Refine Gu to become immortal from one person

Chapter 156 Chi Yao's Three Corpses

Chapter 156 Chi Yao's Three Corpses (Happy New Year's Day! Subscribe~)

Miao Jiang.

Among the rolling mountains, in an inconspicuous small cave.

Two figures sat facing each other.

"let's start."

Chi Yao said calmly.

"Have you really made up your mind?"

Tu Junfang still hesitated, "Once I lure out the three corpses, you will have no chance to regret it. Once you can't kill them, you can only sink down step by step..."

"Do you think I can't get rid of them?"

There was a smile on the corner of Chi Yao's mouth. His attitude at this time was not at all like facing the three corpses that practitioners feared and avoided, but more like discussing what to eat for a while.

Seeing his confident and comfortable posture, Tu Junfang was a little shocked.

As the last descendant of the Three Demon Sect, he is the clearest about how the seniors in the sect behaved when facing the three corpses.

Even when the skills were complete before, the successors of the Three Demons Sect had to rely on extremely hard work to have a slight chance of beheading the three corpses with the secret method.

This can be said to be a test of life and death for anyone.

Tu Junfang naturally couldn't understand Chi Yao's reliance, but since the other party was so confident and persistent, he stopped persuading him.

To Tu Junfang, being able to introduce such an extremely talented alien into the door of the Three Demons Sect was not a loss anyway.

"Then I'm going to make a move."

He reminded in a deep voice, and then released his upper corpse, Peng Ju, which was a black insect that looked like a large needle wasp. fall.

"go with!"

Following Tu Junfang's command, the big needle bee turned into countless small flying insects as small as dust, covering Chi Yao inside.

Accompanied by the invasion of these corpse insects, wisps of black smoke also emerged from Chi Yao's body, turning into three wisps, one gathered on top of his head, one sentence condensed in front of his body, and the last wisp flowed in front of him. at his feet.

The three corpses, also known as the three worms, live in the upper, middle and lower three dantians of a person respectively.Corpse, God Lord's will.The upper corpse is beautifully decorated, the middle corpse is delicious, and the lower corpse is delicious.Everyone's appearance of the three corpses is closely related to their own experiences or thoughts.

Chi Yao was actually a little curious about what kind of image his three corpse gods would appear in.

As time went by, the black mist emerging from his body became less and less, but the three groups of black corpse aura gathered above his head, in front of his body, and under his feet had no intention of transforming into form, and were still rolling like clouds. The appearance of Qi Tuan.


Chi Yao looked at Tu Junfang with puzzled eyes, "What's the situation? Is my Three Corpse God transformed or not?"

Tu Junfang was also a little dazed at this time, he carefully recalled the records of the school's classics in his mind, and said a little uncertainly: "I seem to have seen your situation in the essays of a senior of our school, it is called the Three Corpses Undecided Mutually."

"What are the three undecided corpses? Aren't the three corpses Peng Ju, Peng Zhi and Peng Yuan?" Chi Yao was puzzled.

"For most people, it does."

Tu Junfang explained, "Peng Ju, Peng Yu and Peng Yu respectively represent a person's selfish desire, greed and lust. But there are always exceptions in the world. There are so few people whose three corpses are different, representing Not these three desires, but three other obsessions."

"Oh? Which three obsessions?"

"Good thoughts, evil thoughts and ego."

Tu Junfang looked at Chi Yao with the way he was looking at a rare treasure, "Originally, I just thought it was some senior's fabrication, but I didn't expect, ah, I didn't expect that there are such people in this world?"

Chi Yao felt a little uncomfortable under his fiery gaze, and hurriedly asked: "What is the difference between this unusual three corpses and San Peng?"

"The biggest difference between the good, evil, and three corpses and the three pengs is that their influence on people will be more profound, and it will be more difficult to completely subdue or kill them."

Tu Junfang continued to explain, "The three pengs just represent the three demonic thoughts of greed, ignorance, and hatred. No matter selfish desire, greed, or lust, they are not unsolvable. But good, evil, and holding three corpses are different. A person It is impossible to completely cut off one's good thoughts, evil thoughts, and self-obsessions. Therefore, the way to deal with these three corpses is not to kill them, but to understand them thoroughly."


"That's right, understand what is good, what is evil, and what is the deepest obsession in your heart. Understand and see through."

Tu Junfang said with emotion, "If San Peng can use some additional means or secret methods to assist in beheading, then there is no way to use foreign objects to deal with the good, evil, and three corpses. But they are not There is no benefit, although they are more ingrained, their influence on the host is usually not too strong, and unlike San Peng who work together to cause people to fall, the good, evil, and three corpses often fight on their own."

"Oh? This is interesting."

Chi Yao nodded, "Then how do they transform?"

"Transformation is also very simple, because they represent a certain aspect of you, so the appearance will be roughly the same as you, but there are some differences in details or temperament, and it will take more time."

As soon as Tu Junfang's words fell, the three corpses scattered around Chi Yao began to change slowly.

After a while, three corpse gods who were completely black and almost identical to Chi Yao appeared in front of the two of them.

The upper corpse is warm and kind, the middle corpse is calm and airy, and the lower corpse is fierce and aggressive.

"This is my three corpses?"

Chi Yao looked at the three corpse gods floating in mid-air in front of him with curiosity.

Then he took out a sub-gu of corpse Gu and pinched it on his fingertips.

After the evolution, the Corpse Guzi Gu is no longer a miserable green color, but has become dark green, as if it is a color that combines the energy of the three corpses.

And its ability is no longer just manipulating corpses, but can give spirits to corpses.

This spirit is what it got after devouring hundreds of three corpses from the Wang family.In other words, it domesticated the hundreds of three corpses, and combined with its own child Gu, it could endow the controlled zombies with a certain amount of wisdom.

Moreover, if the original corpse Gu is not implanted into the zombie body, it is meaningless, and it has no combat or lethality.But it's different now, each sub-gu contains a three corpses, although they have no entity, they can harness the energy of the three corpses to hurt the enemy.

It's quite a bit like throwing beans into soldiers.

Holding the corpse gu in his hand, Chi Yao pinched the method of controlling the three corpses he learned from Tu Junfang, and sent his three corpse gods into the gu.

Immediately, he followed the refining steps of the Three Corpse Incarnation Gu, and began to operate it methodically.

One by one seal formulas, one after another pattern, were driven into the corpse Gu one by one by him with energy.

A moment later, the corpse gu exploded.

 Thanks Atmos for the reward!

(End of this chapter)

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