Chapter 165 Day Trip of Hundred Ghosts

Lu family, back mountain.

Lu Liang was wandering aimlessly. Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, he saw a figure with twin ponytails and braids. She was sitting alone on a rock protruding from the ridge.

"Huh, Xiao Huan? What is she doing there alone?"

He had some doubts in his heart.

The Lu family is a big family. There are many brothers and sisters, such as aunts, cousins, and tangs. Basically, everyone they meet on the road is relatives.But Lu Liang is different from Lu Huan, they are not simply brothers and sisters, but have a common grandfather, Lu Liang and his father and Lu Huan's mother are brothers and sisters.

In addition, among the younger generation of the Lu family, Lu Huan, Lu Liang and Lu Gong can be said to be the three major geniuses far surpassing their peers.Since they are close relatives and both geniuses, their relationship with each other is naturally excellent.

Therefore, when Lu Liang saw Lu Huan, he turned his feet and decided to go over to see what this genius sister was doing hiding alone on the mountain.

However, what he didn't expect was that this turn was not only about the mountain road under his feet, but also about his future life.



"Hey, Huan'er, it's so late, what are you doing here alone?"

Lu Liang shrunk and quietly touched Lu Huan's back from the mountain road, ready to play a joke on his genius sister.

However, when he was about to reach out and cover Lu Huan's eyes from behind, his foot suddenly collapsed, and the front part of the rock platform protruding from the mountain suddenly collapsed with a "click".

Sitting there, Lu Huan fell directly without any struggle, and below was a cliff tens of meters deep.


Naturally, Lu Liang also fell, but he reacted quickly, barely grasping the break of the rock to stabilize his figure, and then looked down.At the bottom of the cliff, two light brown braids have been soaked in blood.

"Xiao Huan!!!"


The hoarse shout soon attracted other members of the Lu family, and then...

"How dare you attack Huan'er, he's your sister! I beat you to death!"

Lu Liang's father directly raised his big foot and ruthlessly pushed towards his son.

"I do not have!"

Lu Liang is a natural stranger. He who has awakened the soul art has never learned another unique skill of the Lu family - Ruyi Jin, so his hand-to-hand combat ability is very poor.Of course, he didn't dare to resist now, so he could only defend loudly.

"I just saw her sitting there and wanted to play a joke on her! I don't know why the stone fell down! It's not my fault!"

It's a pity that because of Lu Liang's character and performance in the past, in everyone's mind, he was a child who liked to mess around, lie, and was difficult to discipline.So this time, although what he said was true, no one wanted to believe it.Including his father and brother Lu Gong.

"Still lying! I have been lying and messing around since I was a child! I don't have a son like you!!!"

"Stop hitting! I almost fell, but Xiao Huan was very strange at the time. She just didn't move. I didn't even touch her. She didn't struggle when the rock collapsed..."

"You fell too? Then why don't you die! Give us back Xiaohuan!!!"

Because Lu Huan is the most powerful user of Ming Soul Art in the Lu family today, and because of his outstanding talent, he even made an exception to obtain the Ruyi Jin handed down by Lu Ci, which has always been passed down only to males and not to females in the family.No matter the status or the degree of attention and love far surpasses Lu Liang, so everyone is extremely angry.

"I'm not lying, you can check my memory with Ming Soul Technique!"

After Lu Liang was beaten to a bloody mess, finally someone from the Lu family who was good at enlightening soul art used lie detection methods on him.

"This... what he said is actually true?"

The person in charge of the lie detection looked shocked, "Huan'er...he really wasn't the one who pushed her down..."

"Get out of the way, I'm coming!"

Naturally, this conclusion was not convincing to the public. Some of them really did not trust Lu Liang's character, while others had a darker mind.

As mentioned earlier, the Lu family strictly relies on strength to determine the status of their clansmen.

Today's Lu family, including Lu Ci, has a total of four generations.

Lu Ci is the first generation, and Lu Liang and Lu Huan are the fourth generation.

Lu Ci's position is naturally unshakable, and he has three sons and a daughter under his knees.Among these few people, in terms of personal talent, his eldest son Lu Zhong is the strongest, because Lu Zhong not only awakened the innate Ming soul art, but also has quite high attainments in wishful energy.

And among his three younger brothers and sisters, one has no talent for practicing qi at all, and one of the remaining two can only know how to use wishful energy and doesn't know soul art; the other has awakened soul art, but he still can't learn it Wishful energy.

According to this situation, the next generation patriarch of the Lu family must be Lu Gong.Not only himself, but most people in the Lu family think so.

However, when the fourth generation of the Lu family grew up, the situation changed subtly.

Because the most talented three fourth-generation children of the Lu family, Lu Huan, Lu Liang, and Lu Gong are all descended from the lineage of Lu Ci's second son, Lu Xiao.This made the originally mediocre Lu Xiao's status suddenly elevated in the clan, and he was even able to fight against Lu Zhong in court, and he had the tendency of the west wind overwhelming the east wind.

And the most important thing is that Lu Liang and Lu Gong are nothing more than that. Although their talents in Ming Soul Art are strong, they are not very good at practicing Ruyi Jin.But Lu Huan is different, she is extremely talented in these two different arts, Ruyi Jin was even taught by Lu Ci personally.

Anyone with eyes can see Lu Ci's love for Lu Huan.

As a result, it naturally aroused the dissatisfaction and worries of Lu Zhong's lineage.It's just that with Lu Ci around, no one dared to really express this emotion.

But today, they, who have been suppressing all this time, finally found a breakthrough to vent their emotions, and even a shortcut to regain their lost status.

Now that the most threatening Lu Huan is dead, as long as Lu Liang's guilt is confirmed, once the reputation of harming his compatriots is taken away, it will be impossible for Lu Liang and Lu Gong, two brothers whose talent is second only to Lu Huan, to be together again. turned over.

Under their influence, Lu Xiao, who had gradually started to climb up on Lu Zhong's head, would naturally fall down hard.

After all, Lu Xiao's rise in status was not because of how strong he was, but because of the geniuses among his descendants.If these geniuses were all beaten to death with a single stick, then his status would naturally be like a bubble, which would burst at the touch of a button.

Therefore, except for a small number of Erfang's own people who are sensible enough, most people actually hope that this matter is done by Lu Liang.The truth is not important to them, since Lu Huan is dead anyway.Then it would be in their best interest to identify the murderer as Lu Liang.

So, they changed another person who knew soul art to check, and excluded Lu Gong who had the strongest attainment in soul art in the clan except Lu Liang and Lu Huan.

However, even though the polygraph testers changed one after another, the test results always showed that Lu Liang was telling the truth, and Lu Huan was really not pushed down by him.

At this time, a witty stranger from a wealthy family said, "You guys are so stupid! Without Xiao Huan, Lu Liang himself is the strongest user of soul magic in the whole family. We still want to learn from him." Take the truth out of your mouth?"

When everyone thought about it, it seemed that this was the same reasoning, and they immediately agreed with each other.

"You kid has already thought about it, right! Relying on your high attainment in soul art, you want to deceive us, there is no way!"

At this time, Lu Liang had been beaten to the point where he had no energy to speak.

At this moment, patriarch Lu Ci finally arrived at the scene.

So someone immediately came forward to report: "Grandfather, we have checked, and it seems that Xiao Huan is really not Lu Liangtui..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by another voice: "Master, Lu Liang's mouth is not telling the truth, his soul-clarifying art is better than ours, it's unbelievable!"

Listening to the dispute in his ears, and looking at the corpse of his favorite great-granddaughter, Lu Ci was silent for a long time, and slowly said: "Lock him up first..."

Although this treatment did not satisfy everyone, no one dared to go against Lu Ci's wishes, so he had to lock Lu Liang, who was beaten like a dead dog, into a cellar.

Then, Lu Ci summoned several of his own children, as well as the immediate family members of Lu Liang and Lu Huan, a total of eight people to discuss at home.

"It's just us now, let's talk about it, what do you think about Xiao Huan's matter?"

Lu Ci's face was very gloomy. He valued his own bloodline the most in his life, and it turned out that under his own nose, Lu Huan, the younger generation whom he was most optimistic about, died in such a strange way.

This is simply a joke in the world, if it was done by an outsider, it would be to jump on Lu Ci's face and slap a few big ears!

The ferocious aura lingered around Lu Ci's body, and the atmosphere in the arena was very depressing.

In his fierce aura, no one dared to speak first.Even in Lu Zhong's heart, he really wanted to take this opportunity to kill his second younger brother Lu Xiao's hope of competing with him, but he didn't dare to talk nonsense in front of Lu Ci.

In case Lu Ci thinks that he is excluding dissidents and mutilating his colleagues, even if it is his own son, he will not hold back his hands.

As for Lu Xiao, he was even less able to speak.

Admitting Lu Liang's crimes is of no benefit to him, but if he denies it, wouldn't it be a sophistry without evidence?

Lu Liang's father, Lu Ping, wanted to defend his son, but he didn't have the talent to practice qi, and his status in the clan was usually obtained by the gifted brothers Lu Gong and Lu Liang. Now... ...He was not sure if he was qualified to speak at this time.

Lu Ci's fourth son, Lu Yi, was in a similar situation to him. Because he had no talent for practicing qi, and he didn't have any outstanding juniors, so although he was very senior, he never had much say.

After waiting for a while, no one answered, Lu Ci glanced around with narrow and fierce eyes, and finally threw the topic to his daughter Lu Ping.

"Ping'er, tell me first!"

Lu Ping is the third daughter of Lu Ci. She was born with enlightened soul art, but her cultivation level of Ruyi Jin is relatively poor.


Lu Ping, who was named, looked at her elder brother Lu Zhong and second brother Lu Xiao with some embarrassment, and then said after thinking about it, "I am also very sad about Xiao Huan, but... I have tested Lu Liang with the Ming Soul Technique. In the end, it turns out that he did not lie... As for whether his attainments in the art of enlightenment can fool me, I don't know."

After a few words, it seemed that he had said a lot, but in the end there were only two words - useless.

If you choose to believe in Lu Liang, then believe in the test results of the Ming Soul Technique; if you don't believe Lu Liang, then think that he used the better Ming Soul Technique to deceive the lie detector.

Lu Ping's words gave full play to the non-stick characteristics of a polygraph tool person-I am only in charge of polygraph detection, and it is up to you whether you believe it or not, and I even found out the reasons for you not to believe it.

Hearing Lu Ping's slick speech, Lu Ci's aura became more and more gloomy, "Lu Gong, in terms of the attainment of Ming Soul Art alone, you are now second only to Lu Liang in the clan. Do you think he can use Ming Soul?" Is it a matter of tricking you?"


Lu Gong stood up, "I don't know if Lu Liang can do this, but Xiao Huan was able to do it back then."

"What did you say?!"

When Lu Huan's name was mentioned, everyone became excited, especially Lu Feng's mother, Lu Feng, who seemed to jump up and grab Lu Gong's shoulder to ask herself.

"Tell me in detail."

Lu Ci continued to ask.

"Yes, my lord."

Lu Gong recalled, "Under my test at that time, Xiao Huan said without changing his face that I have three heads, eight legs, and twelve hands, which is completely incongruous, but the feedback given by Minghunshu is not good. Yes, she wasn't lying at all..."

Lu Ci's grip on the armrest of the seat became stronger and stronger, the more genius Lu Huan behaved, the more sad and angry he is now.

"Okay, then the suspicion of Lu Liang lying cannot be ruled out."

Then, he looked at Lu Huan's mother, Lu Feng: "Except for Lu Liang, Xiao Huan has been in contact with those people today? Do you know? Why did she go to the back mountain alone at night, but to such a dangerous place? "

Lu Feng thought about it carefully for a long time, "I don't know why Xiao Huan went to the back mountain. She went out suddenly. As for who she met today..."

She provided several names, all four generations of the same generation.

"Ping'er, you are in charge of investigating these people, and ask them if Huan'er behaved abnormally today."

"Yes, Dad."

Lu Ping accepted her task obediently, without shirking or questioning.

"Father, do you think Lu Liang did not do this?"

Lu Xiao seemed to see a glimmer of hope from Lu Ci's arrangement, and asked tentatively.

"I have no idea!"

Lu Ci sternly said, "If he did it, then he has already fallen into our hands, and we can deal with it anytime we want. But if it is really not him, then we must find out who dared to provoke our Lu family. Come, Lu Zhong!"


"Go and check, are there any outsiders in the village today, what are they here for, is there anything suspicious!"


Lu Zhong nodded.

"I hope you understand that every drop of blood from the Lu family is precious."

Lu Ci glanced at the people present, "I will never let the murderer who killed Xiao Huan go, but I will never allow anyone to make use of it. Don't have any plans! Do you understand?"

"Yes, Father/Grandpa/Grandfather!"

"Go do it."



Under Lu Ci's absolute suppression, the turmoil in the Lu family did not spread for the time being.

During this time, Chi Yao has been cultivating poisonous Gu with all his strength.

How to cultivate it?That is of course taking enough and strong enough poison.

As for how these poisons come from, isn't Duo'er right next to him?
It has to be said that although the actions of the Yaoxianhui are crazy, the existence of the Gu Body Saint Child is indeed beyond the common sense of ordinary people.The primitive Gu poison in Duo'er's body is like a universal seed, as long as it is transformed into any specific Gu poison through a specific way of exercising energy.It can even ignore all external factors such as raw materials and cultivation conditions.

For example, the Affection Gu that can stimulate the potential of overdrawing the human body, the thousand-day red that can cast a permanent curse through blood inheritance, etc...

Especially this kind of Gu poison called Thousand Sun Red, if it is cultivated normally, it needs to collect ninety-nine poisons, and then feed Qian Ri with blood, and three drops of heart blood as an introduction.

This kind of condition can be described as extremely harsh, but for Duo'er, it takes only a week of qi, and the original Gu poison can become a thousand-day red.

And because the cultivation process is very difficult, there are hundreds of Gu poisons whose raw materials are extinct, and their ways of moving energy are all preserved in Duo'er's mind.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that she is a catalog of forbidden poisonous techniques.

Therefore, during these days, with Duo'er's company day and night, Chi Yao can be said to have lived a happy life of sleeping until he wakes up naturally, eating poison until his mouth cramps.

But the incarnation is not so leisurely.

Nathan Island.

Although I decided to go to the market first, Nathan is also an island known as the country of the forest, and its area is really not small.For Chi Yao and Tu Junfang who came here for the first time, where the market is is still a problem.

Fortunately, both of them are not bad at skills, so the bold two of Yigao decided to choose a random direction and start looking.

"Men on the left and women on the right, let's go this way first."

Following the simplest principle of route selection, the two embarked on a journey to the left.

The environment of Nathan Island is very close to the original jungle. Large areas of the island are tall trees and dense shrubs. The two of them walked through the forest and crossed the stream, fully feeling the natural features of the original forest.

But since it is a primeval forest, there are naturally not only plants that cover the sky and the sun, but also many rare animals that have long been extinct from the outside world.

Chi Yao caught a glimpse of a piebald tarantula by accident. Its back had a pale pattern similar to a human face, and its shape roughly matched a rare poisonous insect recorded in an ancient book in the clan.

This made his running steps suddenly stop.

"what happened?"

Tu Junfang noticed his abnormality, and slowed down simultaneously to ask.

"Ghost-faced tarantula..."

Chi Yao muttered something in a low voice, and then remembered that he was just an incarnation now, and there was nothing in his body except corpse Gu hair, so there was no way to subdue or refine this thing normally, unless it was turned into a corpse spider.

"Forget it, talk about it later."

After thinking about it, he chose to let this lucky little spider go, but immediately, he began to pay more attention to observing the surrounding flowers and animals.

"Ghost grass, rotten soil snake, gold-eating ants... This place is simply a paradise for Gu masters!"

The more I look at Chi Yaoyue, the more excited I am. This place is indeed called the forest country, a primitive island isolated from the world for several worlds.The ecological protection is really good enough, unexpectedly you can see so many precious poisonous flowers and poisonous insects with just a glance.

"When the main body comes in the future, we must bring more phagocytosis. Nathan Island can be destroyed, but it would be a pity if everything on it is gone."

Just when he was thinking about how to pass the news back, he suddenly froze slightly, and glanced sideways from the corner of his eye.

At the same time, Tu Junfang also sighed softly.

"It seems that Nathan Wei's words are not very effective on this island!"

Chi Yao sighed softly, "Is their so-called king really capable of ruling the entire Nathan Island?"

"Looking at the attire, I'm in the same group as the primitive people who played with spears before. The hostility in the eyes of those people is not concealed at all, and they have attracted the attention of my three corpses from a long distance away."

Tu Junfang grinned, "It's just right, I was stopped by that guy just now when I wanted to vent, this time..."

"If you let one go, a group will come. You can't keep your hands on these guys. Otherwise, the next time, we may be overwhelmed by the number of people alone. Let's make a quick decision. We don't have any hard currency in our hands, so I don't know what the financial system on Nathan Island is like. Could it be that they want to cut off their ears?"

Before Chi Yao finished speaking, the three corpses of Tu Junfang manifested at the same time. The lower corpse Peng Ju was left to protect him, while the upper corpse Peng Ju and the middle corpse Peng Ju turned into dark clouds, covering the surrounding savages directly.

Compared with Tu Junfang, Chi Yao's methods are much more exaggerated.

With a wave of his hand, he scattered a handful of dark green seed-like things.

After these "seeds" were released from their hands, they grew in the wind, and in a blink of an eye they transformed into seventeen or eight black corpses like ooze monsters.

They are all weird and uneven in shape, and it is even difficult to accurately describe them in words. Some of them with wings are floating in the air, and some are lying on the ground, lingering around Chi Yao, full of oppression.


With Chi Yao's order, dozens of corpse demons swarmed out, and the black corpse energy almost formed a wave, smashing fiercely at those gaudy savages.

Wherever the tide of corpse qi passed, the trees withered, the flowers withered, and the animals that had no time to escape were all assimilated into corpse beasts, losing their minds and rushing forward together.

Seeing this, some of the savages immediately threw their spears in an attempt to block them, while the other began to dance on the spot, waving their canes as if they were praying to summon something.

Puff puff puff!

Pieces of gun shadows and spear shadows pierced the tide of corpse energy, which indeed slowed down its advancing speed a bit.But the corpse aura itself has no shape, and it can separate, gather and disperse freely at will, neither the physical spear nor the spirited spear shadow can really stop them from advancing.


"Chirp chirping!"

The savage wearing bright feathers on his head and waving a short staff in his hand let out an incomprehensible urgent cry.

After hearing the news, the natives stopped attacking immediately, and then turned around and fled without any hesitation.

"Hmph, are you scared now?"

Chi Yao sneered, "Unfortunately, it's too late!"

Where is the speed of human running faster than that of Qi floating?
Those natives didn't run a few steps before they were overtaken by the tide of corpse energy from behind. They saw black tentacles protruding from the tide, grabbing them back one by one, submerged in the boundless black corpse In the air.

Immediately, a bunch of brand new corpse demons floated out of their bodies, beating them frantically around their bodies.

"Heh, the three corpses of these guys are extremely violent!"

However, because there were no extra corpses to accommodate these corpses, he let his subordinates swallow all the newly appeared three corpses.

As expected, the qualities of those corpse demons have been enhanced to varying degrees.

Tu Junfang looked at Chi Yao's usage of the three corpses, and was very envious.But there is no way, he dare not take the initiative to find a way to strengthen his three corpses, the temptation of the three corpses is strong enough, if he actively strengthens it, it will be a life-threatening situation!
Seeming to have noticed Tu Junfang's expression, Chi Yao turned his head and asked, "How is it? Do you feel that this is the correct path that the Three Devils should follow?"

"Not everyone is a freak like you!"

Tu Junfang, who was stimulated, said angrily, "If you practice like you, there will be no one in the Three Devils Sect."

Isn't that right? Only a few of the seniors of the Three Demon Sects were able to barely kill their own three corpses. If they all strengthened at will like Chi Yao, then I am afraid that no one can reach the final step of cultivation.

"That only shows that they are not suitable for the exercises of the Three Demons Sect,"

While manipulating the corpse demons under his command to harvest the loot, Chi Yao joked, "People choose skills, and skills also choose people. The most important thing is to find a path that suits you. Old Tu, have you ever thought that this way of practice is now , is it really suitable for yourself?"

Hearing this, Tu Junfang fell into deep thought.

After a while, Chi Yao had packed everything up, and the things he collected from those natives included: twenty spears that could be passed to the qi flow without hindrance, a weapon that might be a staff, and several brightly colored feather crown.

"Tsk, it's just such a little thing, I hope it can be worth some money!"

Because there were too many things, Chi Yao and Tu Junfang couldn't carry them, so he specially left a corpse outside to carry them.

The rest of the journey went relatively smoothly, and I don't know whether those natives were killed or scared, in short, until Chi Yao and the others found the location of the market, they didn't encounter the same attack on the way.

The so-called bazaar is actually a gathering place for strangers, and there are no decent buildings. There are abandoned storage barrels and containers everywhere around, and there are a lot of messy garbage, which looks very cramped and messy.

Step, step, step...

When the footsteps of Chi Yao and Tu Junfang sounded, one figure after another emerged from behind the mountains of rubbish, looking towards the two of them.

Although those gazes were full of malice, Chi Yao didn't have a trace of stage fright at all. He walked straight to a relatively spacious open space, ignored them and shouted: "Is there anyone in charge here?"

Seeing that his behavior was so arrogant, many of the figures hidden behind the container were a little ready to move, but the terrifying corpse demon behind them finally played a little role.Under its deterrence, no one really rushed forward like a stunned young man.

After a while, a fat middle-aged man with golden curly hair and a cigar in his mouth came out.

"I'm G,"

He came not far from the medicine body, and sat down on a large container, "Are you new here? If you want to make a deal, you can tell me."

He actually spoke Chinese, which surprised Chi Yao.

"Are you in charge?"

"Not bad!"

"We are indeed newcomers, so we want to buy some information and supplies from you, but we just don't know what you want?"

"What do I want? Hahahaha——"

G laughed loudly when he heard the words, "Everything is lacking here, materials, channels, technology, even women and men... It depends on what you can pay for it."

"Since you said so..."

Chi Yao manipulated the corpse demon to take a few steps forward, then pulled out a native spear from its back, and thrust it into G's feet with a "chush", "Is this thing okay?"

"This is……"

G first glanced at the corpse demon with a little fear, then reached out and pulled the spear from the ground, "The weapon of the Son of Nature?"

"Child of Nature?"

Chi Yao was a little concerned about this title that sounded quite lofty.

"Oh, those natives with feathers on their bodies."

G casually explained, "You also met them? If this thing was captured from them, it seems that the strength of the two of you is not bad, and you can defeat a child of nature without injury. However, those guys' sense of unity Very strong, but also very vengeful, I am afraid you will have to be careful in the future..."

Before he could finish his sentence, he saw the corpse demon bent down, and after a sound of "ding ding dong dong", the spear of the same style in front of him had been spread all over the floor.

"You guessed it, but not quite. What we encountered was not one Son of Nature, but a group."

Chi Yao said casually, "By the way, you haven't told me whether this thing is worth money or not?"

"It's worth it! It's so worth it!"

G looked at the spears scattered all over the ground, and quietly swallowed his saliva.

As one of the leaders of the bazaar, he is well aware of the horrors of those natives.It's not a big deal for one person alone, but once they gather in a group, they can easily drown most of the people in the market with their dense spear throwing.

At this time, the status of Chi Yao and Tu Junfang in his heart had begun to rise rapidly.

Even so, as the owner of this place and one of the parties to the transaction, he naturally did not want to be suppressed.

So G looked down and found that there was no wizard staff on the ground. His eyes lit up and he forced a smile and said, "It seems that you are indeed lucky enough to not meet their wizard. If the wizard leads the team..."

"Wizard, are you talking about this ugly thing?"

Chi Yao stretched out his hand to imitate the position of his lower back, and lifted a twisted and crooked thing that looked like a deformed dry branch to G in front of him.

G: "..."

Seeing this thing, the second half of G's sentence was choked in his throat, and he couldn't get it out.


Chi Yao waved his spear in front of his eyes.

"Hey, yes, yes, this is the one. The most valuable thing here is this witch staff."

G reluctantly changed the subject, and then marked Chi Yao and the two as people who should not be easily provoked.

"So, what can these things be exchanged for with you?"

"Anything is fine!"

G smiled heartily, "You can tell me anything you need, and as long as I have something, I will arrange it with you immediately. From today, the two of you are my friends!"

While talking, he turned around and asked the younger brother behind him for a bottle of red wine and threw it to Chi Yao, "Try it, this is a rare treasure on the island!"

After Chi Yao took the wine bottle, G moved closer, and said mysteriously: "With the skills of the two of you, you shouldn't be unknown in China, right? If necessary, I can also introduce you to a few A friend who is also from there."

 Thanks for the virtual happy reward!
(End of this chapter)

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