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Chapter 955 feast for the eyes

Chapter 955 feast for the eyes
Soon, the elevator opened, and they came to the warehouse at the bottom of the ship.

After coming over, I happened to see four or five Buddha statues as tall as a person, squeezed on a small cart-like thing, and transported to the warehouse.

Chen Wenzhe looked at it a little, and he knew how it was transported. There are tracks below.

These transport flatbed trucks are also electric, as long as things are placed on the flatbed, they can be transported anywhere very easily.

As for entering the warehouse, there are many forklifts inside.

Don't think about it, some small forklifts must have entered that treasure cave.

The channel leading to the port has finally been opened, otherwise, these Buddha statues would not be transported in so easily.

"How's the speed?" Chen Wenzhe didn't want to delay for too long, and it would be best to finish the transportation tonight.

"Mechanized operation is very fast. The most troublesome thing is these Buddha statues. Let's count them, there are thousands of them, big and small!"

Chen Wenzhe really didn't expect that there are thousands of Buddha statues hidden in that passage.

You know, the most common ones are bronze statues and wooden statues, usually precious gold and silver statues, and then jade statues!
"Boss, you would never have imagined that when we opened the passage to the Buddha statue, we unexpectedly found several treasure chests buried at the entrance of the passage."

Soon, Gao Qijing led Chen Wenzhe to some wooden boxes.

The wooden box is new, but the jade and jewelry inside are extremely dirty.

Then I picked up one, and it turned out to be a crystal with a hook.

At first glance, it is the style of the Western Han Dynasty, and the Western Han Dynasty was the heyday of the development of belt hooks.

However, crystal belt hooks are very rare, and the most common ones are bronze, with gold, jade and other textures.

The production of jade belt hooks in the Western Han Dynasty has been further innovated on the basis of inheriting the types and techniques of the Warring States period.

This crystal belt hook unearthed from a Han tomb has a simple shape, which is consistent with the style of the Western Han jade belt hook.

The chemical composition of crystal is silicon dioxide, which has high hardness. It was a precious item in ancient times, and wearing crystal products was also a symbol of rank and status.

Crystal belt hooks in the Western Han Dynasty are extremely rare and have only been unearthed in high-level tombs such as the tomb of King Zhongshan in Mancheng. Therefore, this crystal belt hook is even more precious.

The crystal belt hook in Chen Wenzhe's hand is 5.8 cm long and 2.2 cm high. Although it is small, its processing technology is very extraordinary.

It is very difficult to know the processing technology of crystals in ancient times, especially in the ancient times of [-] years, because the tools are not good enough, and the processing is even more difficult.

Often such crystal products are made by water milling, carving and polishing slowly over a long period of time.

Pick it up and wipe it carefully a few times, and the exquisite and translucent feeling will come.

After just a few glances, Chen Wenzhe put it down because there are so many good things here.

Crystals and jade articles are small items, so there are too many things in the big box in front of me.

It can be said that the cultural relics here are dizzying, especially the cultural relics of the Han Dynasty, which are so many and good that Chen Wenzhe feasted his eyes.

Pick up a jade ring casually, the shape is simple, it must be the craftsmanship of the Western Han Dynasty.

This jade ring is clean and flawless, it should be suet white jade.

Then pick up a Hanyu leopard, which is cute and has a collar around its neck, which seems to be a taming leopard.

There is also an exquisite jade dragon, whose shape and workmanship can be called rare treasures.

Naive jade leopard-crystal belt hook-flawless jade ring-exquisite jade dragon, each of these things is a treasure.

Chen Wenzhe couldn't help but patted his head, he actually forgot the jade.

That group of people dug so many tombs, how could there be no jade?

At that time, what he was looking for was the bronze ware, and what he was looking for was the golden jade clothes, but he forgot the jade ware, it shouldn't be!

In this box, except for a few pieces of crystal products, everything else is made of jade, and the special thing inside is the hook.

I think this thing is a common equipment in ancient times, and it is found in almost every Han tomb.

It's just that the funerary objects in the tombs of King Chu and Han Dynasty are naturally extraordinary.

For example, a ox head jade belt hook is "split type", and there are copper pins at the connection part. The special feature of this jade belt hook is the double buttons below.

Others include the jade belt hook with human face pattern, which is also quite special. When you pick it up, you can see the beautifully carved human face on it.

This thing looks a bit weird, but the carving is indeed exquisite.

Randomly flipping through, I found that most of them are jade articles, such as jade kui, jade pendants, jade belts, jade bi, jade cong, jade rings and so on.

Put down a piece of jade in your hand, there are many such things, and if you look at it too much, you will have aesthetic fatigue.

One, two, three, a total of nine large boxes.

These boxes are all one meter long, wide and high, that is, each box is a cubic.

Such a big box is full of stuff, which is very heavy.

That cave also went into a forklift, otherwise, it really wouldn't be possible to get such a big box to carry it.

This time, there were quite a few people coming over, and with the help of various vehicles, one night, Chen Wenzhe found that the warehouse in the cabin was full of more than half.

"How much more?"

Chen Wenzhe has been helping to count the items until the sky clears.

"There are not many things left. The previous gold and gold wares have been transported long ago, and some small bronze wares have also been transported before. Now the most important thing is the large bronze wares and those Buddha statues."

"Where's the big Buddha?" Speaking of the Buddha statue, Chen Wenzhe immediately thought of the biggest Buddha statue blocking the door, but he didn't seem to see it!
"That Buddha statue is too big to be transported into the warehouse, so it can only be placed in the front freezer compartment. Anyway, it is not afraid of freezing." Gao Qijing said.

"Just hide it. By the way, if an outsider boards the boat tomorrow, will they find the problem from above the draft of the fishing boat?"

Even if Chen Wenzhe doesn't know much about ships, he knows that the draft must be different when the load is full.

"It should be no problem. I made a rough estimate. The heaviest weight of this batch of treasures will not exceed [-] tons, and our fishing boat can actually carry more than [-] tons. This position is nothing at all, and most people will not Noticed, even if we noticed, we have something to say, this time we came here, we brought a lot of goods!"

Saying that, Gao Qijing led Chen Wenzhe to another cabin, where more cardboard boxes were piled up.

Seeing so much cargo, Chen Wenzhe was a little surprised. Although he knew that there were a lot of things loaded when he was replenishing the fishing boat, he really didn't know that he loaded so much.

"Aren't these things free?" Chen Wenzhe remembered that he really didn't pay much at that time.

"Don't tell me, you really don't need money!"

After Gao Qijing explained it, Chen Wenzhe understood that it wasn't that he didn't need money to buy things, but that it cost nothing to sell them.

These are the parallel imports that the base participated in and seized.

Since Chen Wenzhe needed it, the base saved some trouble and sold it directly to him.

(End of this chapter)

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