Chapter 208 Are You Polite? (Seeking subscription~asking for monthly pass~)


Zhang Chulan and Feng Baobao came to the cemetery in Zhangjia Village together.

Although it still looks a bit messy here, most of the corpses that were exposed outside have been re-encoffined. After all, they are the elders of the villagers, and it is not a problem for the bones to be exposed to the wilderness.Even Zhang Xilin's tombstone was re-righted, but due to the lack of corpses, there was no way to clean up more.

"Damn! Who is it?"

Standing in front of her grandfather's tombstone, Zhang Chulan clenched her fists as she looked at the empty coffin with the lid open.

"Stab ~ stab ~"

At this time, there was a piercing sound behind him, as if iron and stones were rubbing against each other.

"You, what are you doing?"

Looking back, Zhang Chulan saw a shovel appearing in Feng Baobao's hand at some point, and suddenly exclaimed:

"Also, where did this thing come from!"

Along the way, he didn't even notice that this sister was holding such a dangerous thing in her hand.

"Oh, aren't you here to repair the tomb?"

Feng Baobao looked at Zhang Chulan suspiciously, "Are you going to use your hands?"

While speaking, she still walked to the side of the tomb, inserted the shovel into the ground very skillfully, stepped on it with her feet, and sent her arms away, ready to fill in the soil.

"Wait, wait a minute..."

Zhang Chulan quickly stopped, "My grandfather's bones haven't been found yet, so this place can be regarded as a crime scene, right? It's just destroyed like this, isn't it good? It will affect Uncle Song and the others to solve the case."

"Don't worry, it won't affect you."

Feng Baobao kept moving and had already started shoveling the soil.

"Ah? How do you know?"

Zhang Chulan was puzzled.

"Because they can't solve this case."

Feng Baobao said it as a matter of course.

"What do you mean?"

Seeing that the sister was so sure, Zhang Chulan hurriedly asked.

"There is a strong corpse smell left in this place, and it's not ordinary people who did it."

Feng Baobao said casually, "Your Uncle Song can't handle it, don't worry, I've already called someone."

When in doubt, look for the third and fourth children. This is one of the tenets Feng Baobao keeps in mind.

"Not an ordinary person? Uncle Song can't handle it? Did you call someone?"

Zhang Chulan was stunned after hearing this, and felt that this sister was mysterious. Suddenly, he seemed to think of something, and asked nervously, "Your name is Zhang Yude?"

"not him."


Zhang Chulan didn't know whether she was relieved or lost at the moment, so she fell into silence. In the quiet cemetery, only the sound of Feng Baobao waving a shovel was left.



Liu Yanyan wants to find the zombie Xiaobai she left behind, so she can only go back to the cemetery in Zhangjia Village to find clues.

However, after experiencing the encounters with Xia He and Lu Liang, she also became more cautious, and after losing the white stiff head, her strength was greatly reduced.So this time I didn't choose to come directly in person, but sent two freshly dug walking corpses to explore the way.

This kind of walking corpse that is being dug and refined is at the bottom of the zombie series. It is called purple zombie. It is not only slow in movement, but also afraid of fire, light and cock crowing, so it can only play a little role at night.

Da da da--

The two purple zombies with corpse-controlling charms on their foreheads walked slowly and slowly approached the cemetery.

Although the footsteps are not very loud, they are still very noticeable in the silent night.

"what sound?"

Zhang Chulan suddenly looked out at the dark woods with some unease. In this environment, any slight disturbance is enough to arouse people's vigilance.

But Feng Baobao didn't respond. I don't know if he didn't find out or he didn't think it was important, so he didn't care.

Fear is contagious, but so is calm.

When the weird sound appeared, Zhang Chulan was actually a little flustered, but Baobao Feng, a sister who didn't know the truth, looked indifferent. Wouldn't it be too embarrassing if she behaved badly with a man like herself?
With such a mood in mind, he actually slowly calmed down.

Until a hand rested on his shoulder...

"Who is it?"

Zhang Chulan turned her head, but saw a rotten face full of holes that was almost close to her own.


This horror, ordinary people may directly pass out.But Zhang Chulan is different. Although he has been pretending to be an ordinary person, he has followed Zhang Xilin since he was a child and practiced the Golden Light Curse. No matter his physical fitness or courage, he is actually far beyond comparison.

So he didn't faint, but jumped back quickly, and then shouted incoherently with a broken face: "This is, a zombie? A zombie? Or something? How can it move?"

"Don't make a fuss, this thing is very weak."

Feng Baobao stopped the movement of burying the soil, held the shovel in a flower with one hand, and rushed towards the two walking corpses as if teleporting.

The two shovels went down, as if they were playing golf, the heads of the two walking corpses were directly blown away, and then they fell limply to the ground.

"Come out, I've seen you."

After picking up the two walking corpses, Feng Baobao stuck the shovel on the ground, looked at the dark woods and said calmly.

"Is there anyone over there?"

Zhang Chulan also followed her gaze and looked there, but couldn't see anything.

"It's not a bad woman, then I can rest assured."

An obviously relieved voice sounded from the woods, and a moment later, a girl with orange double ponytails appeared in front of the two of them.

"who are you?"

Liu Yanyan asked.

"Hey, we should ask you this!"

With Feng Baobao's record of instantly killing two zombies as a foreshadowing, Zhang Chulan also became more courageous, "This is my grandfather's cemetery, it is normal for us to be here, but you... wait, you controlled the two zombies just now ?”

"That's right!"

Liu Yanyan nodded.

" also stole my grandfather's bones?"

Zhang Chulan's voice suddenly darkened.

"Your grandfather? Do you mean Senior Zhang Xilin?"

Liu Yanyan's voice was a little regretful, "I originally wanted to take him away, but unfortunately a bad woman and a bad boy also followed him. I am not their opponent, so I had to run away, so not only your grandfather, Even my Xiaobai may have fallen into their hands. I came back this time just to find it."

"What? There's another group?"

Zhang Chulan's thoughts changed quickly, but he didn't just believe Liu Yanyan's words, "How do you prove that what you said is true?"


Liu Yanyan thought for a while, and suddenly her eyes lit up, "Think about it, if a master like your grandfather really falls into my hands, I will definitely go back to retreat immediately happily, and seize the time to refine him You have become the most powerful zombie! Why do you have time to hang around outside? Are you right?"


Zhang Chulan was a little speechless when she heard the words. Although she felt that what she said seemed reasonable, why did she always feel offended?
 Thanks to book friends 20190114105540851 for the reward!
(End of this chapter)

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