Refine Gu to become immortal from one person

Chapter 167 Gu Object and Demon Cultivator

Chapter 167 Gu and Demon Cultivator (two in one, please subscribe~ask for a monthly ticket~)

After being rejected by Lu Ci, although Wang Ai's mouth was still stubborn, he knew very well in his heart that without the support of the Lu family, it would be difficult to continue to implement his plan.

After all, whether it is cooperation or asking for help, it is only when the status of the two parties is equal that it is easy to talk, at least it can avoid being blacked out.Although he was always unwilling to admit it in his heart, his reason told Wang Ai that it was already difficult for the Wang family, which is now withered, to complete this task alone.

This is also the reason why he insisted on dragging the Lu family over knowing that Lu Ci had a grudge against the other party.

Wang Ai thought that Lu Ci was also a person who, just like himself, would do anything to achieve his goals and be desperate.

Unfortunately, it turned out that he was wrong.

Although Lu Ci is crazy and fierce, but the bottom line seems to be a little bit higher than Wang Ai.

So even though she was very angry, Wang Ai forced herself to calm down and think about the next step.

"If Tu Junfang can't be found, the Wang family's manpower problem will not be solved. If you want to restore your strength, you can only start with the existing people!"

A gloomy light flashed in his eyes, "If you want to quickly improve your strength, it is a good way to arrest the spirit...but,"

Wang Ai thought for a while, "If you want the dozens of existing members of the Wang family to improve their strength, you need a lot of elves. It is obvious that this number of elves can't be done simply by catching wild ones, so there is only one place—— Changbai Mountain."

In Changbai Mountain, there are ghosts and immortals who have been enshrined by shamans for generations. They can attach their spirits to the bodies of shamans through a witchcraft called "chuma" to help them fight.

At this time, those demon spirits who have escaped from their tyrannical bodies are the best prey for Ju Ling to send generals.

"However, restraint is restraint. If you wantonly attack them, there is no guarantee that it will not cause other troubles..."

Wang Ai murmured, "In this case, instead of strengthening them, you might as well give them all to me. Even that little guy like Ruhu can lead Su Guge to become a top ten guy by himself. Don't I, Wang Ai, have the ability to do so?" No matter how dilapidated the Wang family is, it is much better than those gangsters who sucked the ancient pavilion! Juling dispatched generals to cooperate with the thousand-year-old demon spirit, hehe..."

After thinking about it, Wang Ai did not choose to go directly to Changbai Mountain.

Because Juling Dispatch can only target spirit bodies, and those demons who have practiced for thousands of years all have real bodies. If he dares to go to other people's lairs to provoke him, he will be beaten to the bone.

"We have to find a way to attract a few core disciples of Chumaxian..."

This matter was not so easy, because shortly after the Jiashen Rebellion, the Chumaxian family in the Northeast made a rule-nothing but Shanhaiguan.

There are two reasons for this rule.

First, whether it is demon spirits or fairy spirits, although these things are allowed to continue to exist, they are equivalent to being imprisoned in the Changbai Mountains and cannot come out to wander around.After all, after the founding of the country, it is not allowed to become a master.

The second reason is the fear of detaining the spirit and dispatching generals.

Different from the other Eight Miraculous Skills, Feng Tianyang, who realized the Juling Dispatch, was openly tortured by the heads of many schools at that time. Although they didn't know the practice method of the Juling Dispatch, they all knew a little about the effect. .

At that time, the head of the sect knew that they would have a hard time in the future, so they set such sect rules in order to protect themselves.

But rules are dead, people are alive.Since they are unwilling to take the initiative to come over, Wang Ai will naturally find a way to coerce and lure them to come over!


"Patriarch, I have found out that the most famous successors of Chumaxian's generation are brothers Deng Youfu and Deng Youcai. One enshrines Liuxian and the other is Huixian."

"Liuxian and Huixian... Hey, although they are not as good as Hu, Huang, and Bai, they are not bad. Where are they now?"

"My younger brother Deng Youcai has just started teaching in Northeast China. As for my elder brother Deng Youfu, it is said that he has gone abroad to study."

"Going abroad?"

When Wang Ai heard this, his eyes lit up. If he could do it abroad, it would be even more concealed.

"Can you find out exactly where it is?"

"This one……"

The stranger from the Wang family who came to report scratched his head.

The Wang family itself is not in the intelligence business. It is good to be able to investigate some domestic news through contacts. They are really powerless about foreign intelligence.

"Then go to Yaoxing Club to buy information."

Wang Ai thought for a while and ordered, "Don't reveal our identities, and find someone irrelevant to buy."

There are two major intelligence organizations in the domestic alien circle, Jianghu Xiaozhan and Yaoxing Club.

In terms of scale and status, it is natural that Shilao Muyou's Jianghu Xiaozhan is stronger, but the intelligence of Jianghu Xiaozhang only focuses on domestic affairs, while the tentacles of Yaoxing Club are overseas because of the relationship between the founder Qu Tong who once stayed abroad. Also very tasty.




Shining Star Society.


Qu Tong said lazily, "Are you sure it's from the Wang family?"

"Of course, they thought they could fool us by finding someone who apparently had no connection with the Wang family, hey!"

The voice on the other end of the phone was full of contempt, "I don't even imagine what we are doing. If we don't know the identity of the customer, how can we dare to give out information at will? Just check it like this, and we missed everything."

"Oh, you have to be considerate. After all, they are an old family, and sometimes they just can't turn their minds."

Qu Tong's thin lips curled up, "What information do they want to buy?"

"News about Deng Youfu, the immortal family from the Northeast."

"Traveler? Hehehe..."

Qu Tong couldn't help laughing in a low voice.


"It seems that the old man of the Wang family can't bear it anymore. Do you want to rely on Ju Ling to send the future to come back?"

Qu Tong secretly guessed in his heart, "If you want to destroy people, you must first make them crazy. The old saying really makes sense."

"Where is Deng Youfu now?"

"He's studying across the sea, but Shilaoguan Shihua's birthday is coming up soon, and he should rush back at that time."

"Is it Guan Shihua's birthday?"

Qu Tong murmured softly, "Then we need to make proper arrangements. Tell them the news about Deng Youfu, and find an opportunity to disclose this matter to the Tianxiahui."

"what do you mean?"

"Since the Wang family asked for death this time, I will let them die more thoroughly!"

A stern look flashed in Qu Tong's eyes.



"Hey, Uncle Feng, what's the matter?"

On this day, Chi Yao, who was practicing, suddenly received a call from Feng Zhenghao.

"Xiao Yao, senior Guan Shihua's birthday is coming soon, and I have something inconvenient to go to celebrate my birthday, so I would like to ask you to take Shayan and Xingtong with you."

"I understand that it's not convenient for you to go there,"

Chi Yao asked suspiciously, "But Xingtong, wouldn't he also arrest spirits and dispatch generals? Is it really suitable to celebrate a birthday?"

The original Northeast Chumaxian Family was almost no more than Shanhaiguan, but when it was revealed that the Wang family also controlled the Juling Dispatch, and after Feng Zhenghao joined the Ten Guys Association, Guan Shihua, the Ten Guys himself, almost became a semi-retired state .

Do not enter unless necessary.

If this is true, we can't blame Guan Shihua for being timid, just think about the attitude of Chen Jinkui, who is also in the top ten, when facing the king who controls Fenghou Qimen.

In the fields represented by each of the Eight Miraculous Skills, they can achieve absolute crushing without any reason, even if they refuse to accept it!

"Xingtong's cultivation level is still low, so it's not a problem, and I'm not going there not just because of Juling's dispatch of generals."

Feng Zhenghao explained, "It's just that some things are delayed, and it will arrive later."

"That's right, that's fine."

There's no harm in being on good terms with a ten guy, and...

Thinking of Qiyao King Snake Xiaohei, who has absorbed the power of Qixing's belief, and Xiaohei, the gopher king who has learned the magic of earth walking immortals through the self-cultivation furnace, Chi Yao feels that the fate between him and the Chumaxian family may be Not very shallow.



In the blink of an eye, it has come a month later, the birthday of Goddess Guan Shihua.

Because it is not a ten-year-old birthday, the Chumaxian lineage did not decide to make a fuss, just let a few disciples of the direct line come back and gather with the descendants.

Under such circumstances, the visit of Chi Yao and the Feng family's brothers and sisters was not a big or small accident to them.

"The world will meet Feng Shayan/Feng Xingtong, I have met Senior Guan!"

"Miao Jiang Chi Yao, I have met Senior Guan!"

After presenting the congratulatory gifts, the three were arranged to sit on both sides of Guan Shihua.

Although he was afraid of dispatching generals, and had an attitude of avoiding Wang Ai and Feng Zhenghao if he could, but with Guan Shihua's spirit, he would not make things difficult for Feng Shayan and Feng Xingtong, the two juniors.

Instead, she was quite enthusiastic.

"Look at this little girl and boy, they are all so handsome!"

Guan Shihua smiled boldly, "It's much more blessed and talented than our family!"

"Grandma, if you praise them, you can praise them, why are you burying me by the way!"

Deng Youcai, who had a crew cut and a big gold chain around his neck, complained repeatedly.

"Brother Talented, Senior Guan is really flattering you, we are no match for you."

Feng Xingtong smiled, scratched his head and said politely.

However, Guan Shihua did not say this casually. She continued to say: "Whether you can compare or not, you have to compare before you can know. Xingtong, your family's Juling dispatcher, have you also practiced?"

"Uh, this..."

Feng Xingtong was stunned by Guan Shihua's straight ball, and for a moment he didn't know how to answer.

Before he came, Feng Zhenghao had naturally analyzed it for him and had some explanations.But what he never expected was that Guan Shihua acted so aggressively as soon as he came up, without even a little foreplay and foreshadowing.

How to do this, directly to the topic?
Some hesitant Feng Xingtong couldn't help turning his eyes to his sister Feng Shayan and Chi Yao on the other side.

Seeing this, Feng Shayan frowned slightly, and quickly guessed Guan Shihua's intentions in the blink of an eye.

Is this to give them a blow?Or is it a unique way of making friends here?
Don't know each other?
Just when she was a little undecided, Chi Yao spoke up.

"Since senior is interested in this, Xingtong, you might as well try a few hands with this talented brother. After all, the birthday party is the biggest birthday party!"

The reason why Chi Yao dared to say this was because he didn't feel any malice from Guan Shihua, so he immediately understood what the other party meant.

Juling Dispatch General and Tongtianlu, these are the only two of the Eight Miraculous Skills that have been made public so far.

However, unlike the Tongtian Talisman that Lu Jin showed in public, although everyone knows the name of Juling Dispatching General and knows that it is the supreme stunt of the Wuji lineage, even Guan Shihua himself may be afraid of the effect of it. Not too sure.

And the reason why Feng Zhenghao sent Feng Xingtong here was probably to show off a little bit, but he didn't know how he told Feng Xingtong.

After a little delay, Feng Xingtong obeyed Chi Yao's wishes, and stood up generously, "Since the senior is interested, the junior will make a fool of himself. I hope the talented brother will show mercy!"

"Don't worry, you can't disturb the grandma's birthday banquet, right?"

Deng Youcai walked to the opposite side carelessly.

"Who do you think will win between the two?"

Seeing the two people who had already started to "slap" each other in the field, Guan Shihua turned to Chi Yao and asked.

"If the fight continues like this, the talented brothers will have a greater chance of winning."

At this time, the two were fighting purely in physical skills, and neither of them used any special skills.

"What if it's real?"

For the Chuma Xian family, the real thing is undoubtedly to invite the upper body of the spirit.

Their spiritual upper body is actually divided into two stages.

The first stage is to borrow strength. At this time, they can borrow part of the power of the demons they enshrine to enhance their own strength.Of course, the range will not be very large.

The second stage is to invite the spirit.At this time, the fairy will put his soul on the caster, and increase him in all directions.However, this mode will also have a great load pressure on the operator.After all, the cultivation base of Yaoxian is often counted in units of thousands of years, and even the body of a foreigner cannot bear it for a long time.

"If you're serious, shouldn't you always know the ending?"

Chi Yao didn't answer her question directly, "That's the Eight Wonders after all."

"Hey, that's right, it's the Eight Wonders after all!"

Guan Shihua sighed, and then smiled, "But it's useless for me to know clearly, I have to let these boys see clearly."


Chi Yao's eyes flashed when he heard the words, "Could it be that you can't suppress their voices anymore?"

It is normal for the younger generation to challenge the constraints of the older generation.In particular, the celestial beings do not pass through the Shanhaiguan Pass, and the new generation of celestial beings would definitely not want me to spend their entire lives on this three-acre land in the Northeast.

For example, Deng Youfu, he did not enter the customs, but went abroad directly.

"Hey, of course I can be suppressed, but why should I do such a thankless thing?"

Guan Shihua glanced at the brothers and sisters of the Feng family, "There are ready-made targets delivered to the door, so there is no need to use them for nothing! Since Feng Zhenghao sent them here, he must have been prepared, right?"

Seeing Feng Shayan's serious face, but still sitting quietly without stopping, Chi Yao understood that Feng Zhenghao had already arranged for them, so he shook his head and smiled: "That's a matter between you two." , I don’t know, and I don’t get involved.”

"Then why are you here today, little fellow?"

Compared with the siblings of the Feng family, Guan Shihua's attitude towards Chi Yao is much closer.

One is because Chi Yao's reputation has already been established, and Guan Shihua will not treat him as a junior like the Feng family siblings.

The second reason is that although Chumaxian and Miaojiang are one south and one north, one east and one west, they are separated by thousands of mountains and rivers.But after all, they are all ancient sects with a long history, no matter what, they can always find some origins in the past history.

"I, actually want to ask to see some immortal families."

Seeing Guan Shihua's straight-forward character, Chi Yao didn't hide anything, and immediately took out the Qiyao King Snake Xiaohei and the Gopher King Xiaohui from the Gu bag, "especially the two seniors Liuxian and Huixian."

"This is……"

Seeing the mouse and the snake in his hands, Guan Shihua's eyes widened.

 Thanks to book friends 20171116123215430 for the reward!
(End of this chapter)

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