Chapter 141 With seven enemies and one hundred (5k big chapter~please subscribe~)

Wang family.

Wang Shan sat on the Eight Immortals chair leisurely and contentedly, holding two iron gallbladders in his hands, and twirling them "cracking and clattering".

After a while, he asked slowly, "Xiaoren and the others have any news?"

"Reporting to my lord, not yet."

The servant standing beside him pressed his shoulders while replying respectfully.

"Not yet? Hmph, people in the Lu family have hard bones, so they have to take good care of them."

The corner of Wang Shan's mouth curled up into a sneer, "Let them pretend to be arrogant!"

"What the uncle said is that the members of the Lu family usually have their eyes high above the top, let's see if they can still be proud this time."

The servant's flattering echo made the smile on Wang Shan's face more wanton.

"That's right, I really want to see that old fellow Lu Jin's expression sooner, hahaha~ Last time I just fell in love with a girl from their family. Not only did he sternly refuse, but he even sarcastically ridiculed his father. I also had a bad meal. This time, hehehe..."

"That's right, it's a great blessing for them to let Master Bing take a fancy to it. It's fine if they don't take the initiative to send it over, and dare to show the face of the master. This is their retribution today!"

A master, a servant, and a chorus, seem to have seen the dilapidated Lu family and the desolate scene of Lu Jin's old age.

"By the way, where is the second brother? What is he doing?"

"As soon as the master left, the second master took Master Liang out."

"Hey, he's expressing his dissatisfaction with me."

A look of sternness flashed in Wang Shan's eyes, "Isn't it because the old man loved Bing'er more and didn't take Wang Liang to Longhu Mountain? Who did he think he could fool with his little thoughts? Bing'er is the eldest grandson of the Wang family, How can that boy Wang Liang be compared to him?"

"Master Liang just showed a little bit of talent in Shentu, Second Master shouldn't be able to do that, right?"

"Hmph, I know the second brother best. He has been suppressed by me for a lifetime, and he has been holding his breath in his heart! But he doesn't know, the reason why Bing'er looks a little worse than Wang Liang in Shentu , because he also practiced Juling Dispatching General at the same time. That was the Eight Miraculous Skills that were overwhelmed by the entire Alien World! When Binger is successful in cultivation, Wang Liang is worthy of being compared with him? His son is destined I will also be suppressed by my son for the rest of my life!"

When talking about his second brother, Wang Shan was disdainful from his eyes to his tone, without showing half brotherhood.



On the outskirts of Wang's Manor, several figures emerged from the ground, hiding in the shadows, without any breath leaking out.

The big man spat and nailed, saying that he wanted to come to the Wang family, and Chi Yao immediately rushed over with his people.

Behind him, there is the whole sex madness, as well as Tu Junfang, the corpse demon, and Feng Xingtong.

He didn't bring any of the Lu family.

Not only did he not bring it, Chi Yao didn't even tell them his plan.

It's not because they think they are weak and unable to help, but mainly because the Lu family's family style is too upright.And what they are going to do now is not only unrighteous, but also very vicious, very in line with Quan Xing's style.

Not to mention that Shen Chong in the Four Madness still has a grudge against Bai Shixue, if he really wants to bring someone in front of them, he probably will die immediately.

So, instead of telling them and causing trouble, get rid of them and get right to it.

Anyway, Chi Yao wanted to mess with the Wang family, not to help the Lu family or get their gratitude.

His real purpose is twofold.

One is for your own comfort.The Wang family has done a lot of things sneakily behind their backs. Although they didn't succeed, they were also very annoying.There was no good opportunity before, but now, taking advantage of Wang Ai's absence, he is going to completely eliminate this group of disgusting people.At least let them never have the chance to disgust themselves again.

The second is to do an experiment.

In fact, after the evolution of love gu, Chi Yao focused on the all-natured four-maniac, and regarded them as the best combination of tools and people that could provide nourishment for love gu.

However, their own abilities can't directly generate desires, but can only arouse the desires of others, just like four chefs who can perfectly process ingredients.

Then there is a chef, and the ingredients have to be prepared!

With the supervision of the company, it is impossible for Chi Yao to let them spread their influence on the street without restraint, and the Wang family's evildoers are just an excellent experimental subject.

After investigating Wang Jing's memory, Chi Yao found that, if one member of this family is counted as one, there is no clean one, and death is not a pity.

Not to mention, tonight he was pleasantly surprised to find a special chef - Tu Junfang.

The dishes he made can satisfy the tastes of Love Gu, Corpse Gu and Poison Gu at the same time, which is truly unique.

"We have few people, so we can't confront them head-on."

Chi Yao looked at Lei Yanpao, who was smiling like a future Buddha, "Gao Ning, what is the maximum area your Twelve Labor Formation can cover, and how many people can it affect?"

"It depends on the impact,"

Gao Ning said cautiously, "If you want to completely collapse them and lose their resistance, there are only about ten of them at most. But if you only exert some hints of slight influence, hundreds of people are not a problem. But there can't be too many of them. If you are a master, otherwise you will quickly see through my methods."

"Hundreds of people..."

Chi Yao pondered.

The total number of aliens in the Wang family is about a hundred people, which is a lot for a family power, because they are not open to recruiting people with foreign surnames like Tangmen.The strangers in the family were either surnamed Wang, or they were married or married.

However, the Wang family, being a ten-member family, has quite a lot of property in their hands. About one-third of them will travel around all the year round, so the number of aliens living in this manor at the same time is generally around sixty or seventy.

These are all the information obtained from Wang Jing's mind.

"In this way, you don't need to let them fall into any extreme emotions. You cooperate with Dou Mei and Xia He, and you only need to relax their spirits and lower their defensive mentality."

Chi Yao ordered, "Leave the matter of causing damage to us."

His eyes swept over the faces of Tu Junfang, Shen Chong and Feng Xingtong one by one.

Trying to subvert a ten-person family with a mere seven people is a bit too exciting even for the all-sexed middle-aged people who claim to do whatever they want and act recklessly.

At this moment, all the nerves and muscles in their bodies trembled slightly. It was not fear, but excitement.

Therefore, although they are all captives now, they inexplicably feel admiration for Chi Yao who is giving orders.

I feel that compared to him, the trivial things I did before can be called doing whatever I want?
Even ten guys don't dare to do it, so they deserve to call themselves wholesome? !

"As for the master..."

Chi Yao recalled the information, "The number one master of the Wang family is Wang Ai. Don't look at his old-fashioned appearance now. He also came out of fighting on the battlefield back then. The tenth guy's seat is not worth a bit, but he is not here now. Below him are Wang Shan, Wang Yong, and Wang Zhong. They are all Wang Ai's nephews. The first two are his sons, and the latter is his nephew. You are comparable to Shen Chong and Tu Junfang. Counting down, there are some second-generation and third-generation disciples of the side branches. Even if they have detected the twelve labor formations with their strength, they should not be able to crack your method in time."

"Lao Tu, Shen Chong, Wang Shan, Wang Yong, and Wang Zhong, the three of us are one for each, is it okay?"

Chi Yao ordered, "I don't ask you to win, just delay for a while, and I will go to you immediately after I finish the opponent. Xingtong, you come with me, before you are sure whether the opponent will arrest the spirit and send the general, Don't act rashly."

"I understand, Brother Yao." Feng Xingtong nodded obediently.

"Then let's get started."

With Chi Yao's order, Gao Ning's energy immediately began to surge.



"Father, let's go back."

Looking at his father Wang Yong's tense face, Wang Liang suggested.

"Hmph, go back and see your uncle's face?"

Wang Yong snorted coldly, "Obviously your talent is much better than his dandy son, I don't understand, what is the old man thinking, and he is always towards them. Is it because they are the elders?"

When it comes to this topic, Wang Liang's expression is also a little sad.

Also as Wang Ai's grandson, he and Wang Bing are treated very differently at home.Obviously he is better in practice, but Wang Ai's eyes are always focused on Wang Bing, and the time given to him is pitifully small.

Even this time, the confrontation between Ding Zhangan and Lu Jin was a peak match that many strangers longed to see, but Wang Ai still only brought Wang Bing there, even if he and his father asked actively, they couldn't change Wang Ai's mind.

After Wang Ai left, Wang Shan, the eldest son, had the final say in the family, and the father and son came out to relax in order not to see each other's complacency.

Originally, the more you relax, the more comfortable you feel, but for some reason, the more you relax, the more aggrieved the two of them become.

I just heard Wang Yong continue to say: "Just because he was born a few years earlier than me, he has dominated me in everything since he was a child. I have endured all this, and I will treat him as stronger than me. But I didn't expect that when you come In this generation, his dandy son is obviously not as good as you, but he still wants to suppress you by relying on his status as the head of the house!"

The more he talked, the more angry he was, and he punched the tree trunk beside him.

"Could it be that what happened in my life is going to happen to you again?"

Images of the future king and various methods of oppressing Wang Liang automatically appeared in Wang Yong's mind, which made his breathing more and more heavy.

And Wang Liang, who wanted to persuade his father, closed his mouth and clenched his fists at some point.

"No! I have been aggrieved enough in my life, and I will never allow you to repeat my experience."

Suddenly, Wang Yong only felt that a string in his brain was broken, and then a bold idea appeared in his heart.

"If there is no Wang Shan, wouldn't I become the eldest son of the Wang family? Then everything that Wang Shan and Wang Bing use now belongs to me and Liang'er?"

This thought had already appeared, and it instantly filled his mind like wildfire.

"No, in this way, my father won't bypass me."

"But if you don't make any changes, what's the difference between being bullied by Wang Shan for the rest of your life and dying? And it's not about you alone. Think about Liang'er!"

"But I can't beat Wang Shan, he is indeed stronger than me."

"According to intentional calculation and inadvertence, you will not give others a chance to exert their full strength during a sneak attack."

"But how could this kind of thing be hidden from my father and others?"

"As long as Wang Shan dies, you are his only son. How can he really kill you? Then just put the blame on Quan Xing or someone else, and just have a face-saving explanation."

After a fierce inner conflict, Wang Yong finally made up his mind.He put his hand on his son's shoulder, and said in a low tone, "Go back and rest first, I'll talk to your uncle."

After finishing speaking, Wang Yong walked aggressively towards the main residence of the Wang family.

After their father and son left, in the shadows not far from the two, there were subtle conversations.

"I really didn't expect that there would be unexpected gains."

Chi Yao muttered in a low voice, "This guy seems to be only a little bit away from taking a desperate risk. He was able to take this step under such a slight influence of Gao Ning. This is convenient for us."

"If Wang Yong and Wang Shan perish together, only one Wang Zhong will be able to stop us."

Shen Chong adjusted his glasses and said.

"To die together? It's a good idea. Even if they want to die, they have to show their value to me. Come on, let's follow and see."

Under the cover of the dark gu, they walked through the shadows all the way, perfectly avoided all the light and dark sentries of the Wang family, and followed Wang Yong into Wang Shan's residence.



"Big brother."

Wang Yong directly broke into Wang Shan's house aggressively.

"Oh? Second brother, you finally know that you are back."

Wang Shan was still sitting still, not even stopping the iron gall in his hand, "Have you gone out to play enough? Where's Xiaoliang? Why don't you come over and say hello to my uncle?"

He heard the son's name again from his mouth, and it was still in this tone.The red light in Wang Yong's eyes could no longer be concealed. He stretched out his hand that was originally in his pocket, and with his two fingers closed like a pen, the flames of energy turned into ink, and he pushed towards Wang Shan in a counter-frontal manner.

The strength is as heavy as a rock falling from a mountain!
Six methods of divine painting · Rebel style!
Wang Shan was taken aback by his sudden move, he never thought that his younger brother, who used to be submissive in the past, would be so impulsive today.

But the distance between the two is too close, even if Wang Yong's movements are not too fast, it is still difficult for Wang Shan who is still sitting on the chair to avoid.

At the critical moment, he had no choice but to raise his hand and write in front of him.

This stroke was neither rush nor slow, neither buoyant nor slippery, the turning point was round and powerful, just blocking Wang Yong's fingertips.

The Five Skills of Divine Coating · Round Folding Hairpins!


With four fingers facing each other, Wang Yong's strength was relieved a little, but Wang Shan responded hastily and was not prepared enough. Even though his technique was more proficient than Wang Yong's, he was still at a disadvantage, and his fingers hurt from being smashed.

"Are you crazy?!"

Wang Shan, who had suffered a small loss, let out a yell, and the fire in his heart suddenly ignited.

He took advantage of the situation to take two steps back, avoiding Wang Yong's second blow, and shouted darkly: "Is it because I've been too kind recently, or are you tired of living? How dare you take the initiative to attack me!"

He was full of qi flames, raised his arms high, and used exactly the same moves as Wang Yong just now.

"Contrarian style!"

If it is said that Wang Yong's counter-forward stance just now is like a rock falling from a mountain, then this move in Wang Shan's hands at this moment is like a mountain pressing down on the top!
Wang Yong also wanted to use round hairpins to defend, but unfortunately after the two sides exchanged moves, he couldn't resist Wang Shan's offensive at all.

Hearing the sound of "bang", Wang Yong was actually sent flying out by Wang Shan, knocking over many tables and chairs along the way before barely stopping.

"Fight me?"

Wang Shan chased after him in two steps, and then smashed down heavily with a counter-forward move.

"Just relying on your ability?!"

With heavy pens falling one after another, Wang Yong was hit so hard that he vomited blood.

In the shadows outside the room, Chi Yao and the others, who were watching the brotherhood, shook their heads when they saw this.

"Isn't it, the second master of the Wang family is so weak? Didn't it mean that the three brothers are of the same level?"

Chi Yao muttered in his heart, "Could it be that his elder brother's behavior is usually disguised?"

"It's normal for a big family like this to hide one or two tricks."

Tu Junfang guessed.

"The problem is, this is not a trump card at all. The back and forth that Wang Shan used was that move, and it was the same move that Wang Yong used. As a result, Wang Yong was directly hoisted up and beaten. This can be regarded as crushing. It's under pressure."

Chi Yao was speechless.

How can this be hidden?It's obviously hiding a billion hands!
"Now is not the time to talk about this. Wang Yong's performance obviously did not meet our expectations, and Wang Shan was unexpectedly strong. What should we do next?"

Shen Chong adjusted his glasses and asked calmly.

The other three turned their attention to Chi Yao, waiting for his decision.In the end should continue to work according to the original plan, or how to say.

"Why are you looking at me? Of course I continued to do it! But Wang Shan is a little bit stronger than expected! At least he helped solve Wang Yong, didn't he?"

Chi Yao patted his chest, "Don't worry, just leave him to me. You wait here first, and I'll come back as soon as I go."

After all, he melted into the shadows and disappeared without a trace.

Without the cover of the secret gu, the auras of Tu Junfang and Shen Chong were naturally exposed, and Wang Shan in the room immediately noticed it.

"Okay, let me tell you why you suddenly became bolder today!"

With a sneer on his face, he stared at his younger brother who was beaten into a mess by himself, "So you found foreign aid?"

He stepped on Wang Yong, cast his gaze outside the door, and said loudly: "Friends outside, your employer may not be able to fulfill his promise. We can talk about what he promised you. "

Being able to approach his room quietly, Wang Shan felt a little guilty about who the people were outside.I was afraid that this younger brother would buy a great killer, so his tone was quite gentle, and at the same time, he put one hand behind his back, and quietly used his energy to write in the palm of his hand.

This is the secret method of communication unique to their divine painting lineage.

But at this moment, the shadow under his feet suddenly seemed to come alive, wriggling and turning into a human form.

Chi Yao slapped Wang Shan on the back of the waist, and said at the same time, "It's okay, we can get the price that he can't give us!"

 Thank you for secretly observing 2333 for your reward!
  ps: Today is a little bit less, because the place where I live is going to be closed, I took the last opportunity today to go out and do some big shopping, and I will definitely add more tomorrow! (`)
(End of this chapter)

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