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Chapter 959 Black Prince Ruby

Chapter 959 Black Prince Ruby
After counting them, Chen Wenzhe discovered that there were actually thirty-two of these Jedi warriors, big and small, which was a lot of wealth.

He really didn't expect that just because of a small transaction, the little boy on the opposite side could come up with so many gems.

Although these Jedi knights are not small in size, the price is really not low.

That little boy must have a purpose, but no matter what Chen Wenzhe thought, he never thought that there were undeveloped gem veins in the northern part of South Vietnam.

Where did the Jedi come from?As long as the Jedi Knights are produced, it must be a well-known place all over the world, and it is impossible to keep it secret.

If it was all red, Chen Wenzhe would not have thought much about it, but there are also blue cobalt blue spinels in it, which is enough to show that the northern mountainous area may have newly discovered gem veins.

When you come to South Asia, it is impossible to avoid gems, because there are too many gems produced in this area.

Not to mention emeralds, just red sapphires, there are a lot of them here.

Or spinel, historically most red spinel comes from four remote areas.

From earliest to newest sources, they are from four countries.

First is Badakhshan, the region between Afghanistan and Tajikistan along the famous Silk Road.

It has been a source of spinel since the 10th century.

Next is Myanmar, where spinel has been found in the Mogok Valley and the Namiya region.

Then there is Tanzania, where the red spinel was found near Mahenge.

It was found in the Uluguru Mountains in Morogoro Province in the late 1980s, and around Tunduru after 1994.

In the summer of 2007, at the mine site near Mahenge, huge spinel crystals were discovered, with a total weight of more than 54 kg, which made it famous in one fell swoop.

In the past ten years, spinel has also been discovered in Pakistan, Kenya, Sri Lanka and Madagascar.

But until now, apart from Mahenge in Tanzania, none of the spinels from other origins can match the "Jedi Knight" spinel from Namiya, Myanmar in terms of saturation and brightness.

At present, the production of Jedi Knights in the Mansin region of Myanmar and Namiya has occupied more than 9% of the market share.

The Jedi Knights on the market in the early days were basically produced in Namibia.

Now Man Sin produces more, and the Chaung Gyi mining area basically accounts for most of the Man Sin Jedi.

The Jedi Knight spinel has been produced in the Mogok area of ​​Myanmar, and it is still there, but the amount of minerals is small and unstable.

The spinel produced in the Mogok area has many colors and is relatively mixed, but the color reaches the level of the Jedi Knights very few.

Now there is a batch of newly mined Jedi Knights that don't look like Mogok Red, so it's strange to think about it.

Therefore, Chen Wenzhe believes that this is a gemstone produced in South Vietnam.

Red and blue spinels, associated with rubies, were found in the northern part of South Vietnam in 1988.

That gem mining area seems to be in the LucYen area in northern South Vietnam.

If he hadn't seen those blue spinels, Chen Wenzhe would definitely think that these Jedi knights were also brought over from Myanmar.

Of course he doesn't think so now, but these Jedi Knights are definitely not cheap!
Of course, buying here is equivalent to wholesale from the manufacturer, which should be much cheaper than the market price.

Looking at a thumb-sized red spinel in his hand, especially its color and texture, Chen Wenzhe was amazed.

This level of red gemstones, if they are bigger and better shaped, can be placed on the crowns of the royal families of various countries.

"How are you going to sell these gems?"

After reading it almost, Chen Wenzhe asked directly.

A Jedi Knight of the quality in front of him would not worry about selling at all.

The little boy in front of him must have brought the things here because he wanted to dispose of them in a low-key manner.

This is Chen Wenzhe's chance, but, in this way, maybe he won't be able to visit other people's mining area.

"How is the quality?" Without answering Chen Wenzhe's question, the pretty boy was not stupid, but asked rhetorically.

"Very good!" Chen Wenzhe didn't lie, but told the truth.

Everyone can see the beauty of the Jedi Knights. As long as these gems are not artificially synthesized, everyone knows their quality.

At this moment, Chen Wenzhe came to a realization, no wonder the cobalt blue spinels were mixed with these synthetic gemstones, so they were waiting for him here?

If he can't see it, this little boy will make a windfall.

If he saw it, he would take out the Jedi Knight and some top-notch cobalt blue spinels to see if Chen Wenzhe had the strength to eat them.

The family of this little boy must have discovered top-level gem veins, otherwise they wouldn't be in such a hurry to deal with a batch of newly mined gems.

It seems that the strength of his family may not be as powerful as Chen Wenzhe guessed earlier.

Otherwise, they wouldn't even have enough start-up capital to purchase mines and initial mining, and would have to rely on selling gems to make money.

Playing with a red gem in his hand, Chen Wenzhe couldn't help but want to go back and see where these gems came from.

After a short look, you can see the continuous mountains. Needless to say, it must be the mountainous area of ​​Yuebei. There are gem veins here.

Looking closely again, Chen Wenzhe couldn't see anything, because he didn't know South Vietnam, especially the mountainous area here.

After just a few glances, he gave up. Knowing where the ore veins are, what's the use?

"As long as the price given is right, we will go out."

After translation, the meaning of the little boy is very clear.

If the price is right, gemstones can be sold to Chen Wenzhe, but it is best to trade electronic products, especially mobile phones and computers.

These are not problems, the main problem is the price.

These Jedi knights are too beautiful, and the price must not be too low, otherwise this little boy would be able to get out easily, and he wouldn't bring them here.

Since it was brought in front of Chen Wenzhe, he must want to sell it for a high price.

Regarding this point, Chen Wenzhe really had no idea. If he wanted it, he had to pay a high price.

Because these Jedi knights, even those small top cobalt blue spinels, are not worried about selling.

Beautiful things are naturally easy to sell.

If you don't know how beautiful the Jedi Knight in the red spinel is, then give a few examples and you will know how beautiful and powerful this gemstone is.

The Queen of England owns countless jewels, including the incomparably precious Queen's Crown.

In particular, the legendary, well-known crown is related to the red spinel.

It is the crown inlaid with 3000 precious gems, including the famous "Black Prince Ruby" weighing 170 carats, and the 317-carat super diamond "Cullinan No. [-]".

The world-famous "ruby" on the crown has now been confirmed to be spinel many years later.

In other words, this crown has an oolong of "true and false rubies".

(End of this chapter)

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