Refine Gu to become immortal from one person

Chapter 123 Thanks to the old iron for the assist

Chapter 123 Thanks to the old iron for his assists (please subscribe~ask for a monthly ticket~)

Now that Ma Xianhong had returned to normal, the two returned to the ward where Liu Hongzhong was.

"Old Ma, if Xingtong strips off the evil spirits possessing the red, can you make a container to store them?"

Chi Yao asked, "Anyway, it's a pity to waste this thing."

"I can try."

Bearing the inheritance of the top craftsman, Ma Xianhong has extraordinary confidence in making things.

Then, he and Feng Xingtong surrounded Liu Hongzhong, discussing the characteristics of this evil spirit.

"This kind of evil spirit is also called filth or evil spirit in other places. Generally speaking, it is because the baby was born at a specific time and place, and has a certain degree of compatibility with these evil spirits, so it will was found at the door."

Feng Xingtong told what he knew.

"Then what kind of form did they exist before possessing humans?" Ma Xianhong asked.

If you want to make containers that can store evil spirits, you must understand their characteristics.

"It should be scattered between heaven and earth."

Feng Xingtong scratched his head, "Before the intersection of human souls, these things are actually unconscious and cannot be regarded as spirits. Their spirituality is endowed by the host body."

"That is to say, as long as they are replaced with a host, they can be kept?"

"It's not that simple,"

Feng Xingtong shook his head, "Evil spirits are actually very picky. Since they have already chosen Hongzhong, they will definitely look for his breath, and it is basically impossible to change their targets."

"A breath?"

Chi Yao suddenly said, "That's not impossible."

"any solution?"

Feng Xingtong and Ma Xianhong turned their heads and looked over.

"Our Gu Master's natal Gu is exactly the same as the body's aura."

Chi Yao talked eloquently, "With Hongzhong's physical condition, although it is difficult to subdue the natal Gu, it is not difficult to imitate his aura on the Gu with a little blood and energy."

"And then? Even if it can be transferred to the voodoo, if there is not enough supply, they will still dissipate after the voodoo is drained!"

Feng Xingtong doubted, "Don't forget, even a man as big as Liu Hongzhong can't afford to support them. Can a mere voodoo work?"

"Don't underestimate my Gu!"

Chi Yao pouted.The breath of the voodoo is connected to himself, squeezing him dry?Then you have to have this ability!

Several people are players with strong mobility. After discussing the countermeasures, they are ready to start immediately.

Feng Xingtong was observing the location of the knife, while Chi Yao was taking samples of Liu Hongzhong's blood and energy. As a result, Ma Xianhong looked around and found that he had nothing to do by himself.

He Ma Jiaozhu is also the head of Biyou Village and the founder of Xinjiejiao, but now he is like Liu Wukui, a little girl, and can only squat by and watch?

"Uncle, you are blocking me!"

The little girl also expressed dissatisfaction with him.

Ma Xianhong originally wanted to refute this uncle's address, but seeing Wu Kui'er's age, he swallowed the words just now.

I am almost thirty years old, almost twice the age of this little girl, and being called uncle... seems to be okay?
Therefore, he decided not to be as knowledgeable as a child, but turned his attention to Chi Yao: "Brother Chi, can I help you?"


Chi Yao turned his head and looked at Ma Xianhong, who was squatting side by side with Liu Wukui, looking at him eagerly, and almost couldn't hold back his laughter for a while.

From this point of view, the old horse seems to be quite cute?

"Uh... how about you just stay with Wu Kui'er? Let her not worry too much."

Chi Yao suggested while collecting Liu Hongzhong's Qi and blood samples.

Ma Xianhong: "..."

He turned his head and glanced at the little girl whose eyes were fixed on his brother's body, sighed, then took out a small wooden stake and a carving knife from his arms, and began to carve silently.

"I'll go to the side to prepare."

After Chi Yao finished collecting, he came to the next room.

The reason why he wanted to avoid Feng Xingtong and Ma Xianhong was because what he was going to use next was not just Miao Jiang's method.

After all, cultivating natal Gu is not a simple matter, how can it be done with a little blood?
The method he really used to help the Gu to disguise Liu Hongzhong's aura was—Shen Tu.

That's right, it is the ancestral secret technique of the Wang family extracted from Wang Jing's memory.

Chi Yao used Liu Hongzhong's qi and blood as materials, blended it into ink, then took out Xiao Hei from the venom sac, and smeared it on its dark scales.

Of course he didn't practice the technique of Shentu anymore, but after getting the other party's energy and blood, disguising breath is the most basic method in Shentu.

Read it once and use it.

After a while, Chi Yao took Xiao Hei back to Liu Hongzhong's ward.

"let's start."

Feng Xingtong once again entered the state of Prince Zhong's possession, and used a slight attack to make the evil spirit on Liu Hongzhong's body appear.

"It's now!"

With a wave of his hand, he sprinkled several silver needles lingering with soul breath, and pierced Liu Hongzhong's acupoints such as Baihui and Shenting on the top of his head respectively to help him stabilize his soul.

Holding a small knife in the other hand, he gently cut across the connection between the evil spirit clinging to Liu Hongzhong's body and his own soul.


Although he was careful enough, Liu Hongzhong still let out a shrill scream.

However, Feng Xingtong, who was possessed by Wang Zizhong, would not be disturbed by this little disturbance. After he raised the knife and dropped it, he quickly pulled the miserable green evil spirit off Liu Hongzhong's body.


Hearing Feng Xingtong's call, Chi Yao hurried forward and approached the king snake Xiaohei who had disguised his breath.

The evil spirit that had just been stripped off was still struggling to return to Liu Hongzhong, but when Xiao Hei approached, it suddenly stopped, as if he was in a dilemma.

Then Chi Yao pushed Xiao Hei forward again, directly bumping into the body of the evil spirit.

A familiar aura came towards him, and the evil spirit stopped hesitating, and immediately turned around and rushed towards Xiao Hei.

Because it not only felt the familiar aura from Xiao Hei, but also felt the bottomless huge energy!
After seeing the action of the evil spirit, a successful smile appeared on Chi Yao's face.

"It's done!"

He took Xiao Hei who was possessed by the evil spirit to a position far away from Liu Hongzhong, and then flowed stream after stream of Qi into its body.

Liu Hongzhong couldn't afford to support the Dharma Protector, but it didn't mean he couldn't afford to feed him either.

In terms of energy, Chi Yao has sufficient self-confidence.

Sure enough, with the input of his breath and money, the evil spirit that possessed Xiao Hei's body gradually began to change.

 Thanks to book friends 20210703144153922 for the reward!
(End of this chapter)

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