Chapter 259 Attacking Mountains All Sexually

The next day.

It was still the venue of the finals, and Zhang Chulan, the final winner of this Luo Tian Dajiao, will accept his award here.

——The identity of the heir to the Heavenly Master of Longhu Mountain, and the Tongtian talisman.

There is no problem in announcing the identity of the heir of Tianshi. Although the disciples of Tianshi's mansion are generally a little apprehensive, this will not affect Zhang Zhiwei's decision.However, when Lu Jin handed it to Zhang Chulan with the copy of Tongtianlu that countless people dreamed of, he rejected it.

"don't want?"

This decision surprised even Lu Jin.

Back then, because of this thing, his good brother Zheng Zibu from the Shangqing faction was chased and killed by countless people, and even his hometown was destroyed, and finally died in his arms, and he himself was coveted by Xiao Xiao.

In the end, this kid actually said no without blinking his eyes?
Lu Jin really wanted to grab Zhang Chulan by the collar and ask:

Do you not understand what is called the Eight Wonders? !
"Senior Lu,"

Zhang Chulan explained very sincerely, "I have suffered a lot because of a source of energy body that I have never seen before... And since this Tongtianlu is as famous as the source of energy body, in my eyes, it is nothing Baby, it's a big can give it to whoever you want, I won't take it anyway."


Lu Jin was a little confused by his actions.

Tong Tianlu was passed on to him by Zheng Zibu. Out of respect for his friends, this unique skill must not be lost in his own hands.

But the Lu family's family rules are very different from other sect families.

They didn't have any so-called family inheritance methods, but just passed on a lot of family rules and the hard bones of the same line.

And one of the most important ones is: if strange arts are involved, only teach the children and grandchildren to be human, not to continue wealth for the children and grandchildren.

In other words, what methods Lu family disciples can learn in the future depends entirely on their own good luck, and which sect they join depends on their own abilities.Whether it is the parents or other elders in the family, they will not teach them different skills.

Because of this rule, Lu Jin would not pass on the Tongtian Talisman to the disciples of the Lu family, but because of the fame and power of the Eight Wonders, he could not pass it on to others casually. How to deal with this wonder has really troubled him for many years.

Although it was used as a bait this time, Lu Jin did not mean to take the opportunity to get rid of this burden.

If he directly handed over the Tongtian Talisman to the Tianshi Mansion, then the old Tianshi would probably not accept it, but as an additional reward for the winner of the Luotian Dajiao, the old Tianshi would have no excuse to refuse.

As for that man's character?
Naturally, the Tianshi should worry about the character and quality of the successor of the Tianshi. What does it matter to him, Lu Jin?
What a perfect plan!
But he never expected that there are still people who can refuse the temptation of Ba Qiji!
Fortunately, as a close friend who has known each other for many years, the old celestial master Zhang Zhiwei also understood Lu Jin's thoughts, so he said: "Old Lu, be more flexible. Since Chu Lan doesn't want it, let's postpone it to the second place, Lingyu."


Lu Jin was stunned for a moment, and immediately understood that the old Tianshi was helping him out, so he also laughed, "Okay, anyway, this thing will stay in the Tianshi's mansion from now on!"

The two of them sang together and settled the matter instantly, which made Lu Ci envious and jealous.

Thinking of their Lu family, how much effort has been spent on the Eight Wonders, and they dare not show their true colors directly, but split it into two halves. After so many years, no one can reproduce the Eight Wonders The style of technology.

But what about Tianshi Mansion?
With just such a fluffy sentence, one of the Eight Wonders has been achieved!

Nade is called an aboveboard and righteous.

It's true that people are dead compared to others, and goods are thrown away when compared with goods!

Zhang Lingyu, who was suddenly hit on the head by a huge pie, walked up to Lu Jin in a daze. Originally, with his character, he would not choose to accept Tongtian.

There are two reasons: First, Longhushan Tianshi Mansion already has the top inheritance, Zhang Lingyu is not short of skills, nor has he experienced the powerlessness of being beaten or subverted by strange skills in the same field , so there is not much desire and pursuit of the Eight Wonders in my heart.

To put it bluntly, there is no demand, and the product does not touch the pain points of users.

If there is one of these miraculous skills that can allow people who have broken their bodies to also practice Yang Wulei's secret method, then the result may be quite different.

The second reason is that Zhang Lingyu's skin is too thin.

Tong Tian Lu was originally a reward promised to the first place, and he was not qualified to take the second place according to reason, and he deserved it, and he couldn't pass the test in his heart.

But it is a pity that the old master has already calculated everything.

Before going out today, let him agree to a condition, that is, if you encounter a decision that needs to be made today, you must make a decision that is opposite to the usual one.

This request seems nonsensical, but in Zhang Lingyu's mind, the words of the master are the most important and correct, even more important than his own thoughts.

So, after a short silence, he chose to accept.

"Thank you, Senior Lu, this junior is ashamed to accept it."

"That's right!"

Lu Jin breathed a sigh of relief, and everyone at the scene was happy.



The night is like ink, and the lone moon hangs high.

With the gradual dispersal of the aliens on the mountain, Longhu Mountain did not return to calm, but the atmosphere became more tense than usual.

Because countless all-gender members wore disguises and stepped into the realm of Longhu Mountain.

In addition to them, there is a net laid by the company's employees, which surrounds the entire Longhu Mountain layer upon layer.

However, although Quan Quan and the company are extremely busy, Zhang Zhiwei, the master of heaven, does not take all this seriously.

At this moment, there is only one thing that is most important to him, and that is to pass on the degree of a celestial master to Zhang Chulan.

Tianshidu is a very powerful restriction, which has been passed down from generation to generation by Longhushan Tianshi, and it contains great secrets.

And the truth about his grandfather that Zhang Chulan was pursuing was also in it.

The Eight Wonders involves a big secret, even those who know it can't easily tell it.

And as long as he can transfer the celestial master's degree to Zhang Chulan, then he will naturally understand all this.

In addition, Zhang Chulan, who has accepted the degree of the celestial master, will automatically become the new celestial master of the celestial master's mansion. This identity is the best amulet in the world. No matter who it is, it is impossible to have an excuse to attack the celestial master.

If you want to play in the dark, then the hundreds of disciples in the Tianshi Mansion, and even Zhengyi Dao's disciples are not vegetarians.

Convincing people with reasoning, who wouldn't!
Originally, Zhang Qingjing, the celestial master of the previous generation, planned to use this method to protect Zhang Chulan's grandfather Zhang Huaiyi, but it is a pity that Zhang Huaiyi did not want to implicate his teacher and mentor, nor did he want to use this method to snatch the seat that should belong to Zhang Zhiwei. , So I would rather spend my whole life wandering outside.

This has also become a lifetime regret for Zhang Zhiwei, Tian Jinzhong and others.

Now, he is trying to make up for this regret on Zhang Chulan.

Chuandu hall.

The old master took Zhang Chulan up to the second floor.

Bright golden light overflowed from the window, as if reflecting the entire second floor into a golden field.

Just at this time, the disciples of Tianshidu patrolling around Longhu Mountain found many strange faces wandering in the mountains and forests.

After being discovered, the camouflage on their bodies faded one by one, no longer covering up, but with perverse expressions, they all rushed towards the disciples of Tianshifu.



"it's time."

When there was a slight noise outside, Chi Yao opened the window and released two birds.

"One went to watch outside the Chuandu Hall, and the other went to look at Tian Jinzhong's residence..."

After Xinxin Gu gave them an order, Chi Yao stepped out of the room, "Let's go, Duo'er, it's time for us to act."

 Thank you for calling me Mr. Donkey for your rewards!

(End of this chapter)

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