Refine Gu to become immortal from one person

Chapter 261 I Bloom in the Slaughter

Chapter 261 I Bloom in the Slaughter (Please subscribe~Please ask for a monthly ticket~)

"Cook, this girl is the treasure of the Lu family. If you touch her, you won't be afraid of Lu Jin..."

A middle-aged man with an ordinary face, except for a hooked nose, looked at his companion beside him.

"Hmph, old ghost, it's not like you don't know my innate supernatural powers."

The person called the cook suddenly stuck out his tongue and licked the corner of his mouth. After a glimpse, he saw that his tongue seemed to be very different from ordinary people. Then he squinted at the man with the hooked nose, his eyes were full of greed, " And I don't believe you haven't smelled that girl's scent..."

Hearing the words, Guibi is silent, his nickname is Guibi, and the cook next to him is a member of the whole sex at a glance, and together with several other aliens with innate abilities of eyes, ears, body and mind, they form the Six Thieves. title.

The fragrance on Lu Linglong's body that the cook mentioned was not some fuzzy thing like body fragrance or virgin fragrance, but Lu Linglong's blood was truly exuding a very seductive fragrance.

Ordinary people may not be able to detect this kind of fragrance, but the innate abilities of the two of them are the two areas most sensitive to fragrance, the mouth and nose.Therefore, they not only smelled it, but also received a great attraction from somewhere.

For example, he himself had the idea of ​​desperately pursuing this smell and smelling enough.It's just that the fear of Lu Jin overwhelmed this thought, so he could still maintain restraint.

Obviously, the cook couldn't hold back the temptation, and his sanity was a little out of control.

Seeing that Guibi was silent, the cook gave a "cut" sound, turned to another companion, and said seductively, "Old Xu, what do you say? If Lu Linglong is caught, maybe we can still take her with the Lu family." In exchange for the Tongtian talisman!"

click ~
The man named Lao Xu was playing with two stones floating up and down in his hands, and he accidentally crushed them when he heard this sentence: " can try it, I heard that the four Zhang Kuang and the others went together Deal with Lu Jin, the old man probably won't have time to trouble us today."

"That's right!"

Seeing Lao Xu supporting him, the cook was overjoyed, "Two to one, old ghost, don't hesitate anymore, you really want to lie on her body and smell your fill, right? Hehe, what a great opportunity! After tonight, just Impossible to appear again!"

Under the persuasion of the cook, the deep desire from innate abilities finally defeated the fear of Lu Jin in his heart.

"Mad, it's done!"



"Hua'er, what's the matter, where is the enemy?"

While carefully guarding her surroundings, Lu Linglong asked Zhijinhua who was beside her.

It is naturally impossible for their small team to act collectively. Although it is very safe, it is too inefficient.Therefore, after weighing, they were divided into groups of threes and threes, and Lu Linglong, who had the strongest combat power, and Zhijinhua, who was the weakest, became one of the groups.

They had just experienced a battle, and they were more or less injured, but they were not serious, and they were looking for the next target at the moment.

Zhijinhua pushed her glasses, pressed the tablet in her hand, and a series of data flowed through her mind, "The No. [-], No. [-], and No. [-] detectors just turned on in the northwest direction. If calculated according to this direction, the enemy is within a certain distance. After time, it should"

Her fingertips slid across the screen, and suddenly that point was exactly where they were currently!

"Linglong, be careful!"

Zhijinhua's screams mixed with the sound of breaking wind from the sky, making the originally quiet woods suddenly boil, startling a flock of birds.

Facing the sudden attack that fell from the sky, Lu Linglong was not disturbed, but the flames rose and enveloped her whole body, and then pushed away Zhijinhua, which was also covered by the attack, and then raised her arms, and shook head-on!
After two muffled sounds, Lu Linglong slid back to defuse the huge impact, and her feet plowed two deep ravines on the ground.

The two who launched the attack also revealed their faces.

"This girl is really strong!"

Lao Xu shook his palm, complained casually, and then hooked the corner of his mouth, "But since I've already touched it, it's easy to handle."

He took out a few slender iron sticks, and casually threw them into the air.

It looked like it was just a random throwing action, but those iron sticks suddenly turned while flying in the air, and the target was pointed directly at Lu Linglong on the ground!

Lu Linglong was unarmed, no matter how strong and durable the Quanzhen sect was, it didn't make sense to go head-to-head with such a sharp weapon, so of course she chose to dodge.

But when she moved quickly, those iron sticks also changed directions flexibly, and the sharp points pointed to the same target.

"Imperial objects? Or telekinetic power?"

Lu Linglong changed her figure twice and three times, but failed to get rid of those iron sticks, she couldn't help guessing inwardly.

"It seems that the long-distance battle is not good for me...Hua'er, one person per person, I will deal with the flying needle player!"

"it is good!"

After the division of labor was completed, Lu Linglong stepped on the seven stars and quickly approached Lao Xu while avoiding hidden weapons.

And when Zhijinhua, who also has no long-distance combat ability, also tried to rush towards Ghost Nose, but when he was about to approach, he suddenly heard a strange smell, and immediately the energy of Qi all over his body was released.

Although it was only for a moment, in this gap, a long whip-like object suddenly shot out from the shadow behind Zhijinhua, and it spun around her body several times, binding Zhijinhua firmly. in the middle.

Upon closer inspection, the thing was crimson in color, and there were many fleshy spines on it, as if it was something... like a tongue.

When the tongue saliva came into contact with Zhijinhua's body-protecting arrogance, it made a corrosive sound, and the thin layer of qi-flame broke through before it could last long.

"Hey, grab one."

At this time, the cook walked out slowly from the darkness, and the thorny whip that bound Zhijinhua suddenly protruded from his mouth.

After he withdrew his tongue, he stepped on Zhijinhua's back, and looked at Lu Linglong provocatively: "Little girl, if you don't want her to suffer more, just obediently grab her with nothing."

"Bah, don't try to threaten Linglong with me!" Zhijinhua spat at him.

"Dare to be tough?"

The cook bent down and grabbed her hair, lifted her upper body, and then leaned to her neck, sticking out his tongue and licking it lightly.

"Although your taste is not very good, as a dessert before the main meal, it can barely pass."

Accompanied by his movements, Zhijinhua immediately let out a painful and shrill scream.


It's not because she is about to be molested, but the place where she was licked has become bloody!
Not only Zhijinhua, but even Lu Linglong's pupils were shocked.

The two of them never expected that there would be such a person-eating existence in Quan Xing!

Of course, it would be a bit of an exaggeration to say that he cannibalize, but this cook is indeed an extremely vicious pervert.

"How is it? You are good friends, right? Just watch her suffer so much? As long as you give up resisting..."

"Linglong, save me!"

Although Zhijinhua usually looks calm and indifferent, she has never seen such a scene, let alone experienced it herself.So he immediately became confused, crying and howling for help.

But Lu Linglong was different. She usually seemed careless and unreliable, but now she was unusually calm and determined.

"Hua'er, no matter how painful you are, please grit your teeth and endure it. Since you have decided to deal with Quanxing, you should have made up your mind. As your friend, I can't guarantee to take you out ,but!"

The vigor in her body surged again, "I can at least guarantee that if something happens to you, it will definitely be after I die in battle!"

"Hmph, I don't cry when I don't see the coffin!"

Seeing that the threat was ineffective, the cook casually knocked Zhijinhua unconscious and threw it aside, and forced her forward with a smirk, "Then try, how long can you hold on to us!"

(End of this chapter)

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