Refine Gu to become immortal from one person

Chapter 273 Combined Moves - Lord of All Souls

Chapter 273 Combination Moves - Lord of All Souls (Please subscribe~Please ask for a monthly ticket~)

In fact, Chi Yao's usage of Heart Gu has always been somewhat slavish.

What is slavery?
Even if the Gu Master's method is mainly to control and control Gu beasts, rather than to strengthen himself, it is not necessary to change his name to Beast Master.

Qinghe Village's Gu technique is the standard direction of slavery.

But if it is used as a slave Dao Gu, the Heart Gu itself still has some flaws.

That is, it only has the ability to manipulate and has no other effects.

In addition to controlling Gu beasts, a standard slave Dao Gu master can also increase the combat power of the beasts controlled, heal injuries, and many methods to assist Gu beasts in various aspects, but none of these heart Gus have them.

Therefore it needs other voodoo to assist.

For this, the first thing Chi Yao thought of was love Gu.

As a kind of voodoo that feeds on emotions and can also mobilize emotions, it can easily make voodoo beasts fall into a state of rage, and make up for the defect that the heart voodoo does not increase the strength of the beast it controls.

But it can only make up for this aspect, and other aspects such as assisting Gu beasts to move, defend and treat injuries are still weak.

And the most important thing is that in this era, there are too few occasions for the beast master to play. Unless the perspective of the company's temporary worker Lao Meng turns to the microscopic field, otherwise the beast master has to compete with his own beast master on many occasions. The beasts separated, causing their own strength to drop drastically.

After all, there are many people walking dogs and cats on the street, but have you never seen anyone walking such powerful beasts as lions and tigers?

To a certain extent, the Gu Masters in Miaojiang and the Chuma Immortals in the Northeast can be regarded as opening up a new tributary that conforms to the times on the road of beast control.

It's not easy to bring large beasts, so it's always more convenient for me to bring poisonous insects, right?

Use ferocious toxicity to make up for the lack of lethality caused by the weak power of small creatures.

And the Gu technique of the Black Miao Department goes a step further on this basis, directly incorporating the Gu into the body, completely solving the problem of difficulty in carrying it, but due to the limitation of the human body's endurance, six is ​​already the limit.

As for the Chuma Xian family in the Northeast, they went even further. I can't bring the physical beast, so I just summon the beast soul to come out of thin air. Isn't that all right?
However, the threshold for cultivating the Immortal Chuma is extremely high.

This threshold does not refer to aliens, but to those summoned immortals.

If you want to get out of your body and travel thousands of miles to descend on a human body in broad daylight, such a cultivation base cannot be achieved without a thousand-year foundation.That is to say, Changbai Mountain has been full of spirits and monsters since ancient times, so the shamans in the Northeast can find out such a way.

Such innate conditions are absolutely impossible to reproduce in other places.

On both sides of Chi Yao's body were ghostly shadows of dragons and tigers entangled left and right. In his mind, countless thoughts came and went, and sparks of wisdom kept blooming.

"Based on the current social environment, the strategy of leaving the sea of ​​people is destined to be greatly restricted, and the gains outweigh the losses. Therefore, my way of slavery has to be different from the traditional beast-following method. I should refer more to the Gu technique of the Black Miao Department. And Chumaxian's skills, feed back yourself through beast control."

Fortunately, he knows both of these exercises.

"The biggest limitation of the Black Miao Bu Gu technique lies in the physical fitness of human beings. As long as this can be solved, theoretically speaking, it is no problem to add ten thousand Gu to the body, and the more Gu that can be accommodated, the stronger the boost you will naturally get. .But this point is precisely the most difficult to solve, even though the strength Gu has greatly enhanced my physical fitness, there is still a long way to go..."

"The so-called body is limited, but the mind is boundless. Compared with the naked eye can see the limit of the body, the limit of human spirit and soul power is obviously much higher. Therefore, if you refer to the way of Chu Maxian, do not use Gu beast Instead of using their soul power to amplify themselves, the room for manipulation will be larger.”

But there is also a problem with this way of thinking. The celestial families enshrined by shamans have been cultivated for thousands of years. The ability to get out of their bodies is their hard work. They just agreed to bless them at the request of the shamans.

And according to Chi Yao's thinking, if you want to take this path of adding souls to the body, then the most basic and most important difficulty is-ordinary beasts can't get out of their bodies!

The strength of their souls can't support themselves to leave the body, even if they use some method to forcibly pull them away, once they leave the protection of the body and float outside, the souls will naturally collapse in a short time.

"How to solve this problem?"

As a result, countless ideas continued to burst out and collide, bringing new ideas.

"One way is to find something to save. There should be a method of refining soul stones in alchemy..."

"Or... In fact, if you want to get blessings, you don't necessarily have to have a soul. Although the soul is the source of spiritual power, but spiritual power is not limited to the source of the soul. Faith is also a feasible way, just like the practice of the Godhead mask I also understand the method."

Thinking of this, Chi Yao's thoughts suddenly became clear, "That's right, for animals with simple thinking, with the assistance of Heart Gu and Emotion Gu, it's too easy for me to build fanatical beliefs among them. The power of faith is also a kind of power that belongs to the spiritual category, the blessing of the distance, the upper limit and the height...almost all the conditions can be met!"

Following this direction, Chi Yao began to think about how to perfect this idea using his existing means.

"Faith is the power of the heart. In order to quickly harvest a large amount of power of faith, Xia Liuqing and Wang Zhenqiu chose to play the roles of existing and well-known mythical characters, and what they can get are those abilities that have appeared in legends, and they cannot Decide."

This allowed the cultivators of the Godhead Mask to form their combat power very quickly, but their methods were extremely fixed, and even their original character would be affected by their acting.

This way is obviously not in line with Chi Yao's needs.

What he needs now is a method that can integrate and improve his existing methods, rather than adding new and complicated abilities.

"They believe in myself, but they are not exactly the same. They must use their own advantages, so as to provide me with greater help."

"So I need to make a good plan on how to shape the image of this belief, preferably one that can be linked with my existing voodoo and benefit each other."

Soon, Chi Yao had some basic ideas. .

"The snail's tail can be exploded and stabbed with flames, which can be combined with the scorpion tail needle to enhance the attack power. Therefore, this image needs to have a scarlet scorpion tail."

"The petrified pupil of the basilisk can enhance the ability of the spirit snake Gu."

"There is also the ability of dementors, which should be able to enhance the love gu to a certain extent... But I don't know if there will be a chance to collect this later."

"The singing of the mermaid can be combined with the roar of the toad..."

"And the power of a dragon, the speed of a Pegasus, etc..."



Countless thoughts appeared one after another. Under the blessing of the dragon and tiger's wisdom Xuanguang, Chi Yao traversed the entire magical creature that he had subdued in the Forbidden Forest in the past two days at an extremely fast speed, and extracted the most valuable things for him from them. characteristics of help and incorporate them into the reality of belief that one is constructing.

Soon, a very distorted and weird image was stitched together, and it seemed that just looking at it would make people in danger of insanity.

But that doesn't matter, and it's not for people to see anyway.

"Well... since it is a belief, then you need to give him a famous name..."

"Let's call it the Lord of All Souls. Alas, the number of some magical creatures is too small, and I don't know how effective they can be. If there is a place where they can be bred in large numbers, this trick can achieve the best effect." .”

 Thanks to Mikaziki for the tip!
(End of this chapter)

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