My system is not decent

Chapter 928 Something Technical

Chapter 928 Something Technical
Gao Qijing had long forgotten what it was all about, and he had already shouted happily: "I've bitten the hook!".

Chen Wenzhe saw the fishing rod at the stern of the boat, and found that just after a school of fish was found on this side, the other side became bent again.

At this time, Gao Qijing was winding up the thread nervously.

After adjusting the hull, throwing the speargun, and tying the tail of the fish, after a set of actions, another fish was dragged onto the deck.

It seems that Gao Qijing was not lucky just now, but did have this ability.

The two of them cooperated with each other and pulled up a big fish very easily.

This one is about [-] catties, according to Chen Wenzhe's visual inspection, it is comparable to the previous one.

When the second fish was pulled up, Chen Wenzhe knew that Gao Qijing's bragging about being good at fishing was indeed true.

This guy really has two brushes, and he's not exactly bragging.

You must know that although there are professional tuna fishing boats in China, the boat he originally used is absolutely not.

He was able to catch tuna for the first time, and he has the current performance, which is already very good.

The fish bites the bait and does not let go, as long as it does not take off the hook, or let the fish straighten the hook, it is impossible to spit out the hook.

In fact, this can show the level of fishermen. .

If you pull it hard, it is very likely to be unhooked.

However, if you have rich experience and follow the strength of the tuna to retract and release, you must not let it be easily unhooked.

Regarding the touch, Chen Wenzhe never thinks that he is worse than others.

Even in terms of eyesight, Chen Wenzhe is also very good.

Looking at Gao Qijing's operation, he knew that the fish would not blurt out, because he was very skilled in taking up and releasing the line.

Therefore, as long as the bluefin tuna bites the bait, Gao Qijing can control the fishing rod and sense the fishing line to keep it biting the hook.

For Gao Qijing, the main thing is not how quick the reflection is, but the sufficient skills and experience.

A little delay in the reaction will not make the fish spit out the hook, as long as the fishing line can be controlled and will not be torn off for various reasons.

Two hooks were bitten, and two were dragged up, which made Chen Wenzhe smile even more.

Anyone who didn't meet a pig teammate would be happy.

Afterwards, he can tell Gao Qijing what he knows about the tuna fishing grounds.

With a high level of fishing, as long as you know where there are bluefin tuna and add the fish finder on the boat, it is definitely not difficult to catch fish.

Besides, if things go according to the current pace, the [-] million he bought the boat will soon be able to pay back, right?
Just rely on fishing to pay back!It turns out that Chen Wenzhe didn't expect it to happen so soon.

Although two fish weighing more than [-] catties cannot equal the cost of the department, it will be a matter of time.

Not to mention other things, even if you can only catch two such heavy bluefin tuna every time you go out to sea, you will have an income of almost half a million.

In this way, maintaining a fleet is completely sufficient.

Now that the whole fishing season has just started, Chen Wenzhe thinks he can earn more.

It's just that he's not here to make money, he's here for travel and treasure hunting.

Fishing now is just to pass the time, when he leaves, Gao Qijing and the others can fish as much as they want.

The swimming speed of the blue flag tuna is very fast. It is quite good to catch two small fish in a few schools.

So, after handling the fish, Chen Wenzhe found a place to rest.

Lie down and close your eyes, and when you wake up, you find that you have slept for two hours.

Get up from the chair, walk to the stern, and see Gao Qijing is still throwing bait into the water piece by piece.

"Are you awake? Captain!" Gao Qijing immediately raised his head and smiled when he saw Chen Wenzhe approaching.

"Go and sleep for a while, I'll cast the bait!" Chen Wenzhe said.

After hearing Chen Wenzhe's words, Gao Qijing did not shirk.

He handed the small fork to Chen Wenzhe's hand, and stood up from the small stool.

"Ouch!" Gao Qijing twisted her waist and said, "I always thought that we would have a third fish biting the bait soon, but the few fish on the fish finder were just wandering around forty or fifty meters underwater, so why? Not coming up anymore, these few fish are much more cunning than the last two!".

"The harvest is already good!" Chen Wenzhe forked a piece of fish and threw it into the sea.

Gao Qijing said: "No one would dislike having gained too much!".

Looking at the happy Gao Qijing, Chen Wenzhe thought of something: "By the way, you should pay the share this time, after all, you also contributed.".

Cooperation requires mutual benefit. Since Gao Qijing sincerely trusts him, there is no need for Chen Wenzhe to search and search for a few small money.

Besides, it's also because his level is really good.

Although it was teaching fishing this time, he didn't teach Gao Qijing anything.

It would not be good if Gao Qijing was not given a share of it for granted just by talking about the location of the fishing ground.

Although Gao Qijing would not say anything, it was unnecessary.

Even if Gao Qijing received a high reward last time, the small harvest this time needs to be distributed according to work.

Chen Wenzhe is not a stunned young man who just came out of school and takes everything for granted.

Although he didn't spend much time in society, but through retrospective and immersive experience, he has seen too many fickle people.

You know, tell Gao Qijing the location of some fishing grounds, and Gao Qijing will also make money for Chen Wenzhe in the future.

Using this reason, not giving Gao Qijing a share would be exploiting him a bit.

When Gao Qijing heard this, he immediately shook his head and said, "No, I'm the only one who gets the share. How can that be? If I lead a team out to sea in the future, I will definitely get the share. Now we still have to follow the previous rules, we all get paid." .

After he finished speaking, he smiled at Chen Wenzhe and said, "As long as we find a good fishing ground, we will definitely not be short of money in the future!"

Gao Qijing is very satisfied with her current life, after all how long has she been with Chen Wenzhe?A dozen of them are about to achieve financial freedom.

"Haha, it's good to have this confidence!"

Chen Wenzhe laughed immediately after hearing this.

Hearing what Gao Qijing said, Chen Wenzhe didn't insist, because Gao Qijing was right.

Don't worry about scarcity but inequality, this kind of thing is the same everywhere.

Although it may be fine, it is better not to leave hidden dangers.

Besides, as far as the current income of the two fish is concerned, if everyone gets a share, they won't get much.

In fact, if the boss is generous, when he waits to go ashore, if he counts some bonuses or something, he will make up for it all.

Therefore, there is no need to shirk each other now.

Now as long as Chen Wenzhe can say that he has this intention, Gao Qijing should have no problem here, this is the way of life.

After talking about this topic, Gao Qijing went back to the cabin to sleep.

Don't underestimate the job of sitting on the side of the boat and throwing bait for two or three hours. It is a mechanical activity, but it is actually very tiring.

Of course, Chen Wenzhe wasn't that stupid. After Gao Qijing fell asleep, he put down his bait-casting fork, intending to do something technical.

(End of this chapter)

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