Chapter 246 Please die (please subscribe~ask for a monthly ticket~)

The game behind the bosses is certainly exciting, but the game of the front players is actually not too bad.

As expected, Feng Xingtong easily defeated the Northeast shaman lineage's horse fairy Deng Youfu with the detaining spirit. Not only that, he also temporarily detained the spirit of Liu Kunsheng, the snake fairy invited by Deng Youfu, and prepared to use it to fight more After a few rounds, Deng Youfu wanted to cry without tears.

There is no way, the Eight Wonders is just so domineering and unreasonable compared to the strange arts in the same field.

Duo'er also defeated Huang Ming, a disciple of Quanzhen Longmen Sect.

Although the opponent has cultivated to the point where he can produce the Yang God, although the Yang God will cause a little soul damage when it passes through the human body, it is not used as a means of fighting, and the Quanzhen School does not have too many fancy battles. Skill.

Their practice is the most refined and unique, only focusing on improving the most essential sex and life of a person, that is, tempering the strength of the body and soul, and treating everything else as trivial and regardless.

Therefore, although Huang Ming has cultivated his sex and life to a good level and has a high resistance to poison, it is still difficult to parry Duo'er's endless offensive of Gu poison.

After all, as long as one is not immune to damage, even if one attack can only deduct a little blood, the crowd tactics are extremely terrifying.

Lu Linglong was also in the same sympathy with him.

As a disciple of Quanzhen, Lu Linglong's life cultivation was still higher than Huang Ming's, but unfortunately, she met Zhang Lingyu who had stronger frontal attack power.

If it takes time for the Gu poison to take effect, and it will give them more opportunities to resist and resolve, then Lei Fa will have immediate results.

Even though Zhang Lingyu used the method of Yushi Yanglei to hit the dark thunder and failed to exert its maximum power, Lu Linglong was already burnt black and smelled delicious.

I don't know if it's because Lu Linglong's pink hair reminded Zhang Lingyu of someone...

Anyway, Xia He, who was watching the game from the stands wearing a disguise, had mixed feelings in his heart at this moment.

Zhang Lingyu was merciless towards other beautiful girls, she was very satisfied, but why did the scorched figure look more and more like herself?
"Probably not? Does he still dare to beat me?"

Xia He shook his head, throwing away a few distracting thoughts, and still staring at Zhang Lingyu who was exiting with a happy face.

"Be careful, Xiaoxia..."

Gao Ning, who was next to him, reminded, "Don't be immobilized as soon as you see the young and handsome male benefactor, don't forget what you look like now."

What the two of them are wearing now is not their own looks, but the ordinary uncle's face. Xia He's youthful face really makes him unable to bear to look at him.

Xia He rolled his eyes, and as expected, many people around seemed to be pointing at him.

But maybe she was already used to this kind of gaze, she wasn't ashamed of it, instead she smiled at those people.

But her smile is not something everyone can bear. The congenital supernatural power can be used actively, but also has a passive effect. With just such a light smile, many people's faces suddenly bloomed.

"Stop playing Xiaoxia, don't forget our business."

Seeing this, Gao Ning hurriedly pulled her away from the arena.



As the sun set, the day's competition was finally coming to an end.

After the first round of knockout rounds, there were not many contestants who still retained their qualifications, and after these few days of fighting, everyone was not familiar with each other.

After all, they were all young people, and it was quick to make friends with each other, so everyone discussed to get together in the evening.

Of course, Lu Linglong, who was in charge of organizing this matter, would not admit that she was trying to get Zhang Chulan drunk in order to draw a curve because she had heard about Zhang Chulan's Shougong Sha Restriction and she couldn't see it. Save the country!

In short, a bonfire party was held in this way, and most of the invited people did not refuse.

There were many people who participated, besides the small group headed by Lu Linglong, Chi Yao, Duo'er, Liu Wukui, Brother Zhuge, Wang Ye, Zhang Lingyu, Feng's siblings, Zhang Chulan, Feng Baobao, and even Xu San and Xu Si Wait, the participants almost covered the best group of players in this Luo Tian Dajiao.

In fact, this can be regarded as a relaxation before the big battle. After tonight, those who have games will continue to play, while Lu Linglong and the others who don't have games should also devote themselves to intense preparations, preparing for the coming total disaster.

Of course, so many people are naturally divided into several small circles with different interests.

The ultimate goal of Lu Linglong and the others was to get Zhang Chulan drunk and see his Shougong Sha, so they surrounded Zhang Chulan and booed almost all the time, Zhuge Bai and Wu Kuier, who love to play, also moved over together.

Chi Yao, who prefers to be quieter, sat with Zhuge Qing, Wang Ye, and Zhang Lingyu and chatted casually.

"Old Qing, I heard that now you have a nickname called Xiao Wuhou?"

Chi Yao asked with a half-smile.

"Hey, those fans spread it randomly. I just mastered the real fire of Samadhi, and I'm still far from my ancestors!"

Zhuge Qing also has some headaches, too many fans are troublesome.

"I have a deep understanding of how difficult Lao Qing's fans are..."

Wang Ye lazily leaned against the root of the tree, and sighed weakly, "Ever since I accidentally won the competition, I have been hunted down by them all the time, and I almost ran away from the entire Longhu Mountain!"

"By the way, Lao Wang, you also have a new nickname."

Chi Yao turned to look at him, his eyes full of mischief.

"But I don't have any fans?"

Wang is also a little confused, who will give himself a nickname?
"Old Qing's fan picked it up for you by the way, no thanks."

Chi Yao resisted so much that he didn't laugh out loud.


Wang Ye immediately expressed respect and gratitude, "Forget it, what good name can they give me?"

"Old thief Sima...hahaha~"

Zhang Lingyu and Zhuge Qing laughed at the same time, and Wang also had black lines all over his head, "I'm pretty good at using allusions..."

"But to be honest, Brother Zhuge can pick up the unique skills that have been lost in the family for many years, and succeed in inheriting the unique skills of the past saints. The name of Xiao Wuhou is indeed well-deserved."

After laughing, Zhang Lingyu sincerely praised, "As for Brother Wang Dao..."

He pondered for a moment, "Let's be sad..."

Crazy fans can't afford to mess with it!
Apart from these two groups of people, Feng Shayan was sitting beside Feng Baobao, staring at her unkindly. Although Feng Baobao didn't notice it, he was still drinking bottle after bottle of liquor.

Seeing this, Feng Shayan originally wanted to compete with Feng Baobao in the field of drinking, but Feng Xingtong tried her best to dissuade her.

"Old lady, old lady, calm down! Look over there..."

She looked in the direction of her brother's finger and was stunned.

I saw a row of wine bottles of the same style neatly placed there, empty!
" she drinking it alone?"

Feng Shayan turned her neck stiffly and looked at Feng Xingtong.

"That's right, Baobao Feng drinks wine like water, without breathing in between."

Feng Xingtong nodded repeatedly.


Feng Shayan clenched her fist unwillingly, although she was no match, she knew she had lost again.

At this time, a slender figure suddenly came over and sat quietly beside Feng Baobao.

"Do you want to drink too?"

Feng Baobao didn't seem surprised at all, and handed over a bottle of wine very familiarly.

"it is good."

Duo'er took the wine bottle, swung the cap off with a swipe of her fingers, and then picked up a straw to insert it in. The water line in the bottle dropped at the same speed as Feng Baobao.

"This...could it be that it is not actually wine?"

Feng Shayan was dumbfounded. Are the little girls now so aggressive?
She didn't believe in evil, so she brought a bottle over and swallowed it down.That pungent energy almost made her choke to death, so she had to acquiesce silently and stop comparing with the two monsters.

So, the two equally quiet girls sat side by side under the moonlight drinking wine silently together, forming a sharp contrast with the noisy crowd not far away.

Under the shade of a tree farther away, Xu San saw this scene, turned to ask Xu Si: "Is that girl from South China..."

"Well, it's her. I heard that Zhao Dong specially approved Chi Yao to take her away and take care of her."

Xu Si nodded.

"Whenever the baby can live such an open and aboveboard life..."

Xu San took a sip of wine.

"That depends on our two brothers, and that kid Zhang Chulan's ability!"

Xu Si raised the wine bottle in his hand and touched it with him, "Don't think too much, the baby's affairs have finally made some progress, right? Just take your time, the most important thing we need is time."

"I hope Zhang Chulan can be more confident this time..."



The young people are having fun, but the old people are not.

"Grandfather, since it is confirmed that Lu Liang is on Longhu Mountain, should we send more people from home, this time we must not let him run away again!"

Lu Gong suggested bitterly.


Lu Ci shook his head, and said bitterly, "Use your brain to think about it, Lu Liang and Quan Xing got together, and then they were captured in Longhu Mountain, is this a good thing for us? "

"Uh... isn't it?"

Lu Gong was a little unresponsive.

"Of course not! The reason why I agreed to the old heavenly master to lend you to him today is because I was forced by that guy Lu Jin to talk too fast,"

Lu Ci sighed, "Lu Liang can be arrested, but he can't be arrested together with a group of Quan Xing who are making trouble in Longhu Mountain, do you understand?"

"This..." Lu Gong was still puzzled.

"Hmph, those all-natured monsters who came to Longhu Mountain to make trouble, they are not in our hands, but in Tianshi Mansion and the company. But every drop of Lu family's blood is precious, no matter whether Lu Liang is dead or alive. , he must go back with me!"

Lu Ci explained calmly, "Although it is not difficult to get someone from them, it also means a favor. The debt of favor is the hardest to repay, and it can be avoided if possible."

"Then what do you mean... we will release the water then?"

"Let Lu Liang go, as long as the other Quan Xings meet, they will not stay!"

Lu Ci made a final decision, full of murderous intent.Sorry, for the sake of the Lu family, I can only ask you to die.

(End of this chapter)

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