Chapter 234 War Letter

in the field.

Wu Kui'er didn't just hold the stone with her fingertips. After lightly taking off the hidden weapon with the sound of hunting wind, the solemn and perfect smile on her face remained unchanged, and she turned her wrist slightly. The stone held by the fingertips gently pressed forward.

This press is also extremely gentle, as if made by nature, without any trace of fireworks.

But the air in front of her suddenly rippled.

Circle after circle, layer upon layer, like spreading water waves.

This was originally an air barrier caused by the speed of the stone exceeding the sound, and there would be a violent explosion later, but in the eyes of Zhong Xiaohu who was facing this move, the rippling circle turned into a dazzling Buddha light , and the air explosion that followed was understood by him as the Buddha's slap in the face.

As a result, he just stood there so stupidly, motionless, his eyes were full of confusion, and he didn't even make the slightest evasive movement.

Of course, what he saw was not all illusions, because at this moment, Wu Kui'er's body surface was indeed covered with a layer of light golden energy like Buddha's light, even if he looked down from the audience, he would feel At this time, Liu Wukui, who was bathed in the golden Buddha light, came to the world like a true Buddha.

This is the characteristic of Buddhist martial arts.

It is different from Taoism, which emphasizes returning to the basics and returning to the truth, and the spirit is introverted. When you practice to a high level, you will return to the ordinary, and you will be as light as the dust.Buddhist practice, the more advanced the cultivation base, the more exaggerated the sound, light, shadow, and sound effects when doing it.

The great virtuous and eminent monks often grow lotuses every step of the way, follow the Buddha's voice, and the golden body is not bad...

All in all, the more powerful the person is, the more shocking the momentum will be.

There may not be any difference between these two routes, but they are just different in style. Perhaps it has something to do with Buddhism being a foreign sect, eager to attract believers and spread its own ideas.

Appearing in front of others is an idea that most people have in their hearts, and those who are willing to walk at night in brocade clothes are always a minority.

This is probably the reason why it, as a foreign sect, was able to rival the local Taoist sect so quickly, and even sometimes even surpassed it.

When the bosses in the stands saw that Zhong Xiaohu was fascinated by the Buddha's light and didn't respond to the stone Liu Wukui counterattacked at all, Zhang Zhiwei sighed, moved his fingers slightly, and a golden light condensed on his fingertips, "Now these Junior, it doesn't matter what you do..."

"Hehe, brother Dao, don't worry, Wu Kui'er will have a sense of proportion."

Xie Kong stopped his movements with a smile and motioned him to continue watching.

And Zhang Zhiwei, who was confident that he could save Zhong Xiaohu even in the nick of time, really suppressed his desire to act immediately after hearing the words, and continued to watch.

Against the backdrop of the Buddha's light, that stone cut through the sky like a golden relic, and hit Zhong Xiaohu impartially... the other two stones thrown from his palm.

With a crisp sound, the three stones exploded at the same time less than half a foot away from Zhong Xiaohu's head and neck, and they didn't explode in all directions. Zhong Xiaolong is so close!

This fine manipulation of strength shocked many people watching the battle.

"Is this...incorporating the cassock subduing demon skill and the lion's roar?"

Zhang Zhiwei saw that Wu Kui'er's strength was just right, which surprised Zhong Xiaohu without hurting him, so he couldn't help stroking his beard and laughing.

The cassock subduing demon skill, the big lion's roar and the flower finger are all Shaolin's seventy-two unique skills.The former emphasizes that flying flowers and picking leaves can hurt people, as long as you infuse it with energy, no matter what you have, it can become a sharp weapon in your hand.Soft as a cassock is fine, but hard as a stone is no exception.

The latter is a technique for defending against enemies with sound waves. The loud shock when the three stones exploded was not just a simple sound.

"Brother Dao laughed at the small tricks. Wu Kui'er has a natural Buddha nature, and has a predestined relationship with the seventy-two unique skills..."

Master Xie Kong didn't know whether it was self-effacing or boastful words that successfully attracted the attention of the big bosses around him.

Is there a predestined relationship with the seventy-two stunts?The old monk really dared to brag!Could it be that……

Not to mention the big guys with their own thoughts in the stands, in the arena, the moment the three stones were blown to pieces, an invisible sound wave hit Zhong Xiaohu's head fiercely like a heavy hammer.The shock made him feel like his brain was boiling, his head was dizzy, and his hands and feet were off balance.

He staggered and staggered, and finally fell directly to the ground, unable to get up.

And not only him, but another player who witnessed this brief confrontation seemed to be affected by the Buddha's light for some reason, so he retreated without fighting and abstained on the spot.

"Then I declare that the winner of the Jia Taotie group is——Liu Wukui!"

Accompanied by the loud shout of the referee of Tianshi Mansion, Wu Kuier's first show came to an end.

Although due to the average quality of the opponent, Wu Kui'er only made one shot in total.But in the eyes of those who really know how to do it, just the flower finger that is full of Buddhist rhyme and Zen, and the three skills are in one, is enough to explain the strength of Wu Kui'er.

The Buddhist kung fu emphasizes the unity of Zen and martial arts, and each of Shaolin's seventy-two unique skills has its own matching and exclusive Dharma.

The level of Dharma attainments is even more beneficial to combat power than diligent study and practice. Sometimes it is just a sudden enlightenment, and the strength can be greatly increased.It can be said that it is a practice method that is greatly influenced by talent. People with different talents practice it, and the effect will be very different. It even makes people wonder if it is the same kind of practice.

And if you want to combine the three unique skills into one like Liu Wukui, you need not only ideas and practice, but more importantly, a mastery of the corresponding Buddhist principles behind them.

In the eyes of most people, this is much more difficult than simply practicing martial arts.

After this battle, no one will despise her because of her young age. On the contrary, as long as she meets her, everyone will call her the fifth master.



After Wu Kui'er finished beating, the solemn Buddha rhyme covering his cheeks faded immediately, and he ran up to the stands excitedly to find Chi Yao.

"How about it? Does my hand look like the way you caught Jia Zhengyu's flying knife with your bare hands? Does it look like it?"

As soon as she opened her mouth, Chi Yao was taken aback, "Who did you listen to?"

"Brother Xingtong!"

Liu Wukui naturally pointed to Feng Xingtong who was smiling beside him.

In order to heal Liu Hongzhong's body back then, Chi Yao often brought the two brothers and sisters to deal with Feng Xingtong, so the relationship between them is quite familiar.

"So, you are deliberately defeating your opponent in this way, and the purpose is to give Jia Zhengliang a challenge?"

Chi Yao pondered for a moment, and suddenly understood Wu Kui'er's intentions.

"That's right!"

Liu Wukui nodded his head heavily, proudly thrust out his small chest, and smiled with his white teeth showing a corner, "Isn't it just catching a flying knife with bare hands, as if no one knows how to do it!"


Hearing what she said, Chi Yao suddenly felt a little sympathetic to Jia Zhengliang.

Just at this time, I don't know if I got the news or what, but Jia Zhengliang himself came over in time when he said that Cao Cao and Cao Cao were coming. It’s not that easy to catch! And there are more than three handles! No matter how strong your finger is, how many fingers can you hold?”

"But I still have Chiba Palm!"

Wu Kui'er pushed back immediately, without losing any momentum, "My merciful Qianye palm has been passed on by my senior brother!"

"Hmph, then just keep your eyes open and watch carefully!"

After Jia Zhengliang said a word, he jumped off the stands. It turned out that it was his turn to compete with the Yi Baihe team.

"Oh? So the competition in Group A is over. Is it the turn of Group B? Duo'er, let's go now."

As Chi Yao said, he took Duo'er's hand and turned to leave.

"That's right, we're going to see Sister Duo'er's competition, who wants to watch you, a little bit~"

Wu Kui'er made a face at Jia Zhengliang, then jumped up and down and left.

"Damn brat..."

Jia Zhengliang, who was standing in the center of the field, had bulging veins on his forehead, and looked at the three opponents with extremely unfriendly eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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