Chapter 134 Full Sex Meeting

Chi Yao looked back and saw that the person who was walking tremblingly was not Master Jiekong, who else could it be?
He was dressed in a dark yellow monk's robe, looked excitedly at Xiao Zizai who was bathed in the moonlight with a calm face, and called out with some anticipation and disbelief: "Bao Jing?"

Xiao Zizai raised his head when he heard the sound, his face was calm, his eyes were empty, and he replied flatly: "Master."

His state may seem a bit weird to others, but in the eyes of Master Jiekong, he couldn't be more satisfied.Buddhist practice, isn't it important to say that the four elements are all empty, and the extinction will return to nothing!
"You... have successfully defeated the demon?"

At this time, Xiao Zizai really couldn't see the bloodthirsty look before at all, not only that, the transparent expression without any worldly desires was more thorough than countless Buddhist eminent monks.

That's why Master Jiekong asked this question.

Back then, Xiao Zizai couldn't restrain his killing intent because no matter what, even if the Qingdeng Ancient Buddha and Master Jiekong chose to sacrifice his own cultivation for him, they still couldn't resolve his deep evil thoughts.

Therefore, he had to choose to let him leave the Buddhist temple to find other ways.And the way he finally found was to enter the company and relieve the disease with appropriate and legal killing.

Even so, Master Jiekong always regards Xiao Zizai as his disciple, and always looks forward to the day when he can completely defeat the evil thoughts and come back with great enlightenment.

Therefore, when he came out to investigate because of the movement of the two fighting outside the temple, the moment he saw Xiao Zizai sitting in lotus position, he thought that the moment he was looking forward to had arrived.


"I don't know."

Although Xiao Zizai's voice was flat, there was obvious doubt in it. It was obvious that he was a little unclear about what was going on with him now.

All four are empty will not have this kind of performance.

So Master Jiekong brought Xiao Zizai and Chi Yao back to Lingyin Temple.



Abbot of the meditation room.

"Who is this……"

Master Xie Kong has seldom paid attention to things in the circle of strangers since he was exhausted, so he still feels a little bit wrong with Chi Yao, a rising star in the southwest.

"Miao Jiang Chi Yao, I have met Master Jiekong."

Chi Yao got up and saluted.

"Oh, so you are the youngest son of the black seedlings. Yes, yes, you are a formidable young man."

After Xie Kong praised him a few words, he immediately asked about the topic he was most concerned about.

"Bao Jing, what are you doing tonight..."

Although Xiao Zizai at this time has withdrawn from the previous state of desire and desire, but he was born in Buddhism, except for the uncontrollable killing intent deep in his heart, he actually doesn't have many other complicated desires.

He clasped his hands together, and said respectfully: "Master, you understand my situation. I can't restrain that demonic desire, so I choose limited and selective release to relieve it. And tonight is the day for me to relieve symptoms, but But there was a little surprise."

Having said that, he looked at Chi Yao, "My goal should be solved in advance by this benefactor Chi Yao, and then..."

After understanding what happened, Xie Kong looked at Chi Yao.

"So, benefactor Chi Yao, you helped relieve Bao Jing's symptoms? Can the poor monk ask, how did you do it? Bao Jing is a disciple of the poor monk, and his illness has troubled us for many years. ,if convenient……"

"Master, you are welcome."

Chi Yao said, "Although my method seems to be effective, it is actually a temporary solution, not the root cause. Although my voodoo can resolve the hostility in Master Baojing's heart, it cannot completely remove the root cause of his disease. However, if there is a need in the future If so, Master Bao Jing can also come to me at any time."

"That's it, that's already very good, thank you benefactor."

Master Xie Kong nodded slightly, looked at Xiao Zizai, "Bao Jing, what do you think?"

"Thank you sir."

Xiao Zizai clasped his hands together and bowed his head to Chi Yao.

"You're welcome, you're welcome."

"But Baojing, I have one more advice you need to keep in mind."

Master Jiekong stretched out his withered arm and stroked the top of Xiao Zizai's head, "Although benefactor Chi Yao can help you for a while, it can't help you forever. This is your own inner demon, and you need to defeat it yourself. Don't slack off your practice just because you have Chi Yao's benefactor's help."

"Disciple remember."

Xiao Zizai bowed and saluted solemnly.



"Little benefactor Chi, this disciple of the poor monk will trouble you."

After Xiao Zizai left, Master Jiekong bowed his head to Chi Yao.

"What are you doing, Master, it's a shame for this junior."

Chi Yao quickly avoided.

"This is what you deserve. Bao Jing is the disciple I am most worried about. He is extremely talented, but he is bound by demons. We have tried countless methods but it is difficult to help him resolve it. The biggest worry of the poor monk is that he will die in the future. Falling into the path of Shura, endangering the world."

Xiekong said with emotion, "But now that I know you can help him a little bit, the poor monk can relax a little bit."

"Master, don't worry, this junior is duty-bound."

Meeting Xiao Zizai today was purely unexpected, but so far, this result is obviously the best one.

In addition to finding a food with a different taste for Love Gu, the biggest advantage is that he has a relationship with Master Jiekong, one of the ten guys, and he owes him a favor.

The ten guys' favor is not a Chinese cabbage, it is very rare, and it will play a big role at critical moments.



After bidding farewell to Master Kong, Chi Yao took Wu Kui'er out of the mountain gate again.

As expected, I met Xiao Zizai waiting outside.

"Master Baojing, do you have anything else to do?"

Xiao Zizai scratched his head, "Don't call me that. My real name is Xiao Zizai. Outside, just call me Old Xiao."

"Okay then, Old Xiao, you are waiting for me here, are you planning to go back to the mountain city with me?"

"That's not true,"

Xiao Zizai shook his head, "I work for everywhere now, and I can't just leave if I want to, and I like the content of my current job very much. I am waiting for you here mainly because I want to add WeChat to you so that I can contact you in the future .”

"no problem."



After getting acquainted with Master Kong, Chi Yao and Wu Kui'er naturally no longer need to stealthily seek out the power of faith that reveals the truth of the five directions.He just asked Master Xie Kong for a while, and he got an immediate answer. Master Xie Kong even said that Wu Kui'er could stay in Lingyin Temple to practice for a long time.

After all, the boy was born to be close to the Buddha and the Tao, and no one would dislike it.

Although Wu Kui'er was a bit reluctant to be separated from her brother for too long, she also knew how rare such an opportunity was, so after Chi Yao promised to bring Liu Hongzhong to see her, and she could go back by herself at any time, she reluctantly accepted The conditions for staying with Shi Lao to practice.



After verifying that Tong Ziming's god of protection can indeed grow through the power of faith, Chi Yao also began to worry about his little black.

Among the Qiyaoxing Lords, if one is said to be the most famous, it is naturally Wenqu, Wuqu and Pojun Three Stars.

According to the general understanding, the person with outstanding literary talents would be considered as the reincarnation of the Wenqu star, the person with the most powerful martial arts would be the Wuqu star descending to the earth, and the general who galloped the world to fight and kill would be the Pojun star according to his orders.

"According to this standard..."

Chi Yao pondered, "Then why don't I go directly to the Confucian Temple and the Martial Temple?"

Confucian Temple, also known as Confucian Temple, Confucius Temple, Wenxuanwang Temple, Zhisheng Temple, etc., is mainly established to respect and commemorate the sages of Confucianism represented by Confucius.

In addition to Confucius, there are Fusheng Yanzi, Zongsheng Zengzi, Shushengzi Sizi, Yasheng Mencius and many famous Confucianists.

If there is really a place that can be considered by most people as the representative of Wen, then besides this place, don't think about it.

The Wu Temple is also similar. Its full name is Wuchengwang Temple, also known as Taigong Temple. It mainly worships Jiang Taigong and famous generals of all dynasties.Such as Bai Qi, Han Xin, Sun Wu, Wu Qi and others.Each of them could be called Po Jun Xing Xia Xia at that time.

As for the candidate for Wuquxing, Chi Yao thought about it and decided to go to Guandi Temple to try his luck.

After all, although Guan Erye couldn't defeat Lu Bu back then, he has been revered as a martial sage and emperor for thousands of years. It shouldn't be a big problem to say that he is the star king of Wuqu who descended to earth, right?

Just when Chi Yao was running around to refine the Qiyao King Snake Gu, an undercurrent quietly appeared in the alien world.



"Are you sure? This is no joke."

A thin old man in a green army coat stared suspiciously at the smiling monk not far away.

"Eighty nine is not far from ten, Yuan benefactor."

Gao Ning said softly, "It wasn't just me that day, benefactor Dou Mei and benefactor Xia He also saw it. The old benefactor Lu Jin swayed the talismans just like throwing beans, just a handful casually. Everyone also saw a lot People with extensive knowledge, when have you ever heard of such a use of talismans? Besides, as far as I know, the old benefactor Lu should not be from the talisman sect either!"

Gao Ning's words caused countless figures in the darkness to whisper to each other, and the scene suddenly became noisy.

After a while, Xia Liuqing, who was the oldest in the room, asked, "So you suspect that Lu Jin's methods are related to the Eight Wonders of the Year?"

"That's right. Although we don't know the specifics of the eight mysterious and mysterious skills, we can guess one or two based on their names."

Gao Ning fiddled with the Buddhist beads in his hand, "There is a unique skill of the Fulu School in it, created by Zheng Zibu of the Shangqing School-Tongtianlu."

"And this Zheng Zibu and Lu Jin are good brothers,"

Yuan Tao added, "Although Zheng Zibu was besieged and died that year, no one knows whether he has spread this amazing skill. If he did spread the word, Lu Jin is the most suspected one."

"Then what do you two mean..."

Xia Liuqing looked at Gao Ning and Yuan Tao.

"Of course I should go to Lu's house to find out."

Yuan Tao said with a gloomy face, with malicious intentions.

"Xiaoyuan, I know you have a grudge against Lu Jin, but it's better to think about this kind of thing. It's not like we haven't seen how powerful the Eight Wonders are. Have you all forgotten the siege of Zhang Huaiyi a few years ago? gone?"

Xia Liuqing's reminder shocked many people, and the fire of greed that ignited in their hearts suddenly seemed to be poured with cold water.

It was the most costly battle in recent years. It can be said that nearly a dozen of the veterans from the old era came over, and even many decent masters were killed at the same time.

And there is only one murderer, and that is Zhang Huaiyi, one of the Eight Miraculous Skills - the master of the origin of the body.

"Hearing is believing, seeing is believing. No matter how much you think about it, it's better to see it with your own eyes."

Yuan Tao snorted coldly, "Besides, didn't Lu Jin feel embarrassed when he faced Gao Ning and the others before? After all, he is not from the Talisman Sect. Even if he holds the Tongtian Sect, he probably won't be able to do anything. Why don't you give it to him?" A more suitable person!"

His words immediately made the crowd who had calmed down a little bit stir up again.

The stronger Zhang Huaiyi was, the higher their desire for the Eight Wonders.Although none of the people present were from the Talisman Sect, they were confident that they were more suitable than Lu Jin to master the Tongtian Talisman.

Seeing this, Xia Liuqing shook her head secretly, and took a step back, "Forget it, you can go if you want, old man, I'm not interested in these things anyway."

"Old Xia is indifferent,"

Yuan Tao complimented casually, and then said to the others, "Who else is willing to do this with us? After we succeed, we can share the Tongtianlu!"

As soon as this promise was made, the whole-sex man immediately became enthusiastic.

Most of those who can enter the full nature are those aliens who cannot control their inner desires and choose to indulge their freedom.Therefore, facing the temptation of Tongtianlu, they couldn't hold back at all.

In addition, during this period of time, the Lu family chased Quan Xing very closely, destroying many of their strongholds in succession, which also made many people feel very aggrieved.

It's just that if no one takes the lead, the scattered all-gender aliens simply don't have the ability and courage to retaliate, so they can only suppress their anger in their hearts.

Now that Gao Ning and Yuan Tao have invited them to speak, those who want to vent their anger have responded one after another.

But those people were not the focus of Yuan Tao and Gao Ning's attention.

No matter how much cannon fodder there is, it can only be used to divert attention. If it is really going to happen, there must be enough masters.

"Master Tu, what do you say?"

Gao Ning looked at Tu Junfang who kept something.

Following the ranking of combat power in the Inhuman world, all-humans also have their own internal rankings.

Under the top two heroes, there are three corpses, four madmen, six thieves and others in Quanxing. They all possess unique skills and are the backbone of Quanxing's new generation.

Tu Junfang is the Three Corpses, also known as the Corpse Demon. He is from the Three Demons School, and his ability is to attract other people's Three Corpses.

The corpse, the meaning of the divine master, resides in the upper, middle and lower three dantians of a person respectively.

The name of the upper corpse is Peng Ju, who is fond of luxurious decorations, and the main object is lust;

These three corpses are the biggest obsession in a person's body and the enemy of cultivation.

And Tu Junfang's ability is to manifest the three corpses of the enemy, making him fall into the pull of three obsessions.Not only can't meet the enemy, if it can't be broken, it will affect the future practice, and there will be no progress from then on.

But if you want to completely break the three corpses, you need to have a rock-solid and unshakable heart, and few people can truly achieve this condition.

Therefore, when it comes to the difficulty of being a middle-aged person, many people would rather meet Ding Zhuan, one of the two heroes, than Tu Junfang.

 Thank you Yanhe little angel for the most handsome tip!

(End of this chapter)

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