Refine Gu to become immortal from one person

Chapter 196 Bigger and Stronger, Greater Glory

Chapter 196 Make it bigger and stronger, and create another glories (please subscribe~ask for a monthly ticket~)

Of course, blindly suppressing is not the most effective way, and the best way is to give grace and strength together.

And for these older generation Qinghe Gu masters, the temptation to improve their strength is already hard to tempt them.

Because they have fully endured the beatings of reality, and thoroughly recognized the difference between ideals and dreams.

Only children will worry about whether they should go to Tsinghua University or Peking University all day long, and when they get close to the college entrance examination, they will understand how superfluous their previous thinking was.

It's good to have a study!

Therefore, for these Gu masters who have already understood their limits, if you talk about strength growth with them, it will not cause much disturbance in their hearts.

Because they have already passed the age of dreaming.

Therefore, if you want to impress them, you need to talk about more practical topics.

Wealth and couple law and land are the four essentials of practice.

Qinghe Village has no shortage of land, law, or like-minded people, but the word money...

In Qinghe Village, which has always been extremely closed and conservative, no one would believe it if it said how rich it was!
But is Miao Jiang really short of ways to make money?
No, among these [-] mountains, there are countless resources that can be easily exchanged for big money, but first, a smooth channel is needed.

Qinghe Village doesn't have this thing, but the Heimiao Department does.

Ever since Feng Zhenghao became a top ten guy, Chi Yao has also connected with many forces through the name of Tianxiahui, in order to help Miao Jiang find his own way to make money after leaving Tianxiahui.

After all, although Feng Zhenghao has transferred the entire branch of Tianxia Group in Shancheng to Chi Yao, but since he has left Tianxiahui, he can't continue the previous business strategy, right?

There are things in the world, but Miao Jiang may not have them.

Therefore, it is the right way to develop a business path with Miao and Xinjiang characteristics.

Regarding this aspect, at present, the most potential path that Chi Yao thinks of is to vigorously develop the medicinal effects of Miaojiang Gu.

As I said before, for Gu masters, Gu objects are just like Taoist talismans, they are just a carrier of power, killing enemies, protecting the body, curing diseases and saving lives are all within its business scope.

However, the society is stable now, and it is impossible to maintain a livelihood simply by killing the enemy.Even the Tang Sect, which can be called a family of killers, has opened a martial arts school, which shows that this road has no future.

But fortunately, unlike Tang Sect, Miao Jiang's Gu can not only kill enemies, but also heal diseases, which is very important!

No matter what era it is in, there are never too many doctors.

Of course, although it is difficult for doctors to starve to death at any time, it is not so easy to live well enough.

In particular, Miaojiang's Gu medicine may be more acceptable to aliens, but it will not take a while to develop it so that ordinary people can also accept it.

But if you only do business with strangers, how many strangers are there in the whole country?

Less than [-]!
How many people can a market of this size support?
Therefore, Chi Yao chose a target to imitate——Yunnan Baiyao.

To tell the truth, this Yunnan Baiyao was actually developed by the famous doctor Qu Huanzhang after he traveled to Miaojiang and synthesized various earth and ancient prescriptions, and spent more than ten years studying it successfully.

And there is no shortage of Gu recipes like Yunnan Baiyao, whether it is from the Heimiao tribe or Qinghe village, whether it is inconclusive.The only thing they lack is the same way of thinking as Qu Huanzhang.

Although it sounds bad to say this, most aliens, especially those who came from the old era, still see themselves differently from ordinary people to some extent.Although most of them don't have the idea of ​​bullying, they don't really care too much about ordinary people's thoughts in many cases.

But now, times have changed.

Today, with the rapid development of science and technology, the living space of aliens has been repeatedly compressed by ordinary people. If they do not find a way to integrate into it as soon as possible, they will only be eliminated by the times and become more and more declining.

Fortunately, Miao Jiang's foundation is not bad, as long as he changes his mind a little, it will not be very difficult to complete the transformation from a Gu master to a medicine tycoon.

Of course, it will take a period of research and optimization to realize the Gu formula and develop a special medicine that can be manufactured on a large scale and sold to ordinary people.

But as long as this plan is successful, Miaojiang Pharmaceutical Group will definitely occupy a place in the pharmaceutical industry in the future.

If Chi Yao gave other examples, the Qinghe Gu Masters might not know it yet, but the Yunnan Baiyao Group can be said to be what happened around them.

Although not as good as Tianxiahui, Yunnan Baiyao Group is also an industry giant with a market value of tens of billions.

To be honest, this number instantly broke the defenses of all the Gu Masters present.

After all, that's just too much.

"Do we really have a chance to do that?"

Zhang Wenxia, ​​whose status in Qinghe Village was second only to Great Gu Master Luo Shuning, was the first to speak, her tone contained suspicion and hope.

"Of course!"

Looking at the excited Gu masters below, Chi Yao said seriously, "And in my plan, the scale of Yunnan Baiyao Group is just a small goal for us. Compared with them, we are more useful Many core competing products can cover all aspects of the pharmaceutical industry. What is tens of billions, hundreds of billions and trillions may not be out of reach! The reputation of Miaojiang will reappear in our hands! You are willing to cooperate with Do I fight together for the rise of Miao Jiang?"

His gaze slowly swept across the crowd below.

"If what you say is true, count me in!"

It was Zhang Wenxia who was the first to stand up and support. With her leadership and example, the Gu Masters in Qinghe Village all agreed after a little hesitation.

"very good!"

Chi Yao was very satisfied, "Then I announce that senior Luo Shuning will be the head of the Technology Research and Development Department of Miaojiang Pharmaceutical Group. Everyone, please screen out some well-preserved Gu formulas with unique medicinal effects as soon as possible, and do research on removing energy. We If you want to truly expand the scale of the enterprise, you must not rely too much on the Qi unique to Yiren, and if it is not possible, you should try to use as little as possible."

"The thing about the Gu cup..."

Luo Shuning asked hesitantly.

"Of course we need to find the Gu cup, but the efficiency of finding a needle in a haystack is too low, and it will only waste a lot of manpower. By the way, do you have any photos or portraits of Senior Wei Shufen? We may mobilize more people to look for it. It's more efficient than our hundred and ten people."

"There are no photos, but portraits..."

Luo Shuning thought for a while, then turned around and took out a slightly yellowed piece of paper from a large box in the room and handed it over.

In the painting, a heroic woman with fair skin, dark and lively eyes, long hair like a waterfall, and wearing a blue-purple Miaojiang costume is holding the big silver horn on her head with one hand, looking forward and smiling.

 Thanks to book friends 20190910201126983 for the reward!
(End of this chapter)

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