicken feet at a price of less than 5000 million Vietnamese dong, or about 15519 yuan.

This price is equivalent to a goose head of a domestic lion head goose, right?
The moment Chen Wenzhe saw the Dongtao chicken, he thought of a kind of famous southern lo mei.

If you eat someone else's Dongtao chicken, you will naturally get something in return.

Therefore, after Chen Wenzhe returned to China, Qing Ruanyin and Wu Mingzhu would eat lion's head and goose.

As a kind of poultry, there are many kinds of geese. Among them, the most expensive goose world "Rolls Royce" lion head goose can be regarded as the leader among geese.

If I had known earlier, the auction price of a goose head of a lion head goose must have exceeded [-] yuan.

So why is it so expensive?Compared with other geese, is there anything special about lion head goose?
In fact, it is similar to Dongtao chicken. Dongtao chicken has a pair of thick legs.

Lion-headed geese have large sarcomas on the top and sides of their heads because of their large heads.

Because this resembles a "lion's head", it is named lion head goose.

The lion head goose is famous for its huge sarcoma on the top of its head and its huge body size. You must know that its sarcoma will grow bigger as it ages.

Therefore, the goose head with an auction price of tens of thousands has an abnormally large tumor.

This is a huge lion head goose, the weight of an adult male goose is 10 kg to 12 kg.

The mother goose is slightly lighter, but the heavy one can reach 10 kg.

Compared with ordinary geese, lion head geese are bigger in size.

According to reports, at the 2020 Chenghai Lion's Head and Goose International Network Festival, the "Biggest Lion's Head and Goose" competition was held.

One of the lion-headed geese won the title of goose king with a weight of 34.4 catties.

Afterwards, the old goose heads collected this time were auctioned, and the auction price of one goose head was as high as [-] yuan, which can be said to be comparable to Dongtao chicken.

Of course, the quality of this tens of thousands of goose heads is very good.

If you usually buy it, the general price ranges from 600 yuan to thousands of yuan.

Compared with the price we buy ordinary geese, there will still be a big gap.

However, the lion head goose has a strong physique and delicious meat. It is said that it does not have the fishy smell of ordinary goose meat, and it tastes very "silky" when eaten.

So even though it is expensive, there is still a market.

So why are lion-headed geese, which have a market and are not cheap, but few people raise them?
Because this kind of goose grows too fast, and the goose meat is not delicious, the only delicious one is one head.

It grows fast, eats a lot, and the cost of feeding is also high, and it takes too long to consume.

It's just a time cost, which discourages Chinese people who are pursuing quick money!
Eat and drink enough, the transaction has been completed.

After they tidied up, they got into the car and followed the truck transporting the timber to a small hidden port not far away.

After getting on the boat, while waiting for others to carry the wood, Chen Wenzhe and Ruan Yin had a popular science about lion-headed geese in China.

Especially braised geese. I remember that a few years ago, the documentary "A Bite of China" was everyone's favorite program.

It can be seen from the program that the food culture of our country is very diverse, and each place has its own special food.

There is a dish in the Chaoshan area, which is rated as one of the top ten classic dishes in Guangdong Province. Its raw material is "lion head goose".

"A Bite of China" is fairly well-known. This is a promotional film that CCTV vigorously promotes, so even if it is abroad, many foreigners know about it.

When Chen Wenzhe said this, Ruan Yin was really interested.

Of course, what he was more interested in was Chen Wenzhe's boat.

Since they were interested, Chen Wenzhe didn't mind showing them around.

In fact, Chen Wenzhe himself hadn't even looked at this boat seriously. Looking at it now, it really doesn't look like a fishing boat after modification.

Not to mention other things, it is just a fish storage cabin, and it has been changed too much.

The water tank that is usually used to store live fish has not been cancelled, but it has been reduced a lot.

Others that have shrunk are the original huge cryogenic cabin, which has been remodeled too much.

The refrigeration equipment in the original freezer cabin was removed and split into two.

Most of them have become dormitories, and only a small part is left. Because there is no refrigeration equipment, they can only rely on ice to preserve seafood.

Also, maybe the original crane was broken, and the power of the crane that was replaced later was too small.

Chen Wenzhe specifically asked, the small crane on this boat can only lift a thousand kilograms of weight, what can it do?
It is necessary to find a reason to replace the crane, and the reason is easy to find.

Chen Wenzhe had already planned these things, so he was not in a hurry.

This fishing boat is not small. It now has a freezer cabin, water tank, dormitory, entertainment room, study room, observation room, cockpit, storage room and so on.

Chen Wenzhe knew that there were some underwater robots hidden in the storage room. These things were used to salvage some underwater equipment, and they were a specialty of the South China Sea!

(End of this chapter)

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