Chapter 175 The period of fighting Gu (seeking subscription~asking for monthly ticket~)

Time flies, and it is two years in a flash.

In the past two years, the alien world seemed to be calm. The only thing worth mentioning was that a young man from the Lu family joined Quanxing, but because he hadn't done anything earth-shattering yet, it didn't make any waves.

As for the Wang family, since losing Wang Ai's seat in charge, their actions have also become low-key and treacherous.

In addition to Tu Junfang, who is the focus of attention in the whole sex, prominent figures like Si Zhangkuang will occasionally make their appearances, causing a little disturbance, but these are all in the company's within tolerance.

After taking the position of ten masters, the development of Tianxiahui became more and more prosperous. Many disciples of small sects were recruited, and their influence became bigger and bigger. It has extended from North China to the entire eastern coast, including Northeast China, East China, and even Central China.

But at the same time, the connection between the Southwest Branch and the Jinmen General Assembly has become more delicate and weak.

Especially after the time has entered this year, this kind of cutting has become more frequent and urgent.

Because, this year is the period of the five-year Gu fighting period between the red seedlings and the black seedlings.

Qinghe Village.

Great Gu Master's home.

"Aying, are you ready?"

"Don't worry!"

Luo Ying said confidently, "In the [-] mountains in Miaojiang, we have never been afraid of anyone!"

Looking at the smile on her granddaughter's face, Luo Shuning hesitated for a moment, suppressed the worry in her eyes, stretched out her hand to help her straighten her clothes, and encouraged her, "You're right, the [-] mountains in Miaojiang is our home field. But Chi Yao is a little different after all, he is called the first genius of the Black Miao tribe since a thousand years ago, you must not be contemptuous."

"I understand, grandma, please rest assured, we will definitely continue to keep that secret!"

Luo Ying nodded earnestly, and promised that she would inherit the will of the dozen or so seniors who had participated in Gu fighting before, and continue to win until the village retrieves the Gu cup.

A similar scene also happened in the Black Miao Department.

"Xiao Yao, the fighting Gu is about to start, how are you doing, are you confident?"

The great Gu master of the Black Miao Department showed off his solid muscles, raised his hand and patted Chi Yao's shoulder with a "bang bang bang", and asked boldly.

"Don't worry, this time, whether it's software or hardware, the advantages are on our side."

There was a calm smile on the corner of Chi Yao's mouth, and a gorgeous insect flute was gently twirling in his hand.

"Oh? This is the insect flute you mentioned, the magical instrument that I asked my friends to help refine?"

The great Gu Master cast his eyes on the flute which is extraordinary just by looking at its appearance.

"Yes, from now on, the people of Qinghe Village will never have the chance to show off their magic weapons in front of us."

Chi Yao said it as a matter of course.

This flute is naturally Ma Xianhong's masterpiece. In order to thank Chi Yao for his help in the process of perfecting the self-cultivation furnace, he can be said to have used all his strength to make this insect flute.Its quality can be regarded as a masterpiece in the entire alien world.

The body of the flute is silver and white, with a shiny metallic texture. There are snake-shaped decorations around the body of the flute. The green snake pupils exude a faint splendor. It seems that just looking at it will make people dazzled.

"Haha, good, good wow!"

It can be seen that the Great Gu Master is really happy.He has felt the suffocation of being suppressed by Qinghe Village for most of his life, and now that the dawn of turning himself into the master of the family is close at hand, even he can hardly restrain his emotions.

In addition to the great Gu master, the heads of the Six Meridians including Chi Li, Xian Qing, and Yixiu, as well as Wu Meng, Mo Sang, Xian Meng and other small partners all gathered at the entrance of the village to do a good job for Chi Yao.

Of course, Duo'er is also indispensable here.

About a year after the poisonous Gu was implanted, she could be completely self-sufficient, that is to say, the original Gu poison cultivated by the five viscera could be completely absorbed by the poisonous Gu, and none of it would leak out.

After reaching this standard, she said goodbye to that isolation suit and that exclusive isolation house.After passing the company's various inspections and passing all the indicators, Duo'er has completely become a free agent.

At that time, Chi Yao asked her where she wanted to go and what she would do next.

Duo'er said that she wanted to go back to the mountains and find a quiet and undisturbed place, so Chi Yao took her back to the Heimiao tribe.

Unexpected and reasonable, Duo'er quickly integrated into this place, practicing Gu skills with the children every day.Although her strength is already called a master, she still seems to enjoy the state of being taught, managed, and acting with her friends.

Since she likes this way of life, Chi Yao is naturally happy to let it go.

After such a long time, Duo'er, who is wearing a blue-purple floral dress and decorated with strings of silver ornaments, can no longer tell the difference from other Gu masters. She is completely a genius girl from Miaojiang.

Yes, her talent has also been recognized by the Kuromae tribe.

There is no way to deny this, because she always likes to practice Gu with everyone.But even if she doesn't talk about her Gu technique level, just talking about her learning ability is extremely terrifying.It can be said that apart from Chi Yao, the Gu masters of the Black Miao Department have never seen such a person who practiced Gu art so fast!

At this time, Duo'er and Xianmeng stood together and shouted softly: "A Yao, come on!"

"Do not worry!"

Chi Yao waved to the crowd who were cheering him on, and then walked out of the village calmly.

The rules of fighting Gu in Miaojiang were briefly mentioned earlier, the black Miao tribe and the red Miao tribe each have a Gu master who is under [-] years old, and the two compete on the battlefield of the entire Miaojiang [-] mountains.

Limited to one month.

During this period, other Gu masters from Qinghe village and Heimiao tribe were not allowed to go deep into the mountains without authorization, they were only responsible for keeping an eye on the edge of the battlefield and preventing anyone else who wanted to take the opportunity to interfere.

Well, there is another rule, that is, no one can die.

This one is mainly to restrict the Gu Masters in Qinghe Village from triggering a Gu tide that even they cannot control.

Generally speaking, according to past experience, the first thing the Gu Masters of the Black Miao Department do after entering the arena is to hide themselves, and then find the location of Qinghe Gu Masters.

But Qinghe Gu Masters are much more arrogant, they don't bother to hide themselves at all, they just need to drive a large number of Gu things to attack in all directions.As long as the traces of the black seedling Gu master are caught, it means that the victory and defeat have been decided.

Because among these hundreds of thousands of mountains and millions of Gu objects, one person's power is extremely limited.And due to the difference in practice routes, the Gu masters in Qinghe Village are better at borrowing power from foreign objects, but there are indeed countless forces in this battlefield that they can use.

The three major elements of weather, location, and people have already been taken up by them before they start fighting.

But this time was different. After Chi Yao came out of the Heimiao tribe, he just walked straight in the direction of Qinghe Village in such a carefree manner, without any concealment, and had no intention of hiding himself at all.

"Starting today, the offense and defense will change!"

(End of this chapter)

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