My system is not decent

Chapter 990 is commendable

Chapter 990 is commendable
Many utensils in the Han Dynasty are decorated with various dragon patterns, cloud patterns, cirrus patterns, valley patterns, cattail patterns, swirl patterns, and milk-shaped patterns.

These are all positioned first, and then combined with carving techniques such as Yinxian, relief or ground relief.

Most of the bas-relief jade wares are made by the method of subtracting the ground. First, the decoration is made, and then the ground is removed to make the decoration protrude. The overall height of the decoration generally does not protrude beyond the frame.

There is also a phenomenon of manual engraving on the jade wares of this period, especially in the lettering on the jade wares of the Warring States and Han Dynasties, and in the decoration of certain jade wares.

For example, some jade bi, the outer wall of Yuhuan, and the inscriptions on Gangmao and Yanmao, etc.

This shows that the jade worker used a tool much harder than jade at that time, which may be corundum or diamond, and the writing is shallow.

This phenomenon is not common except in words.

However, Chen Wenzhe also saw it this time, did they really use a diamond-encrusted drill, or a chisel?
The ring carving, decorative carving, cutting process, drilling process, and polishing process, the inheritance obtained through this jade collar is much more than Chen Wenzhe imagined, and it is also very useful.

After watching the carving process, Chen Wenzhe was full of amazement. He had experienced the baptism of jade carving in the court of Han Dynasty!
At the end, Chen Wenzhe fixed his gaze on the polishing process.

He has the unique skill of mirror grinding. Strictly speaking, the unique skill of mirror grinding can be regarded as a skill above that of a master.

Therefore, when he saw the polishing technique of the top craftsmen of the Han Dynasty, he knew that it was not easy.

The final process of carved jade is polishing, that is, grinding.

For this kind of craft, Chen Wenzhe can only be said to be very familiar with it.

Therefore, the polishing process of the Han Dynasty is still worth mentioning. After all, the jade wares made by others are really exquisite.

From the middle and late Warring States period to the early Western Han Dynasty, the polishing of jade articles reached a very exquisite level, especially in the jade articles used during his lifetime, some of which almost achieved the effect of glass light.

For example, the white jade dragon-shaped pendant unearthed from the tomb of the king of Chu in Lion Mountain, Xuzhou, is not as complicated as the one in front of us. Otherwise, it can become a treasure comparable to this jade ring just by virtue of its polishing technology.

Of course, the current white jade dragon-shaped pendant is also a national treasure, but it is still a lot worse than the hollow dragon and phoenix jade ring in front of me.

He fumbled for the jade ring in his hand, although after more than two thousand years of baptism, its surface was slightly rough.

However, just by touching it with his hands, Chen Wenzhe can still feel the craftsmanship on it, especially the polishing technique.

However, it seems that there were some jade articles in the Han Dynasty that did not need to be polished?
Especially on some burial jade wares, there are often unpolished or rough polished jade wares.

However, even so, many Han Dynasty jades are not so easy to imitate.

This is why the market is full of dragon and phoenix jade pendants from the Warring States Period, or simply Hongshan culture or other jade articles. On the contrary, there are relatively few imitations of jade articles from the Han Dynasty.

There are various shapes of jade wares in the Han Dynasty, coupled with the increasing progress of craftsmanship, even our descendants are constantly imitating Han jade, but because it is difficult to understand the cultural connotation and aesthetic taste of the society at that time, when imitating carved jade wares, we will not Consciously integrating modern aesthetic understanding, the shape of utensils is either exaggerated or too restrained.

"Boss Chen, Boss Chen"

While Chen Wenzhe was immersed in the retrospective, the family of four next to him couldn't wait any longer.

"Well, this thing is good, how much do you want to pay for it?"

Chen Wenzhe came to his senses. In principle, this thing should be a priceless treasure.

However, when it comes to the market, everything has a price, and this one is no exception.

"We don't know the exact price, but we know it's a good item. Do you think it's possible to exchange it for a set of tableware like just now?" the middle-aged man asked tentatively.

"Qianlong famille rose? Plates, soup bowls, etc.? A whole set?"

Chen Wenzhe smiled. The set of Qianlong famille roses he made is very valuable.

Of course, it also depends on each person's ability. If they go out foolishly, it will be priceless.

If the acting skills are not good, it is very likely to hit your hands!
"Okay, sign the contract, I'll give you a set of tableware!" After a little thought, Chen Wenzhe agreed.

"Boss Chen, we want you to do it yourself."

Seeing Chen Wenzhe's willingness to agree, the middle-aged man had a bad feeling.

Chen Wenzhe was taken aback, and said, "I'll do it myself. If you don't like it then, you can cancel this deal."

When the middle-aged man thought about it, he was signing a contract anyway, so he wasn't afraid of Chen Wenzhe dealing with him.

After the two parties signed the contract and sent the family away, Chen Wenzhe happily took the jade and walked into the restaurant in the factory.

South Vietnam is rich in ingredients, and there are chefs who can cook Chinese food, so it is naturally very popular.

After all, the ceramics factory is not an ordinary factory. After a rough calculation, the workers here are considered skilled workers, and the benefits and benefits are considered very good.

Therefore, even if they ate in the cafeteria three times a day, Chen Wenzhe didn't feel bad.

When I came to the restaurant, there were two areas clearly separated in the restaurant, one for Chinese food and the other for Vietnamese food.

For Chinese food, whether it is egg drop soup, soy milk, buns, deep-fried dough sticks, braised pork, roast chicken, or roast duck, Chen Wenzhe has not eaten less recently.

Recently, a Vietnamese chef has been added here, who cooks more than seafood, so today Chen Wenzhe specially came over to try it.

As soon as he came over, Chen Wenzhe smelled a coconut aroma mixed with a strong curry smell.

Coconut curry beef brisket stew, this curry can also be said to be the standard dish of South Vietnamese cuisine.

The rich and smooth beef brisket is paired with slightly spicy curry, and then mixed with fragrant coconut milk, so that the cooked beef brisket is more fragrant and smooth.

After ordering a bowl and taking a sip, Chen Wenzhe felt that even the potatoes in it were delicious.

You must know that he is the person who despises curry the most. He looks at this thing mixed with food, just like a lump of Xiang.

But I really saw it, and it was very fragrant after a bite.

Like curry, there is another kind of mixed reputation, which is avocado.

Chen Wenzhe smelled the fragrance, so he made a copy and tasted it.

This is a dish called Haili Fish with Mango Avocado Fish Sauce. The name is awkward, but it tastes okay.

Deep-fried Haili fish, soaked in fish sauce, the skin is soft.

The crispness of the fish is dominated by fish sauce and fruit. Pick up a piece of fish and dip it in the fish sauce. It tastes crisp and tender.

Take another bite of fresh fruit, the taste experience, really don't be too surprised.

Chen Wenzhe sighed a little, any place that can develop for thousands of years and can still be handed down has something worthy of praise!
Even South Vietnam is no exception. Our China has a brilliant civilization, but others also have their own advantages.

Therefore, learn from each other's strengths, learn from others' strengths, and increase your own background, this is the best choice.

(End of this chapter)

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