Chapter 248 Asking for help (asking for subscription~asking for monthly pass~)

"Flamell College? The one from the Emerald Society..."

Lu Jin thought for a while and asked.

"Yes, Lao Lu, Dean Isaac seems to be the honorary president of the Jade Society!"

Zhang Zhiwei looked at Isaac Tabor with a smile.

"Oh~Zhang, that's all... Well, in your words, it's all a false name."

Dean Isaac said with a smile, and introduced his companions by the way, "Old Master, this is the tutor of Victor Academy and the best student I have ever had!"

"Oh, it's a pleasure to meet you. Xiao Yuzi, why don't you serve tea soon?"

Under Zhang Zhiwei's call, a Taoist boy with a few freckles on his face rushed in with a tray.As a result, because he was walking too fast, he stepped forward and threw the tray and the teacup inside into the air when he was about to arrive.

At this time, the slightly gloomy teacher Victor took out the magic wand in his sleeve and waved it lightly. He first kept the flying teacup in a floating state, and then created an ice shelf out of thin air on the ground to support the tray. Return the teacup to its original position.

"Haha, it's interesting!"

Seeing this, Lu Jin laughed loudly, "Using two completely different methods in an instant, this is really the first time I've seen a foreigner from the West!"

But in the face of his heroic praise for Victor's mentor, he didn't appreciate it. He raised his head and corrected him with a cold face: "Please don't use the word "foreigner" to refer to us... This term does not describe us accurately..."

This blunt answer made the scene silent for a while, Lu Jin's laughter stopped abruptly, and embarrassment appeared on the faces of the others.

"Hehe, he devotes all his attention to the study of potions and spells. He likes to be serious and doesn't know much about dealing with others..."

In the end, it was Dean Isaac who smoothed things over.

After exchanging pleasantries, the old heavenly master pulled the dean aside and asked in a low voice, "You... didn't come to smash my intestines, did you?"

"Smash the field?"

Dean Isaac understood the word for a while, and then smiled, "Hehehe, you're thinking too much... I just came out this time to wander around and find inspiration. I heard that you are holding a grand event here, so I will drop by Come up and see."

He paused for a moment, and then continued, "In addition, I have some ideas that I would like to discuss with you..."



"Linglong, who do you think those two foreign aliens are? The old heavenly master still has such friends?"

Xi asked suspiciously.

"You don't know that, do you? Apart from the few people in charge of the company, the old celestial master should be the person who has gone abroad to participate in the World Alien Conference the most times on behalf of us. What is it to know a few foreign aliens?"

Lu Linglong explained.

"World Alien Conference?"

Xi had new doubts.

"Don't you know? The existence of aliens is not unique to our country."

Lu Linglong spread her hands, "Samurai and Onmyoji from Japan, wizards and knights from Europe, as well as their rival blood races and werewolves, voodoo masters from South America, head-down masters from Southeast Asia, and priests belonging to sects from all over the world Personnel, large and small social organizations, etc... Although they are called differently, these people who have supernatural power can be regarded as aliens. And in the past hundred years, everyone's situation has happened Similar and very drastic changes..."

"Is it because... technology is developing too fast?"

Xi is not stupid, he just doesn't know much about foreign affairs.Now that Lu Linglong has said this, he naturally understood the reason immediately.

"Yes, among other things, let's take your phantom blade as an example. This kind of high-frequency vibration blade can even be added to mass-produced machines, not to mention that those decades of practice can't be worth one in the end. It's about the bullets."

Lu Linglong's expression became very serious, "Under this environment, where is the future of aliens and how to find a way out? This is a worldwide topic, so there is a world alien conference."

"Ah! I found it!"

At this time, Zhijinhua suddenly cheered, and handed over the tablet, "Look! Is it those two people just now?"

"Hey, it seems to be true!"

Xi swiped the screen up and down, confirming.

"They are all big figures in the Emerald Society! One is the dean of Flamel College, and the other is the tutor of Victor College..."

Zhijinhua looked at the information above and read, then rolled her eyes, "By the way, aren't you curious about what they came all the way to find the old heavenly master?"

"Curiosity is for sure, but..."

Lu Linglong was a little hesitant. If those people came to look for Lu Jin, she would have eavesdropped without saying a word, but what the old master said...

Cough, after all, the threat of the old master is still stronger.

"no problem, no problem!"

Zhijinhua waved her hand, "Let's call more people, with the strength of the old celestial master, he will definitely find out about our eavesdropping. If he doesn't want us to know, he will be kicked out at worst! But if he doesn't care , wouldn’t that make a lot of money?”

"good idea!"

Lu Linglong and Xi's eyes lit up immediately, and they looked at each other, "Separate up and call someone!"



It is human nature to watch the excitement, not to mention foreigners, most of the people present have never dealt with each other before, so it is very novel.Therefore, except for the contestants who are currently competing, almost all the other people who were called came here!
"Go, go, hurry up!"

Now that all the people are here, it's time to start taking action. Under the leadership of Lu Linglong, a group of people quietly sneaked to the periphery of the old master's residence.

"I can't hear it at this distance, why don't we get closer?"

Although everyone was full of enthusiasm and anticipation when they came, but when they really entered the field near the old Tianshi, they began to feel uneasy again.

There is no way, the shadow of the famous tree, the old celestial master in the country, cannot be overstated.

"Old Qing, Xiao Bai, why don't you two try listening to the wind?"

Chi Yao looked at Brother Zhuge beside him.

It's time for you to play a role!

"No, the wind around here seems to be different from other places..."

Zhuge Qing tried to no avail, so he could only shake his head helplessly.

"Since you're all here, you're just a step away. What are you afraid of? At worst, you'll be punished! Come on!"

In the end, Lu Linglong's face was sure, and she made the final decision. She led the people into the courtyard and lay down on the door.

But before they heard any words clearly, a group of people suddenly felt dizzy, and then found themselves standing in the middle of the small courtyard.

"Oops, this is Grandfather's Five Ghosts Transporting Technique!"

Lu Linglong shuddered, showing an expression of imminent disaster.

Sure enough, the next moment, the door of the room in front of him was suddenly opened, and all the bosses in the room were looking outside together, their eyes met, and the atmosphere suddenly became awkward.

"Eh...well, Grandpa, if we say that we lost our way and came here by accident, would you believe it..."

Lu Linglong still tried to struggle, but Lu Jin snorted coldly, "Usually when you mess around, I'll just turn a blind eye and close one eye, but today is the time when the old celestial master entertains guests..."

"Alas, alas, Lu, you don't have to be so strict..."

Dean Isaac smiled kindly, "They are all very cute children..."

His eyes swept across the crowd, not sure if it was an illusion, Chi Yao always felt that the other party seemed to stay on certain people for a moment longer.

"Well, speaking of these children..."

The old master suddenly said, "Although I have something to do here, there may be someone among these little fellows who can help you..."


Dean Isaac paused slightly with his hand stroking his beard, "Zhang, what do you mean?"

"Isn't it because of your student that you came to me? It shouldn't be difficult for you to take down your student, except for the method of sending things to your soul?" Zhang Zhiwei asked.

"It's natural..."

Before Dean Isaac could answer, Mentor Victor answered.

"That's all right,"

Zhang Zhiwei nodded, "My thunder method is indeed the nemesis of all ghosts, but there is not only one way to restrain souls. I don't know if you have heard of the real fire of Samadhi?"

"Samadhi really fires?"

Dean Isaac hesitated and said, "Of course I know about it. Legend has it that this is a powerful flame that is dedicated to incinerating the soul. Its power is not inferior to Fiendfire, but as far as I know..."

"Your message is outdated!"

The old heavenly master laughed, "On the stage of this Luo Tian Dajiao, the descendants of Marquis Wu reproduced this unique skill."

"Oh! To be able to recover the lost inheritance from the long river of time, this is really a remarkable achievement!"

Dean Isaac exclaimed, "So which kid is it, can you arrange for me to talk to him?"

"It's natural."

(End of this chapter)

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