My system is not decent

Chapter 932 Profit maximization

Chapter 932 Profit maximization
It is not that Chen Wenzhe has never eaten tuna. Although it is a small restaurant in China, and it is not a big fish or bluefin tuna, the taste should be similar.

He really can't enjoy it, even if it is seasoned, he can't enjoy it.

The main one is the sashimi of bluefin tuna, which is too fat. Although it melts in the mouth, it is full of fat. Although it is very fragrant, is it really good to eat like this?
It doesn't matter if you eat it once in a while, but if you have money and eat it often, it's courting death.

By the way, there is also the so-called Wagyu beef, which is almost all fat. It tastes good after a bite, but these are all fat.

It turned out that Chen Wenzhe didn't care about these things. After all, he was young and in good health, so it's okay to be greedy.

However, he has acquired a lot of traditional Chinese medicine inheritance, so he naturally knows that oil can cause great damage to the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular.

The onset of cerebral infarction and myocardial infarction patients is almost all related to eating habits, and the two most important factors are heavy oil and salt.

Whether it is bluefin tuna or Wagyu steak, they are all high-fat foods, and the effect of melting in the mouth is all due to fat.

It can be said that one bite will fill your mouth with oil!
Chen Wenzhe really doesn't know why this kind of food is packaged as a high-end food and is sought after by people.

Of course, fish and beef are better than pork, but the fat is the same.

Although modern research proves that eating animal fats is good for the body, it is hooliganism to talk about the benefits or disadvantages without dosage!
No matter how good the food is, don't be greedy!
Chen Wenzhe followed Qian Cheng and boarded the boat.

As for the fishmonger below, they are fighting endlessly for the four bluefin tuna.

More than [-] catties of bluefin tuna are rare, and they are all high-quality blue flag tuna processed in the first time, which makes them even more excited. .

Although the price of such bluefin tuna is a bit expensive, it is not worrying about selling it at all.

Not to mention other places, but how many high-end hotels are there on South China Sea Island?

Any of these hotels can easily sell a bluefin tuna weighing [-] catties, and the time will definitely not exceed one day.

An average of two catties of fish per person is only two hundred people.

According to the average consumption level of [-] yuan per customer, it can be sold for [-] yuan.

And how much is it to buy a [-]-jin tuna?At most two to three hundred thousand.

If you sell it, you will make a lot of money, and this is not the most important thing.

The most important thing is top-quality ingredients. Those big hotels bought such a big fish in the past, so they will naturally maximize their profits.

Such a big fish, how many gourmets have to be attracted to enjoy it?

This is advertising, this is the brand!
Therefore, there is no need to worry about selling really good things!

Chen Wenzhe knew that the one million yuan was stable, so he didn't care too much about it. Instead, it was the huge monster on the boat, and the price was hard to estimate.

When he came to the deck, Qian Cheng immediately saw the big fish buried under the ice.

Being able to bring it back is really thanks to the ice cubes Chen Wenzhe bought.

"What a big guy, it looks like a sea monster!"

Qian Cheng looked at the huge tuna lying on the deck, showing a little head and a small tail.

"It's not easy to get it up!" Chen Wenzhe pointed at Gao Qijing with a smile and said, "It took Lao Gao and I more than three hours to drag it onto the boat!".

"Did you use a speargun?" Qian Cheng asked.

Chen Wenzhe shook his head with a smile: "It's useless!"

He then patted the oilcloth covering the fish, and continued: "When it got to the side of the boat, it had no strength! Weighed it after catching it, it was about [-] catties!".

"It weighs more than nine hundred catties? I hope it can be a little heavier!"

Qian Cheng said to Chen Wenzhe with a smile on his face, "This may be the largest bluefin tuna caught in the world in recent years."

Originally blue flag tuna of this size were not uncommon, but not now.

As human science and technology become more and more advanced, it is no longer difficult to catch tuna.

Therefore, with the extension of time, some big fish have entered the belly of human beings.

Now Chen Wenzhe suddenly caught a big guy weighing more than [-] catties, and he became the biggest one.

"The biggest tuna? Can it be put up for auction?"

Chen Wenzhe didn't know whether to be happy or sigh.

Being happy means that this fish can be sold for a good price, and being unhappy means that the fish was born at an untimely time!
There are fewer such big fish now, and even at the Neon side, the sales don't seem to be so booming!
The two were chatting about the big fish on the deck, when they suddenly heard a few cheers from a distance.

Soon the two saw that a big fish was hoisted from the boat.

Comparing it with the loaded car, you can tell that this fish is definitely not small.

"What a big fish!"

"Well, it's not small"

"This year's fish catch is good! How many days have I been out to sea this time? I caught four big fish!".

Soon, twenty or thirty people surrounded the yard.

At this time, the four fish have already determined the buyer after fierce competition.

An average of [-] yuan per fish is really not something everyone can eat.

After all, this port is not a big port, at least compared to Dahai City and Yangcheng City, it is still a bit worse.

Of course, the main reason is that many fishmongers here do not have the channels to deal with this kind of big fish.

If you want to sell at a higher price in the future, you will definitely not be able to dock at such a small pier.

The most ideal place must be transported to places like Yangcheng, Shenzhen and Dahai for sale.

As for God or something, it is too far away.

As a bluefin tuna was hoisted, discussions immediately erupted on the pier.

After seeing such a big bluefin tuna, all the fishmongers, fishermen, and captains around really believed that there are really fishing grounds for bluefin tuna in the South China Sea.

Unfortunately, they don't know where.

As for entering the Coral Delta, many people are hesitant, because the forces of various countries are rampant there!

Even if they were a bit bold in the past, because there were too many fishing boats over there, they didn't have much experience, so they wouldn't gain much.

After a long time, no one cares about it.

Others, not professional fishing boats, cannot catch bluefin tuna.

You must know that bluefin tuna is a deep-sea fish, and ordinary trawlers simply cannot go down to the sea at a depth of several hundred meters.

Besides, no one would trawl in the deep sea.

Do you really think that going online will not increase your gas bill?Now going to sea, the biggest cost has two aspects, one is labor cost, and the other is fuel cost.

Plus, countries around the world are now banning the use of trawlers to catch bluefin tuna schools.

Due to various difficulties, there are fewer and fewer domestic fishing boats fishing for bluefin tuna.

Occasionally, a piece of news is reported, saying that some domestic fishing boats have caught bluefin tuna, and the selling price is not too expensive, because it is caught by accident, many people will not handle it, or it is not well preserved at all!
(End of this chapter)

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