Refine Gu to become immortal from one person

Chapter 137 The Wang Family Must Die!

Chapter 137 The Wang Family Must Die! (Two in one, ask for a subscription~ask for a monthly pass~)

The company's actions are still very neat.

After Zhao Fangxu personally persuaded the stubborn old man Lu Jin, the work of Ding Zhangan and Longhushan was quickly completed.

Ding Zhangan agreed very happily, he is a pure martial idiot, he doesn't have so many schemes in his stomach, his only pursuit is to make himself strong enough, and hope that there is nothing in this world that can threaten him.

When Zhang Huaiyi fought against Jiashen Remnants before, he didn't have time to participate.In other words, he was too young to be Zhang Huaiyi's target in the first place, so they didn't look for him at all.So when he heard the news and rushed to the scene, he found nothing but the notorious messy corpses all over the floor.

But the corpses of celebrities all over the ground also planted the words "Baqiji" deeply in Ding Zhang'an's heart.

Because he thought to himself that it would be absolutely impossible for him to deal with so many full-sex elders, as well as the head of the Tang Sect, the head of Yili, the head of the Natural Sect, and the elders of many schools.

Later, when he learned that Feng Zhenghao also mastered one of the Eight Wonders, he also saw Lie Xinxi come to challenge him.

But what a deep and smooth person Feng Zhenghao is, how could he casually expose his hole cards to a battle that was meaningless to him?
So Ding Zhang'an just got a rather boring and to-the-point competition.

But Lu Jin is different!
Even without the blessing of the Eight Wonders, Lu Jin himself is one of the characters who can stand at the top of the alien world.Coupled with the well-known tough character of this old man who would rather bend than bend, Ding Zhang'an's expectations for this battle are unprecedented, even surpassing his old opponent Na Ruhu who has been entangled with him for many years.

Therefore, as long as it does not interfere with his competition, Ding Zhuan can give in on all conditions.

As for Longhushan, the old heavenly master Zhang Zhiwei and Lu Jin have a deep friendship and are willing to provide them with a safer competition environment.

So, soon the company arranged everything.

One month later, Lu Jin and Ding Zhang'an will have a peak duel in Longhu Mountain. At the same time, some prominent figures from various sects will be invited to be a witness.

Although it is said to be an open competition, it is not open to the point where people from all over the world are invited. After all, the purpose of the company is to maintain stability, not to hold a grand event that sensationalizes the whole country.

There are two types of people who are invited to watch the ceremony. One is trustworthy and can help maintain order. In this respect, the chief priests of various sects are the main ones. , the Wang family, the Lu family, and many sects that were once related to the thirty-six thieves are all listed.

The company doesn't say what they have done, but it doesn't mean they don't know anything.Coming to Longhu Mountain, under the watchful eyes of everyone, trying to plan something in the dark, the difficulty is not comparable to that in the private place under the mountain.

Even, the company invited several all-sex veterans who could be found to fully express their attitude.

Today's matter is under the company's control, if you want to compete, you should do it well, if you have to make some other troubles.This Longhu Mountain is easy to go up and down!
However, you have Zhang Liangji, and I also have a wall ladder.

Although Zhao Fangxu is an old fox, but he can be the head of a family, and there are not many people who are good at a family.

Not to mention those who were involved but didn't intend to do anything at all, Wang Ai, who was going to take the opportunity to attack the Lu family, had already made preparations and arrangements.He is confident that even if he does not have his own on-the-spot command, it will be harmless.



The mountain behind Longhu Mountain.

The day before the appointment time, the invited people had already arrived one after another.

When Wang Ai leaned on a cane and led her grandson Wang He leisurely up the Longhu Mountain, she ran up to Lu Jin and walked around for a while.

"Brother Lu is really strong! I hope this time I can teach those all-natural monsters a lesson, so as to correct my prestige."

"Hmph, you need to earn your own prestige, the old man's competition has nothing to do with others."

Lu Jin didn't pay much attention to him, but closed his eyes and replied lightly.

Naturally, Wang Ai, who was treated coldly, would not continue to use his hot face to touch the other party's cold butt, but after turning around, a hint of viciousness flashed through his narrowed eyes.

"What I can't stand the most is your perpetually aloof and disdainful look. I hope that after today, you can continue to maintain such an expression."

After he left, Feng Zhenghao also quietly moved to Lu Jin's side: "Senior Lu, please rest assured, we have already arranged everything under the mountain."

"Thank you, President Feng, this old man will write it down."

Lu Jin nodded slightly.

After Chi Yao communicated with Lu Jin, he immediately attracted Feng Zhenghao.

After all, this time the incident was so serious that the Heimiao family alone might not be able to resist it. Moreover, with the temper of the Wang family, this kind of incident would inevitably be involved, and finding the Feng family was just the right medicine.

The only thing they didn't expect was that Feng Zhenghao was also regarded as one of the unstable factors, and was invited by the company to go up to the mountain to watch the ceremony.

But it doesn't really matter too much. The biggest advantage of Juling dispatching generals is that they are very flexible. Whoever has the spirit body has the strength.

Most of Feng Zhenghao's strength is above those of the spirit bodies he subdued, and it is foreseeable that there will be no chance to do anything on Longhu Mountain. After all, there is an old celestial master Zhang Zhiwei who is sitting here. .

So he directly handed over the strongest spirit bodies in his hands to Feng Xingtong.

In this way, Feng Xingtong is equivalent to directly receiving his own graduation equipment, and he has leaped from a young alien with good strength to the level of a pseudo-ten guy in an instant, and has become one of the most important combat forces this time .



Lu family.

On the surface, it seems that the Lu Family Manor is not much different from the usual ones. Although the guards have been strengthened, it is just that some people who are usually in charge of various businesses and affairs have been recruited back.

But in fact……

Underground, gophers exuding light green qi energy are distributed quietly and patchworkly. The qi energy on their bodies is connected into a piece, turning the entire underground space into an area where they can move and breathe freely.

There, hundreds of Gu masters and other people from the Tianxiahui gathered their troops and waited for death.

And under their feet, there are tens of thousands of Gu objects of various types intertwined and overlapping, densely piled up together, if there is a patient with intensive phobia, just take a look, it is guaranteed that the san value will return to zero immediately.

Those mine rats were all refined through Ma Xianhong's self-cultivation furnace, and they had learned the magic of earth magic, so Chi Yao named them gophers.

With the help of these gophers, it is much easier to build a Gu nest, so this time they prepared a larger scale than the previous one in the mountain city, and their actions were more subtle.

Like a spider waiting for its net, it is quietly waiting for its prey to throw itself into the net.

Chi Yao's body was left underground to manipulate the gophers and other voodoo, but Wang Jing's zombie was put outside as eyeliner after he disguised his appearance with the technique of painting skin.

Corpse Gu's child Gu and mother Gu can share energy and senses, so at this time, Chi Yao is equivalent to possessing his consciousness on Wangjing's zombie and staying outside to observe the situation.



At night, the sky is full of stars and moon.

Outside the Lu family, a stranger with an ordinary face unfolded the scroll in his hand, and lines of words emerged like tadpoles.Then, looking carefully under the bright moonlight, it turned out to be a floor plan of the Lu family's residence.

After looking at it once, the person stretched out his finger, using qi as ink, and made a check mark on the scroll.

After a while, four more ticks appeared one after another.

Wang Ren nodded secretly, and wrote on the scroll again: "Action!"

Then, he put away the painting scroll, lightly tapped his feet, and his figure jumped up, like a bird flying into the forest.

The Lu family's manor is surrounded by mountains and rivers, with beautiful scenery and pleasant scenery. It is naturally very comfortable on weekdays, but in today's situation, the surrounding environment is too complicated to become a disadvantage.

That is too able to hide people!
In the forest, a fat monk with big ears, an elegant young man with eyes, an aged but graceful woman and a seductive and depraved poppy are gathered here, as if they are waiting for something.

It is the whole sex quadruped.

Wang Ren entered through the forest, appeared in front of the four people, and said in a slightly weird tone: "The time has come, let's go."

"You figured out the terrain of the Lu family so quickly? Where did the old man put the Tongtian Talisman?"

Xia He asked curiously.

"The terrain of the Lu family is indeed clear, but where the Tongtian talisman is, you have to go in to find out."

Wang Ren turned around and replied while walking forward.

"Oh? Then how do we know if you really don't know, or do you want to go in and seize the opportunity?"

Xia He's ending sound rose slightly, and there was danger hidden in her charming tone.

"Hmph, without me, you wouldn't even know the terrain of the Lu family."

Wang Ren was not wrong at all, "Now that you have picked up a big deal, just smile secretly!"

"Speaking of which, I'm also a little curious,"

Shen Chong continued, "Your Excellency is not weak, and your first-hand intelligence detection skills are even more amazing. If you want to reach the sky, it seems that you don't need our assistance?"

"Hmph, not only do I want the Tongtian Talisman, but I also want the Lu family to be destroyed!"

Wang Ren's voice was full of resentment.

"Oh? You have an enmity with the Lu family?" This news made Si Zhangkuang's heart move at the same time.

"Lu Jin is hypocritical and high-minded, and he claims to have no time in his life. There are many people who have hatred against him."

Wang Ren did not hide his hostility towards the Lu family. Anyway, his current face was drawn casually. It was ordinary and had no memorable features, so there was a risk of exposure.

Although the Wang family's painting skin technique is not as good at camouflage as the full range of domain painting poison, and cannot imitate the breath of others, but they also have their own advantages.That is, as long as the painted skin is not destroyed, they can use Qi at will, and their own fighting power will not be affected.

On this side, Wang Ren rushed towards Lu's manor with all four of them.

In the other direction, Wang Yi, Wang Li, Wang Zhi, and Wang Xin were also followed by different people of all kinds, and five teams surrounded the Lu family from five different directions.

Among the crowd behind Wang Zhi, there was a man in a black robe whose face could not be seen clearly, but with a few silver threads reflecting the moonlight slightly, it was Bai Jiang Wangjing.


He leaned over to a different person next to him, and asked in a low voice, "What is the identity of this leading senior? Why do everyone follow him?"


The man looked back and saw Wang Jing's agile figure and gloomy breath, so he swallowed the obscenity that was about to blurt out, and said in a muffled voice, "I don't know, but many people here were summoned by that senior. And even a few seniors who are all-in-one have been criticized, maybe they are also big brothers in all-in-one."

"Oh? A full-fledged boss?"

Wang Jing looked at the membrane-like qi energy on the leader Wang Zhi, who was clearly the same as himself, and smiled noncommittally, "Then let him be."

So, he quietly accelerated his marching speed, and gradually chased from the end of the team to the middle position.

Here, he could see the figure and physical features of the man more clearly.

Regrettably, he glanced left and right, faded out of Wang Zhi, and did not see other strangers who used the technique of painting skin.

"The Wang family sent someone here?"

He secretly said in his heart, "And it was so lucky to be met by me? Is it possible?"

After thinking about it, he felt that his luck should not have reached this level, so after noting the characteristics of Wang Zhi's breath, he quietly retreated to the end of the team, and when the five people noticed, The whole thing sank into the ground.

Earth Immortal!
With the help of the gophers, Baizhuo Wangjing was swimming fast underground, and carefully detected movements in other directions with the technique of secret investigation.

Soon, the high-frequency Qi waves brought back enough effective information.

"Are there enemies in five directions? It's really a big deal!"

Wang Jing sneaked underground in a straight line, and joined the other three teams by repeating his tricks, and marked Wang Li, Wang Xin and Wang Yi respectively.

As for Wang Ren?

There is really no way to do this. If you want to fish in troubled waters, you have to have muddy waters. There is a large group of strangers behind these four people. It is very easy to get in without making a sound, but Wang Ren is only followed by four crazy people. If there is, it is too conspicuous.

Do you have to explain that you are actually the fifth of the four madmen?

But it didn't bother him, since he didn't have a chance to mark it, he just followed it underground, anyway, several other people had already marked it.

Tonight, no one else cares, but the members of the Wang family must die!



The intruders who marched along the five roads soon arrived outside the Lu Family Manor.

Under the quiet night, the manor just crawled there quietly, seemingly harmless to humans and animals.

"Hmph, the defense is still so lax, it deserves this disaster! Let's go!"

Just as the five members of the Wang family waved their hands and led countless strangers behind them to file in, Chi Yao, who was located underground in the center of the Lu family manor, also opened his eyes.

Accompanying him all the way underground, Baijiang Wangjing has synchronously sent back the news that the enemy is coming.

His eyes were like lightning, scanning the surrounding strangers who were ready to go: "Ready to close the net!"

(End of this chapter)

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