Chapter 222 Inference

Seeing Zhuge Qing running away from Xinluo, Chi Yao didn't continue to make trouble.

Because he thought of some other important things by helping Zhuge Qing inherit the Samadhi True Fire.

Inheriting the true fire of samadhi requires no distractions, no attachments, and no distracting thoughts in the heart, and this is not the only school with such requirements.

Not to mention far away, the headquarters is in the Tang Sect in the middle of Sichuan next door, and they also have almost lost their unique knowledge of alchemy, isn't that the same requirement?

Since I can help Zhuge Qing achieve this step, if the object is changed to Tangmen Danzhu...

Is there much to do?
Pushing it further, the Fenghou Qimen that makes people go crazy after practicing... Can you try it?
But everything is still from easy to difficult, Fenghou Qimen is really too evil, I want to discuss it with Wang Ye when I have a chance in the future.

It is still easier to operate the Tangmen Danzhu.

"However, if I have to find this kind of thing myself, it would be too cheap. In any case, I have to let people from the Tang Sect visit the thatched cottage. After all, I am not the one who urgently needs to pass on the unique knowledge."

Chi Yao rubbed his chin, "In this way, someone needs to be able to publicize the fact that Zhuge Qing has mastered the Samadhi True Fire, at least let people in the Tang Sect know. It is also a big family-style power, It is also a lost secret, how the Zhuge family regained the true fire of samadhi, it is impossible for people in Tangmen not to be curious and not concerned.

"And with Tang Miaoxing's flexibility in dealing with things, as long as he can continue to inherit the alchemy, he certainly doesn't care if there is outsider help. After all, in the original timeline, in order to achieve his goal, he even Even people from Quanquan and the company dare to use it together. Compared with those things, asking me for help should not have any psychological burden on him."

As for the benefits to him of helping the Tang Sect pass on the alchemy, there are two aspects to this score.

First, with this title, there is no doubt that Chi Yao can enter and leave the Tang Tomb, which is forbidden by the Tang Gate, to complete an exploration.

Of course, this is just a small profit, the most important thing is the second point.

In the circle of strangers, there are not only fights and killings, but also people's sophistication.

Now that Miao Jiang wants to get rid of his past self-styled and closed-door attitude, he can't be indifferent to communication as before.When going out to do things, personal connections are often more important than strength.

Because under the restrictions of the rules, the opportunities left to fight for strength are very limited.

Even Zhang Zhiwei, who is as strong as the old celestial master Zhang Zhiwei who dominates the world with one person, has to pay a price for an occasional willful act.

Doesn't mixing in the rivers and lakes mean having more friends and fewer enemies?

Not to mention, according to the future development in memory, there will soon be an opportunity for Miao Jiang to achieve a class transition. Before that opportunity appears, try to attract as many people as possible, otherwise if you miss it, you may lose It's too late to regret.

"However, the Wuhou faction has always been low-key and far away. If there is no opportunity, the news may not be leaked so quickly. Fortunately, the opportunity is coming soon."

He turned his head slightly to look towards the east, which was the direction of Longhu Mountain in Jiangxi.Although he was not enough to participate in the ongoing discussion in his current capacity, but he knew the result better than anyone else.

"Luo Tian Dajiao! Isn't this rare grand event in the world of aliens the best stage for publicity? Zhuge Qing, who has learned the real fire of samadhi, should be able to fight more fiercely with Wang Ye, right? Hehe~"

Chi Yao, who smiled softly, was only thinking about watching the fun, but forgot that he was also in the whirlpool.

With the wings of his big butterfly flapping, can the ranking table be exactly the same as before?



Soon, Longhushan Tianshi Mansion joined hands with the Ten Guys Association to announce it to the world.

One month later, the Luotian Dajiao held in Longhu Mountain, and the selection contest for the successor of the heavenly master, will be open to all the young people of the younger generation!
At the time of introduction, the final winner can become the successor of the Heavenly Master recognized by the Heavenly Master's Mansion.And if you have no intention of inheriting the position of celestial master, you can also choose the eight miraculous skills provided by Lu Jin, one of the ten masters-Tongtianlu.

As soon as the news came out, the entire alien circle was detonated.

What is a celestial master?
That is the head of the Longhu Mountain Tianshi Mansion, the leader of the Zhengyi branch of the Taoist sect, and in name can lead the Shangqing Sect, Lingbao Pavilion and other great sects that also belong to the Zhengyi sect.It is no exaggeration to say that half of the Taoist sects are under his command.

What a lofty, unattainable position that is!

But now, the selection is open to everyone?
In the old days, Wang Xietang’s front swallows were nothing more than flying into the homes of ordinary people, right?
Even if you can't win, but as long as you participate, you will be able to say to others in the future, "I am also a person who almost became a celestial master", how majestic?
This is the thinking of most of the uninitiated who heard the news, but those who came from sects are slightly different.

Well-informed, they are very clear about their own weight and the tacit rules among the various sects, and they understand that no matter what, it is impossible for a guy with an expatriate background to secure the position of Longhushan Celestial Master.But it doesn't matter, if you can't be a celestial master, then there is a Tongtian talisman!

Eight miracles!
Many people from various sects and sects witnessed the battle between Lu Jin and Ding Zhuanna.Although Lu Jin still lost a little bit in the end, the heroic aura with which he swayed the talismans like beans all over the sky left a very deep impression on many people.

Besides, losing to Ding Zhangan, one of the two heroes, would that count as a loss?

Thinking about it the other way around, originally there were only three recognized strong men in the circle, and they were not ranked below the top two heroes, and everyone belonged to that "waiting".

But after that battle, although Lu Jin lost, he faintly became the number four in the world in everyone's mind, and he was fundamentally different from other anonymous people.

Then if I practice, can I stand out again and become the fifth in the world?
So, with this idea in mind, almost half of the Inhuman world became active, whether it was a casual or a sect, they were actively preparing for it.

Chi Yao is no exception.

This time, in order to make Miao Jiang famous, he not only participated in the competition by himself, but also prepared to bring Duo'er along.

Of course, the reason for bringing Duo'er was not just to participate in the competition, but to have a fateful encounter with Barron afterwards.

Liuku Immortal Thief... This is the easiest time to obtain it.



In the past two days, although Zhang Chulan stayed comfortably in Tianxiahui, the memory he got from Lu Liang kept lingering in his mind.

The cause of his grandfather's death and what the purpose of Feng Baobao and Xu San and others became the biggest nightmare that bothered him, and he couldn't even calm down completely during his practice.

In the end, he still decided to ask himself to understand.

Of course, he definitely didn't go there alone like a sheep in the mouth of a tiger. He asked Feng Shayan's protection in the name of going to make a break with the company.

This protection does not refer to force, but to let the other party use the identity of the daughter of Fengshayan's ten men to make the opponent throw a mouse.

It just so happened that at this time, Zhang Lingyu and others from the Heavenly Master's Mansion who were ordered to go down the mountain to invite Zhang Chulan to participate in the Luo Tian Dajiao also just arrived in Jinmen.

(End of this chapter)

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