Chapter 269 Black Devil

There has never been a shortage of strange people in this world, and when there are too many people, people with the same ideals or goals will sign up for each other, so the strange people organization came into being.

However, the differences in cultural atmosphere and traditional concepts in different regions make the relationship between organizations and officials in different regions very different.

Looking at all the top organizations in the world, the one with the closest relationship with the government is Behemoth in North America. They can almost be said to be established by the government and dedicated to serving the government.Therefore, although the background is the shallowest, the development is very fast, and the strength is thriving.

Since there are organizations that are very closely connected with the government, there are naturally some that are relatively alienated.

The Emerald Society is one of them.

The members of the Emerald Society are mainly magic academies with branches in Britain, France, Germany and other countries, mainly composed of many wizards, magicians and alchemists.

For some historical reasons, most of them were once persecuted by the ruling authorities, so they were used to hiding and closing themselves off. Even now, they basically do not deal with ordinary people unless necessary.

Because of this, there are some extreme-minded people in this group. They despise those who have no magical talent, call them Muggles, and even despise those wizards with Muggle blood.

If you despise them, let's just despise them. Under the tide of the times, those so-called "pure blood" wizards are destined to become less and less, and mixed blood will gradually become the mainstream.Despising others does not help them develop themselves better.

However, when an exceptionally strong leader emerged in this extreme group, things changed.

A force called the Dark Demon Sect quietly rose up. Their leader called himself the Dark Lord. He blatantly shouted the slogan of purifying the wizarding environment and restoring the glory of pure blood, and gathered a large number of veteran wizard families under his command.

They are all vested interests in the past, and they are not reconciled to their status being gradually replaced by others, even if it is the choice of the times.

As for the way to restore the glory, it is also very simple and rude - to persecute those so-called half-blood wizards.

As a result, a brutal civil strife broke out from Britain and soon swept across a small half of Europe.

The organizational form of the Emerald Society is not strict, it is more like a loose association rather than a centralized organization, which is also a common problem of most alien organizations.

The more powerful people are, the more they like to pursue a free and unrestricted life. Except for the Behemoth organization full of artificial aliens, most organizations are not too restrictive for practitioners.

Even if they can communicate everywhere, their coercion is mainly aimed at those who have no background and no affiliation in bulk. For those who really have weight, they still need to be negotiated and dealt with by the Ten Guys Association.

The result of this is that in the face of a sudden crisis, it is difficult to quickly gather enough strength to deal with it.

For example, this time the Black Devil's disaster, because the headquarters of the Dark Lord and the Dark Devil Sect are both in the UK, so the main force against him is actually only the two leaders of Flamel College and Victor College in the UK. the forces in it.

After receiving the news, the academies in other countries and the headquarters of the Emerald Society still need to hold a meeting to discuss and discuss countermeasures before they can finally make a decision.

This is the downside of loose organization.

Of course, they can't be entirely blamed for this, because the strength of the Dark Lord is indeed somewhat beyond the limit.

If we make an analogy with Huaxia, Dean Isaac Tabor of Flamel College has been equivalent to the old master of Longhushan for a long time.Both strength and prestige belong to the only existence, not only no one can hold a candle to it, but there is even a gap between them and the second place.

But the Dark Lord has successfully set foot in this field where only Dean Isaac was independent.Although on the whole, he is still half a chip behind Dean Isaac, but considering the advantages of offense over defense and destruction over protection, the slight gap in strength can be easily smoothed out.

In addition, he still has a Horcrux to save his life, so it is difficult to kill him completely.

Under such circumstances, most people from other colleges did not dare to intervene rashly.

After all, what if Isaac Tabor fails in the end?
Who will face the wrath of the Dark Lord?

That's why Dean Isaac didn't go to the Jade Institute, which was close at hand, but went to Longhu Mountain thousands of miles away to ask the old master for help.

Because people who are not strong enough, they can't even participate in the battle between the two of them.

If you can ask the old celestial master to take action, then under two-on-one, the Dark Lord will have no way out, which is the simplest solution.

"For the current plan, the best way is for me to contain him directly, and then Victor will be responsible for finding those Horcruxes, and then you will help destroy them."

After getting off the plane, Isaac Tabor first explained the current situation in the wizarding world to the three of them, and then said.

"Although the Horcrux is a technology with strong life-saving ability, there is an old saying in your country that makes sense. If you gain something, you will lose it. Every damage to a Horcrux will cause irreversible damage to the wizard's body. This You have been staying in Flamel College for a while, there is a powerful protective circle there, there is no problem in terms of safety..."

At this time, a little fluorescent light flew over from a distance, and Teacher Victor took out his staff and waved it lightly, and the fluorescent light turned into a letter and unfolded, his face changed instantly when he saw it!
"Teacher, the Black Demon Sect has suddenly launched an attack on Flamel College!"

It turned out to be a letter asking for help.




At the same time, over Flamel College, a large number of figures in black robes were flying in the air on broomsticks, and one after another, red or green rays of light shot out from the tips of their wands, blasting the defensive barrier below. Ripples in circles.

The defensive barriers around the Flamel Academy were crumbling under such intensive attacks. Although the instructors of the academy tried their best to repair it, the gap in numbers still made the situation worse.

Just as in the eyes of Dean Isaac, the most effective way to deal with the Dark Demon Sect is to get rid of the Dark Lord himself.In the eyes of the Dark Lord, Isaac is the only one who can hinder him in the entire wizarding world, and the rest are ignored by them.

And if the Dark Lord's pain point is Horcruxes, then Isaac Tabor's weakness is Flamel College.

As his most cherished treasure, if Isaac was there, it would be impossible for him to be indifferent when Flamel College was attacked. This is the way the Dark Lord used to test.

"Master, we have been besieging for so long, and Isaac Tabor still hasn't shown up. It seems that the news is true!"

The person who provided the information at the beginning was very excited at this time, because he made a meritorious service this time!And it's a great achievement!
"Hehehe, my loyal servant, you are doing well!"

The Dark Lord laughed and said, "Since Isaac is not here, how about I take over Flamel College and welcome him here as the new dean?"

He looked at the barriers of magical aura constantly exploding in the distance, pulled out his wand and pointed it forward, and an extremely strong magic power began to gather towards the tip of the wand.

Accompanied by his actions, the surroundings were suddenly turbulent, and the sky was changing.

The members of the Dark Demon Sect noticed the movement of their boss, and they all stepped aside in horror, looking at the Dark Demon King who was about to show his might with fanaticism.

And the people of Flamel College, who were sticking to the defensive barrier, had solemn faces, and there was even a little despair in their eyes.

"Mr. Dean, haven't you come back yet?"

 Thanks too far for the reward!

(End of this chapter)

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