Refine Gu to become immortal from one person

Chapter 267 Saving 1 life is better than building a level 7 pagoda

Chapter 267 Saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda (please subscribe~ask for a monthly ticket~)

Gong Qing's self-explosion caught Tian Jinzhong off guard.

Although he is a person whose status on Longhu Mountain is second only to the old heavenly master Zhang Zhiwei, but the middle way was robbed, and all his skills including the meridians of his hands and feet were crippled. Not to mention self-protection, it is difficult to take care of himself at ordinary times.

Facing Gong Qing alone at this time, it can be said that he is completely in a desperate situation.

Seeing the shock on Tian Jinzhong's face, Gong Qing couldn't help feeling a little complacent.

Just like a child who couldn't wait to show off his success, he triumphantly analyzed his mental journey since he went up the mountain.

Including how he deduced that there was a secret hidden in Elder Tian, ​​when he discovered the flaw, and how he connected all these together in the end, and came to the conclusion that made him tremble with excitement.

"How about it, Mr. Tian? I guess it's reasonable, right? You've been refusing to close your eyes and rest for decades on the pretext of being sleepless. Secret, right? So when you went down the mountain, not only did you find Zhang Huaiyi, but you also might have learned some shocking secret from him, so that you even had to keep it from your master and senior brother!"

The more Gong Qing talked, the more excited he became, and the expression on his face seemed a little broken.

"Are you still going to hide it?"

After listening to his guess, although Tian Jinzhong was greatly shocked, he still refused to admit it, "Guess...these are just your guesses...You little doll really knows how to think, but this time you guessed wrong, I really didn’t find my junior brother! Even if it means beheading my brothers and feet, or destroying my meridians, no matter what, no matter where I am placed, no matter who I face, my answer will always be this one!”


Gong Qing didn't care about his stubbornness, "Second Grand Master, who doesn't know that you are the strictest... But unfortunately, I didn't come to ask you today... Lu Liang!"

As soon as he greeted, Lu Liang pushed the door and walked in front of Tian Jinzhong. The blue energy turned into a big hand, and slowly approached Tian Jinzhong's head.

[Ming Soul Art]!
And Tian Jinzhong, who was still as stable as Mount Tai even if everything was guessed by Gong Qing, saw the strange magic in Lu Liang's hands, his expression changed drastically. It was a mixture of anger, fear and struggle. He shouted: "Stop! You two Sinister doesn't understand at all..."

But unfortunately, he was unable to stop Lu Liang's actions. The next moment, Tian Jinzhong, who was forced to probe his memory, let out a painful roar.

"Hurry up, Lu Liang, find that part of the memory and take it out, and then delete the old man's today and all the memories about that year."

Gong Qing saw that Lu Liang had already started, so he hurriedly ordered from behind, "He has memorized this matter for decades, it's time to let it go..."

But it's a pity that Gong Qing has calculated everything correctly, but he didn't. With Lu Liang's current rank, it is an impossible task to manipulate Tian Jinzhong's soul at will.

"Can't do it!"

Lu Liang responded profusely with sweat, "Do you think I'm a god? Do you think this old man is a softie? This is the hardest soul I've ever seen... All I can do now is try to copy his memory as much as possible , and then slowly screen after you go back, it will take at least a month to find out what you want. Go, let me vent at the door, and don't let anyone come in!"


Hearing such a conclusion, Gong Qing was a little disappointed, then turned around and left listlessly, leaving Lu Liang alone in the room to operate.

What none of them noticed was that at the same time that Rong Shan hurriedly left the yard, a night crow with lively eyes also fluttered its wings, left the treetops, and disappeared into the night.



After leaving the Chuandu Hall, Chi Yao went to the Patriarch's Ancestral Hall in Longhu Mountain, but unfortunately, he didn't hear any hints that he could explore here, so he was a little disappointed.

"Tsk, it seems that the essence of the Tianshi Mansion is all concentrated in the Chuandu Hall!"

Chi Yao sighed, "Forget it, it is a four-star reward after all. Then there is only one last thing left tonight."

flutter flutter~
"Oh, it really means that Cao Cao Cao Cao will be here!"

His eyes lit up, and he immediately followed the night crow's pace.



Because Tian Jinzhong's intention of resisting was quite resolute, so Lu Liang's movement of copying the memory progressed quite slowly.

When Chi Yao arrived, Gong Qing was still outside.

"Well, it seems that we haven't reached the last step..."

He didn't choose to show up immediately to interrupt Lu Liang's movements, but stayed outside and waited for an opportunity.

There is not much reason, just because he is also very interested in that part of the past.And if this memory falls into the hands of Lu Liang, then he will have a chance to learn about it in the future.

That's it.

Time passed by every minute, and with the old Tianshi's move, the Tianshifu, which was originally at a disadvantage, gradually regained the situation.Wherever he went, people of all sexes fell down like leeks one after another, and were then taken into custody by company employees.

There are also many all-sex members with good eyesight who have already evacuated early when the old master left the customs.

The situation on the mountain is very good.

The wooden door of the small courtyard made a long and soft sound, and Lu Liang came out in a hurry, with a tired face, and at the same time, there was still some imperceptible shock and panic, "It's done, let's retreat, it's okay to stay on the mountain for a while longer." very dangerous."

Gong Qing nodded slightly and was about to leave when a hoarse voice suddenly came from the room: "Xiao Qingzi... come!"

This is Tian Jinzhong's voice!

Gong Qing's footsteps suddenly stopped.

Lu Liang walked halfway and turned back to find that his companion hadn't followed him. When he turned his head, he was surprised to find that Gong Qing not only didn't intend to go down the mountain, but turned around and walked into the yard.

"Hey, you are crazy! Why are you going! Are you looking for death? If you don't leave, I will leave!"

Unfortunately, Gong Qing turned a deaf ear to these words.

inside the room.

Tian Jinzhong, whose memory had been retrieved, sat slumped in a wheelchair and sighed, "Okay... After planning for three years, you finally got your wish...I'm afraid it will be impossible to persuade you to turn around again?"


Gong Qing nodded slightly. He has been undercover for three years, and it is impossible to say that he has no feelings at all, so he has no intention of hurting Tian Jinzhong.It's a pity that the original idea of ​​helping Tian Jinzhong get rid of his burden by the way failed.

"Are you ready to leave like this?"

Tian Jinzhong's tone suddenly became fierce, and he yelled at Gong Qing, "What kind of integrity is it? It's just a group of beasts who run amok everywhere, a group of bastards who have lives and no one to raise them! They think they are running rampant in the world, but in fact they only know how to destroy. A dog thief who has no responsibility!"

"Second Grand Master...don't do this, it's too disrespectful..." Gong Qing discouraged.

It's a pity that Tian Jinzhong scolded even worse: "Don't call me that, you don't deserve it! You are the leader of this group of bastards! What a black-clothed prime minister! What a rootless one! You are all the same thing, the most useless What kind of beast!!"

Tian Jinzhong's uncharacteristic words and deeds made Gong Qing silent for a long time, and understood his implication.

"I understand, I understand... What you taught is..."

He bit his lips tightly, struggled for a long time, and finally took out a silver needle from his cuff, "Okay... your life... I will recite it!"

Holding the silver needle in his trembling arm, he slowly passed it to Tian Jinzhong's acupoint between the eyebrows.

Seeing this scene, Tian Jinzhong's eyes were filled with relief, "Hehehe, have you really thought about it? Don't look at me now, on this Longhu Mountain, I'm still under one person!"

Gong Qing didn't answer silently, although his movements were very slow, they were very firm.

Seeing the silver needle approaching inch by inch, the past life played back in Tian Jinzhong's mind like a revolving lantern.

Go down the mountain to look for Zhang Huaiyi, find Zhang Huaiyi's secret, find out the secret of Zhang Huaiyi, regret after learning the secret, the pain of being caught and tortured by the enemy, and the torment of hiding everything after returning to the mountain...

All of this is finally coming to an end...

A touch of relief floated on his eyebrows.

Obviously, Tian Jinzhong wanted to die a long time ago.

It's just a pity that he promised his master that as a seeker, he can't take the initiative to seek death.And for so many years on Longhu Mountain, there is no chance.

Finally, today, he can let go of everything and end his painful and tormented life...

"I'm sorry, master, brother, the moment I learned Huaiyi's secret, I deserved to die..."

Two lines of turbid tears slipped quietly from his blood-red eye sockets.

At this critical moment, the shadow under Tian Jinzhong's feet squirmed for a while, and the flowing shadow turned into a human shape, pulling his wheelchair back at a high speed, and at the same time, a loud shout suddenly sounded.

"you dare!"

Hong Zhong Dalu's angry shout made the unprepared Gong Qing's arm stop, and then Chi Yao appeared in time, leading Tian Jinzhong to avoid the long needle that Gong Qing stabbed, and then flew up and kicked Gong Qing's. chest.

Gong Qing was kicked upside down, and he was kicked so hard that he didn't stop until he hit the gate of the small courtyard.

After kicking the enemy away, Chi Yao didn't choose to pursue the victory, but turned around and asked with concern: "Mr. Tian, ​​are you okay? I vaguely saw the whole-hearted monster leaving from this direction, so I rushed over to look at it." Fortunately, it came in time..."

Tian Jinzhong: "..."

 Thank you for your reward!

(End of this chapter)

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