Chapter 279 (Please Subscribe~Please Ask for a Monthly Pass~)

The jump and chop that descended from the sky was so powerful that it fell like a star from the sky.

Donald felt bad when he heard the whistling wind behind him, and his intuition told him that such an attack was far more threatening than the spell fired by Professor Flitwick in the distance, and it might be difficult to resist it with just the scales on his body.

So he turned around and raised his arms before attacking his body, making a defensive movement.

Donald's eyes were wide open, and he was slammed on the ground by the huge force that fell from the sky, and even most of his body fell into the swamp.

In terms of strength alone, he is not an opponent.

With a deep shock on Donald's face, he had intimate contact with the earth.

However, the scales covering his body are not useless, at least if the scales hadn't passively unloaded the force just now, he might have been seriously injured.

How can it be like this now, sneaking into the bottom of the swamp like a loach?
I saw Donald's limbs and tail swaying again and again, the speed was not much slower than running, and he was about to completely sink into the ground and escape.But it was a pity that Chi Yao hugged the opponent's tail, and Hou Wangye's earthen river cart rose from the bottom of his feet again.

Donald, who was halfway down, was pulled out again, and was taken directly into the sky!
Seeing that he was still unable to get rid of the entanglement, Donald finally gave up the idea of ​​running away directly. He flicked his tail fiercely, broke free from Chi Yao's hand, and then stood firmly on the Tuhe cart, facing Wang Ye and Chi Yao, The big mouth full of fangs like a lizard opened and closed: "I just wanted to leave silently, not to participate in the grievances between you and the Black Demon Sect. But now it seems that I don't kill you, I'm afraid I can't."

"Big words..."

Chi Yao curled his lips, although he didn't think that he would be invincible with the addition of the king, but it was by no means that anyone could casually talk about killing them.

At this time, Professor Flitwick also flew up under the blessing of the Levitating Charm, and landed behind Donald, and surrounded the enemy with the two of them one after the other.

"Give it up and hand over what you got from the Black Demon Sect, otherwise..."

"Oh, so you guys are doing it for those things~"

Donald finally seemed to understand, but then he had a wicked and terrifying smile on his face, "That's something we got through fair trade, and no one has the right to ask for it. Could it be that...England wants to bully a kind-hearted person to come to this place like this?" Is it a foreign businessman who invested?"


As a wizard whose main occupation is a professor of charms, there is no problem in letting Flitwick speak spells containing hundreds of syllables in one breath, but let him be more like a businessman and politician than an alien like Donald Talking about it is really too embarrassing.

But Chi Yao didn't like him, just heard him say: "I suspect that the items you traded contained valuables that we lost, so hand them over immediately for us to check. Otherwise, you will knowingly buy and transfer stolen goods. Same crime as theft!"


Donald burst out in disbelief, "What kind of gangster logic is this?"

But Chi Yao is no longer ready to talk nonsense with him: "It's useless to talk more, let's see the real chapter!"

He stepped out, and his figure instantly melted into the shadows. Almost at the same time, a figure suddenly emerged from the shadow under Donald's feet.

Swish swish!

The sound of piercing the air was endless, and bunches of finger-thin spider silk gushed out of Chi Yao's hands like the flowers of a goddess, quickly binding Donald's limbs, neck, torso and tail to the earthen cart.

Through the short fight just now, Chi Yao already had a basic understanding of Donald's strength.

This guy is very physically fit, with basic attributes such as strength, speed, and defense. However, his ability to react in battle is not very good.

That have a good foundation but not to use it flexibly.

However, this phenomenon is easy to understand for the people of Behemoth, because they do not rely on practice to improve their basic quality, but take drugs, or inject strengthening agents.

Naturally, it would not be so easy to use such a physical fitness obtained out of thin air.After all, they are not warriors who charge into battle, and they have no chance and are unwilling to temper their strength between life and death.

From the perspective of Bechymos' middle and high-level people, instead of spending time training to increase the effect of the enhancer from [-]% to [-]% to [-]%, it is better to invest energy in developing the next potion with a stronger initial effect.

As for those fighters, they were sharpened in the process of performing their missions, and they belonged to Huibufu.

Therefore, based on the endurance of this Donald, if you want to hit him until he loses his resistance, it is better to use another method, which may be easier.

Sure enough, before Donald, who had little combat experience, hadn't reacted, his body was already firmly bound by the tough sky spider silk. Not only that, but also a stream of cold flowed into his body through the spider silk, making his body surface A layer of frost quickly condensed, and his movements became more and more rigid.

This is the power of Ice Silkworm Gu.

The Qi-guiding property of the sky spider silk is very good, not only the cold air from the Ice Silkworm Gu, but also many Gu poisons that have the effects of weakness and anesthesia have also been passed on.

Soon, Donald, who was originally just a little green, began to turn dark gradually, and it was difficult to gather the strength of his struggle.

He sat down on the ground, the scales, sharp teeth, tail and other features on his body gradually faded, and he regained his human body shape.

"Stop, stop, I'm... ummmmmmm..."

"Shut up and take you, we will see for ourselves who you are!"

Just as Donald was about to ask for mercy, Wang Ye quickly picked up a lump of dirt and sealed it for him.

"Professor, please."

The body strengthened by potions is indeed very powerful, but the mental shortcomings are also obvious.Through Legilimency, Flitwick easily found the corresponding fragment in his memory.


After several people contributed that memory, Flitwick's face was a bit ugly, because he found that although he stopped the actions of the Black Demon Sect in time, a small batch of blood samples had already been forwarded by Donald before, including Chi Yao's heart and mind. Gu Cup.

"Sent back to China directly?" Chi Yao frowned.

"...No, they're not that blatant yet."

Professor Flitwick searched for a while, and finally found a new clue, "This batch of things will be sent to Nathan Island for transshipment to confuse its true origin, and then flow back to Behemoth through black market transactions."

"Nathan Island..."

Chi Yao murmured softly, his expression slightly relieved.

(End of this chapter)

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