Refine Gu to become immortal from one person

Chapter 220 3 ignorant real fire

Chapter 220 Samadhi True Fire (Please subscribe~Please ask for a monthly ticket~)

After a period of time, Zhuge Qing, whose mood returned to normal, tried to enter meditation again.

Sure enough, this time no one helped him get rid of distracting thoughts and obsessions, and as usual, he was trapped in front of the threshold of the Pure Realm, and after repeated attempts, he still couldn't get in.

"why is that?"

Opening his eyes, Zhuge Qing was very confused. He had already successfully passed this hurdle before, so why was he stuck again now?

Judging from my past experience, as long as something has been figured out and succeeded once, it is impossible to continue to become an obstacle. Why this time...

Could it be that his talent in this area is really not good enough?
"Anyway, that's the situation now,"

Chi Yao spread his hands, "It's almost impossible for you to learn from me how to achieve the purity of your mind, but I have a way to help you temporarily enter the state just now."

"Is that so..."

Zhuge Qing bowed his head and pondered for a moment, "Then how long can you help me maintain the state just now?"

"how long?"

Chi Yao recalled the feeling just now. In the state of tranquility, Zhuge Qing didn't have many complicated desires in his heart. If calculated at that speed, even if it lasted for several hours, it would not cause side effects that he could not handle.

"How long do you need to stay in that state?" he asked rhetorically.

"It's as little as a few breaths, as much as a moment."

"That's perfectly fine."

Chi Yao patted his chest to guarantee the ticket.

"Okay, then I'll leave it to you."

Zhuge Qing's face became serious and serious.

"Wait a minute, won't you tell me what the hell you're up to?"

Chi Yao stopped Zhuge Qing who was just about to sit back, "Looking at your face, this matter doesn't seem easy. You are the baby of Zhuge's family. If something happens in my territory, I can't help it." Explain to Uncle Zhuge."

Although he already had some guesses about what Zhuge Qing wanted to do, but if Zhuge Qing didn't tell him about this kind of thing, he would have no reason to know, so he still asked.

Zhuge Qing was silent for a while, as proud as he was, he was actually unwilling to show his failure to others.But what Chi Yao said made sense.The next thing I have to do is indeed somewhat dangerous. Although it will not endanger my life, if I fail again, injuries are always inevitable.

After thinking about it, he finally spoke.

"You should know that in addition to the basic skills, some sects often have one or two tricks that can be called unique skills. In my opinion, these methods are not inferior to the eight strange skills that have been making a lot of noise recently."

Zhuge Qing's tone was full of unquestionable confidence, "Our Wuhou faction naturally also has them. But unfortunately, such methods are powerful, but they are very difficult to cultivate. I am not in a position to say more details, but there are I can tell you two things."

"Which two?"

"If you want to inherit the supreme skill of the Wuhou Sect—Sanmai True Fire, you need to be absolutely peaceful and free from any disturbances. That's why I come to you for help, Brother Chi. Because among the people I know well, you are the only one. It can be done."

Zhuge Qing stared at Chi Yao with burning eyes, but he was a little embarrassed to see him.

"Hey, I won the prize."

Chi Yao coughed dryly, "Thanks to your trust, let's start."

"Well, please."

Zhuge Qing sat cross-legged again, with his five hearts turned to the sky, and began to meditate.

After Chi Yao went out and told him not to disturb him, he also sat cross-legged behind him, pressing his palm on Zhuge Qing's back.

"let's start."

Love Gu was activated, and Zhuge Qing entered the pure state again.

In the interior.

Zhuge Qing also sat cross-legged indifferently, and began to recall his father's teachings in his mind.

"The reason why Zhuge's family has so many seemingly incomparably complicated practices is for the present. Tianji technique can be regarded as raising the god of the upper alchemy; exercising qi refining method to store the energy of the inner alchemy; strengthening the body and strengthening the essence of the lower alchemy. "

"Then, use the three treasures of essence, qi, and spirit as energy to ignite a fire of life!"

Zhuge Qing, who has been removed from all desires, has no thoughts, no worries, no attachments and no ego at this moment. He just follows the method he got from his father and connects the essence, qi, and spirit stored in the three major dantians of the upper, middle, and lower. Penetrate, and then—ignite!
Suddenly, translucent blue-purple flames sprang up from his body surface.This flame does not hurt clothes, nor is it hot, but it can give people an extremely dangerous feeling.

"Is this... the true fire of Samadhi?"

Zhuge Qing opened his eyes in the inner scene, looking at the flames constantly fluttering at his fingertips, feeling neither happy nor sad.

However, Chi Yao, who was sitting behind him, could clearly feel that a wave of joy was absorbed by him.

Exiting the interior scene, Zhuge Qing concocted according to the law again, this time, a small blue-purple flame appeared directly in his palm.At the same time, at the moment when the flame appeared, Chi Yao, who was so close to him, suddenly felt a strong threat and a frantic restlessness.

"Is this the real fire of Samadhi that burns the soul?"

He narrowed his eyes slightly.It’s not surprising that he feels threatened. In Chi Yao’s view, if we look at it purely from the perspective of destructive power, also in the realm of the soul, Samadhi True Fire is even stronger than Juling Dispatch, one of the Eight Miraculous Skills. It would not be an exaggeration to say that he is the nemesis of Juling dispatched generals.

Because of its single and pure function, it is also the only specialization that created this soul-burning flame.

But that restlessness...

After careful perception, he discovered that it turned out that the flame worm mother in the venom sac was constantly sending signals to him.

" eat..."


Seeing this, Chi Yao hesitated for a moment.

Although the flame worm mother claims to be able to swallow thousands of fires for her own use, and I have imagined the possibility of letting it swallow the real fire of Samadhi, but if you just eat it directly... are you sure you won't give it for nothing?

However, it seemed that the temptation of the true fire of samadhi was too great. Just when he was hesitating, the flame worm mother flew out of the gu sac with a gap opened, and rushed towards Zhuge Qing's fingertips.


Although he didn't actually make any sound, Chi Yao couldn't help making a sound in his heart when he saw a real fire of Samadhi disappearing in an instant.

"This is?"

Zhuge Qing was still observing and analyzing the characteristics of Samadhi True Fire, but the sample was eaten by this sudden little guy. Although he couldn't show it now, it still conveyed a negative emotion to Chi Yao.

"Aha, don't worry, it's just a naughty and greedy little guy."

Seeing that there was nothing unusual about the flame worm mother eating the real fire of Samadhi, Chi Yao breathed a sigh of relief, and then quickly changed the subject, "How is it? Is it done? Is this the real fire of Samadhi?"

 Thanks lsj for the reward!
(End of this chapter)

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