Chapter 120 Chapter Three

"This is……"

Ma Xianhong looked at King Snake Xiaohei who was wrapped around Chi Yao's arm, "Your voodoo?"

"Yes, it's called Xiao Hei."

Chi Yao caressed the smooth and slippery black scales on the small black side ridge, "Our Gu master's refining Gu can actually be regarded as a process of transforming an animal that can't use Qi into a Gu that can use Qi. .”


This statement immediately made Ma Xianhong's eyes brighten.

Humans are naturally animals.Isn't this method of refining Gu similar to the method of self-cultivation I want?

The self-cultivation furnace is still only a preliminary idea. Ma Xianhong is actually not very clear about how to do it. It belongs to the kind that needs to cross the river by feeling the stones.

To cross the river by feeling the stones, the most important thing is to have a more reliable reference.

In his opinion, the art of refining Gu is a perfect reference object.

"Brother Chi, can you help me perfect the furnace for self-cultivation? I can share this technology with you..."

Ma Xianhong stood up and extended the invitation again, and this time the tone was much more sincere than before.

If the previous Chi Yao was just a more powerful, like-minded stranger in his eyes.So now, he seems to have seen the bright future of the self-cultivation stove from Chi Yao!
"It's not impossible to help you, but I have conditions."

Chi Yao pressed his hands, motioned him not to be so excited, sat down and spoke slowly.

"You said."

"First of all, I don't agree with your idea of ​​casually transforming ordinary people into aliens."

Chi Yao raised his first finger, "The maximum I can accept is to transform animals. Except for humans, any animal is fine."

This red line must be clear to ensure that you will not be involved in those very troublesome things.


Ma Xianhong argued, "There is no essential difference between humans and animals!"

"Yes, from a biological point of view, there is nothing wrong with what you said."

Chi Yao spread his hands, "However, from a sociological point of view, there is a big difference between them. Even if I tell you about the lipstick line, you probably won't listen. Then you should understand that this kind of This method will cause trouble, right? You are not afraid of trouble, but I am. I can study with you how to transfer strange spells to animals and voodoo. If you still want to continue to study, then I will quit, and you can do it yourself How about going on?"

"……OK then."

Ma Xianhong thought about it and agreed to the condition.

Complete the first step with Chi Yao first, as for the second step, you can do it yourself!
"Okay, then number two."

Chi Yao nodded in satisfaction, and raised his second finger, "Since you are a craftsman, did you make the magic weapon that can hold items that you used before?"

"Storage item? You mean the swallow?"

Ma Xianhong took out a thumb-sized bead from his pocket, "I made this. It can be used to hold some small things, but it cannot hold conscious living things."

"Is this thing... easy to make?"

Chi Yao asked curiously.

"It's okay, there's no difficulty."

Ma Xianhong wrote lightly.

This is to let other refiners hear that it is time to wipe their necks collectively.

However, Chi Yao just liked Ma Xianhong's self-confidence, so he hit the rails while it was hot, "Then can I buy this phagocytosis from you? We Gu masters often carry some voodoo on them, and it would be much more convenient if we had it." .”

"That's fine, how much do you want?"

Ma Xianhong was very angry, and this was a way to show his strength to his partners, "But it's fine if you buy it, I can give you a batch."

"Well... I'd better buy it."

Chi Yao thought for a while, and made a gesture of three.

"Three? I mean, I can give it to you right now!"

With a wave of his hand, Ma Xianhong began to grope around his body.

Chi Yao shook his head.

"Thirty? Then you may have to wait for a while."

Ma Xianhong stopped his movements and shrugged.

"Three hundred first."

Ma Xianhong almost choked on Chi Yao's words.

"How many?"

"Come to three hundred first, let's try one at a time, and if it works, I'll order a second batch from you."

Chi Yao looked at Ma Xianhong, who seemed to be overreacting, with a puzzled expression, "What's wrong?"

"No, nothing..."

Ma Xianhong pursed his lips and said with a toothache on his face, "Then you may have to wait a little longer, because I don't have enough materials on hand."

"It's okay, tell me what materials you need, I have money!"

Ever since he got in touch with Tianxiahui and picked up Feng Zhenghao's wool, Chi Yao has also become rich and powerful.

At least for the current Ma Xianhong, he is qualified to say so.

"Well, that's fine."

Today's Biyou Village can be said to be a team that just opened. There are only three or two people and one or two rooms. It is indeed a bit embarrassing for him to make three hundred swallows in one go.

If he didn't ask Chi Yao for money, then he would have to ask his sister Qu Tong for it.

After thinking about it, Ma Xianhong did not refute due to the oppressive power of money.

"Fine, then we'll settle it."

Chi Yao stretched out his hand, "Happy cooperation."

"Pleasant to work with."



Although the cooperation was reached, Chi Yao did not follow Ma Xianhong's expectations, and immediately accompanied him to Biyou Village for research and development.

"Old horse, I'm still the boss for a while, so many people are pointing at me to live, how can I say that it's wind or rain, running around here and there!"

Chi Yao spread his hands and looked helpless, "Not to mention, the two children I just brought back today, I have to settle down first, right? The little guy's illness can't be delayed, and every day he delays, his body will suffer. It will be worse."

Although Ma Xianhong has some obsession with the self-cultivation furnace, he is essentially a kind person who is willing to help others.

Since Chi Yao mentioned Liu Hongzhong's illness, he really had no reason to continue to urge him.

"Don't worry, I've found the most professional doctor for him, and it will be soon."

Chi Yao patted Ma Xianhong on the shoulder, at this moment, someone opened the door and reported: "President, Master Feng is here."

"Okay, I'll go right there."

He stood up and looked at Ma Xianhong, "Old Ma, you...won't you go back and make those swallows first?"


Ma Xianhong had a black line on his face, "I also want to see what's wrong with that child, can I?"

"Oh, of course this is no problem, let's come together."

Chi Yao pushed open the door, and the two walked out one after the other.

The doctor who came was naturally Feng Xingtong.

Not to mention that Mr. Wang Zizhong, who is a great national doctor, has some research on the life of boys. Who else is more suitable to treat Liu Hongzhong than the Feng family, who has mastered the command of the generals of Juling, for matters involving the soul?
So before returning, Chi Yao specially called Feng Xingtong and invited him to come and help.

 Thanks Tao Xiaoyaoqian for the reward!

(End of this chapter)

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