Refine Gu to become immortal from one person

Chapter 239: One Line of Vitality

Chapter 239 A glimmer of life (seeking subscription~asking for monthly pass~)

Although Wang Ye said that you are welcome, but his body did not move, he just looked at Zhuge Qing lightly and said: "Since everyone is a warlock, there is no need to make the scene so hard..."

Hearing Wang Ye's words, Zhuge Qing's eyes flashed a look of surprise.

"Sure enough, although you haven't used any spells, since just now, you have been subconsciously choosing an auspicious position to stand on. This is a habitual action that only warlocks have. Because we are the best at seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages." people."

"You're right. Most of the warlocks' calculations are to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, so I will give you this time today. Come and calculate the result of our battle..."

Zhuge Qing was silent for a while, and then smiled wryly, "Although I don't understand the reason, I'm very glad that I just met you now, otherwise I'm afraid there won't even be a glimmer of life."


Wang was also a little puzzled, "Since you have already calculated it, then a real warlock should follow the trend..."

"You're right, this is also the first time I've used this trick,"

Zhuge Qing nodded, then took a deep breath, "Daoist Wang, be careful."

Along with his movements, wisps of translucent purple flames began to rise.

"Aren't you reconciled?"

Wang Ye frowned, and moved the Qimen pattern under his feet, turning Zhuge Qing's position into a position of hurdles, and the weather was not conducive to starting a fire.

Under normal circumstances, under such double targeting at the right time and place, most warlocks would not even be able to use the spells with the attribute of leaving characters. Even if they barely used them, their power would be greatly reduced.

But what surprised Wang Ye was that the flames on Zhuge Qing's body violated this principle, burning more and more vigorously, and even formed a burning cloud above his head.

"Isn't this Qimen technique?"

Although he was questioning, his tone was very certain.Other techniques are fine, but in the field of Qimen, he is confident enough that there is absolutely no technique that he doesn't even know!
"Ah... Strictly speaking, it's really not."

Zhuge Qing nodded.Samadhi True Fire is the original fire formed by igniting one's own energy and spirit, and it really has little to do with such things as odd numbers, right time and place.

In the stands, Lu Jin, who heard their conversation, couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and turned his eyes to Zhang Zhiwei, the old celestial master next to him.

"The Wuhou faction still has something that is not a strange technique? And that little guy from the Wudang faction can force the disciples of the Wuhou faction not to use the strange technique. What's the reason for that? In terms of door techniques, is there any inheritance that can surpass Marquis Wu's Qimen?"

"Hehe, Lao Lu, although I haven't seen anyone from the Wuhou faction use it for a long time, but the great magician back then, the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty Zhuge Wuhou was best at, besides Qimen Dunjia, there is also Sanadhi True Fire! "

Zhang Zhiwei smiled.

"You said this is Samadhi True Fire?"

Lu Jin was stunned for a moment. The Sanmai Real Fire was very famous, but it was indeed lost for a long time. Even he had never seen it with his own eyes, so he didn't think about it for a while.

"It's amazing, it's amazing, this little guy named Qing has learned the long-lost Samadhi True Fire, what a formidable young man!"

He stroked his beard and smiled, looking quite happy.

And Zhang Zhiwei's words continued.

"As for whether the Qimen can surpass the Wuhou faction..."

The old celestial master slowly chanted, "The dragon's negative map came out of Luoshui, and the colorful phoenix carried the book in the blue cloud. Because of fate, it will be written later, and Qimen Dunjia will start from then on. How old Lu, have you forgotten? Although no one saw it personally I’ve seen it before, but there was indeed one of the Eight Great Skills back then—Fenghou Qimen.”

"You mean, Zhou Sheng? He actually left the inheritance in Wudang?"

Lu Jin had also seen the list of thirty-six people back then, and after this reminder, he immediately remembered the key person in it—the brother of Zhou Meng, the current head of Wudang. The famous and the most elite genius disciple of Qimen, Zhou Sheng!
Immediately afterwards, he frowned, "If that's the case, could it be that this is what Wudang meant, and they don't intend to continue to hide this matter?"

In recent years, with the spread of the news of Juling dispatching generals and Tongtianlu among the Eight Wonders, coupled with the restrictions of the order of the new era, everyone is not so fanatical and unscrupulous about the Eight Wonders. It is not incomprehensible to take the opportunity to disclose this point.

After all, although he is not among the top ten, with the background of the Wudang School, it is not a big problem to keep one of the Eight Wonders, and there will definitely not be a situation like Zhang Chulan.

But there is a saying that rules can only restrict those who are willing to abide by them. After all, this is a mysterious and unpredictable skill. Referring to the example of the Lu family, even if it can be defended, challenges and threats will inevitably be encountered.

Wudang Mountain is a place where one becomes a renunciate and cultivates purely. If one is contaminated with such mundane matters, the gains and losses are unspeakable.

"That's not the case, it's what the kid himself meant."

Zhang Zhiwei shook his head slowly.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

Lu Jin didn't understand right now, but Zhang Zhiwei stopped talking at the right time and refused to continue.

The line of sight returned to the field.

At this time, Zhuge Qing had been surrounded by the real fire of Samadhi. The real fire of Samadhi was the product of the sublimation of the god of the upper alchemy, the energy of the middle alchemy, and the essence of the lower alchemy, so he was not just a kind of The flame that burns the soul, when this flame is ignited, all aspects of the caster's state will be simultaneously stimulated to the best.

Zhuge Qing was in such a state at this time.

And Wang also frowned when he saw Zhuge Qing who was covered in real fire of samadhi. He never expected that Zhuge Qing would come up with such a thing after doing the calculations.

I obviously just want him to retreat in the face of difficulties and use the least effort to win!

Wang Ye felt very distressed, but now it's a good thing, he made such a thing that made him feel extremely dangerous and he didn't want to get close to it. Didn't he shoot himself in the foot with a stone!
It might as well just hit him with a Kunzi Tuhe car and forget it.

Just thinking about it, Zhuge Qing has already started to do it.

He flicked his arm lightly, and the flaming clouds above his head transformed into fist-sized fire swallows. Their shapes were a bit rough, but their figures were very agile, chirping and overwhelming.

One part danced lightly around Zhuge Qing, and the other part rushed towards Wang Ye in groups.

Faced with this strange flame, Wang did not dare to be careless. With a wave of his sleeve robe, water splashed all over the sky, and he took the initiative to meet it.

[Han word, water bomb]!
Using water to defeat fire, and Wang also deliberately adjusted the flying direction of those fire swallows, so that they are in the position where the power of the water bombs can be maximized. Under normal circumstances, these water bombs should be enough to destroy the fire swallows, even There is still room to counterattack a wave of Zhuge Qing.

But something happened that surprised Wang Ye.

In mid-air, the fire swallow and the water bomb collided precisely, but like two objects in parallel spaces, they crossed and nothing happened.

Huoyan continued to fly towards Wang Ye along the established trajectory, while the water bomb also flew towards Zhuge Qing.

"What kind of fire is this that is not afraid of water?"

In the stands, Hong Bin, a disciple of Huodezong known as the Little Fire God, looked surprised, "No, it's not a question of being afraid of water at all, it just ignores the existence of water. Interesting, really interesting, I didn't expect the Wuhou sect to be afraid of water." There is such an interesting flame, I can't wait to compete with him to see whose flame is more powerful!"

"Stop dreaming, your next opponent is Zhang Lingyu!"

The friend next to him reminded him with regret, "No matter which of the two of them wins this game, you will never meet them again."

"That's right, it's best for Wang to advance in this match, so that I can have a chance to avenge my shame."

At this time, a rough voice suddenly sounded from the side.

"who are you?"

Hong Bin looked puzzled at the bald man next to him.

"Iron Monkey!"

The man replied while showing off the exaggerated muscles on his arms.

"Ah~ So it was you, but..."

Hong Bin scratched his head, "Shouldn't you be from the next half district? Even if Daoist Wang is promoted, you have to wait for the final to meet him, right?"

"It's okay, I can afford to wait!"

Seeing the confident appearance of Iron Horse, Hong Bin and his little friend looked at each other, and the eyes showed the same meaning, "It's not a question of whether you can wait or not!"

But Iron Monkey, who is full of confidence, is still bragging, "I have inherited my father's special knowledge to restrain Wudang Tai Chi, and I will definitely be able to..."

It's just that he had just finished speaking, when his voice froze suddenly, and he stared blankly at the field.

Suddenly, a huge rock rose from Wang Ye's feet, leading him directly into the air.

[Kun character, Tuhe cart]!
Seeing that the interception of water bombs was ineffective, Wang also changed his technique this time and prepared to avoid it by car.Of course, just dodging is useless, so he not only prepared a car for himself, but also helped Ge Qing call one.

The ground under Zhuge Qing's feet split open without warning, almost pushing him into the air.

[Xun character, wind body and cloud body]!
Zhuge Qing quickly blessed himself with a technique to assist movement, because wind is his natal zodiac sign, so he can use it without opening a strange game. The effect is not weak.

Then lightly avoided the attack of the earth river cart.

But Wang also got serious, the attack was not limited to one move, only to see the seal in his hand changed, and the earth river cart instantly shattered, turning into countless flying stones and chasing Zhuge Qing to shoot.

"Kun character, flow stone!"

This kind of large-scale coverage attack cannot be easily avoided.

Zhuge Qing was helpless, Wang Ye's attack was too tight, and he didn't give him a chance to re-arrange the strange gate. Without relying on the blessing of the strange gate, his other zodiac spells could not resist the flying stone. So he still can only continue to use the Sunda script of his life to deal with it.

"Xun character, wind roar!"

He clasped his arms around his chest, and a spiral air flow shot out from it, like a roaring wind dragon, shaking its head and tail and blowing away the incoming flow stone.

On the other hand, Wang Ye's situation is not so good.

Although Zhuge Qing couldn't use many means to attack him, but just a true fire of samadhi already made him burnt out.

This thing can't be flooded, but the soil can block it, but he can't completely seal himself in the rock, right?Moreover, that thing was remotely controlled by Zhuge Qing, and it has been following him like a maggot attached to the bone, like a shadow.

This sense of crisis that is close at hand but still inescapable makes Wang Ye a headache.

He could use the space technique to shift shape and directly attack Zhuge Qing himself, but Zhuge Qing is also surrounded by a large number of fire swallows of the same style, who seem to be guarding against him.

"Tsk, why should I give him time to calculate this game!"

Wang also thought incomparably depressed.

 Thanks to Queying Dupair for the reward!

(End of this chapter)

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