Chapter 285 One after another (please subscribe~ask for a monthly ticket~)

Although it sounded like he was asking, the tone didn't mean to ask for advice at all.

When Big G heard this voice, his body froze suddenly, and a wry smile appeared on his face.After a little hesitation, he obediently handed the box out.

No way, on Nathan Island, which has lost the constraints of social rules and the primitive and naked rules of survival, fists are the most effective reason.

Big G himself became the talker of this market, not because he is good at doing business, but because his fist is big enough and he has attracted enough people.

Under the same law, when facing Chi Yao's corpse god clone, the weak one becomes Big G himself.

Chi Yao took the box and opened it to see that it was divided into upper and lower layers.There are several transparent glass bottles on the upper floor, which contain a dark red liquid, a bit like blood.The lower layer is a mortar-shaped vessel.

At first glance, it looks like stone, but after reaching out to touch it, I realized that its surface is not that rough, and there are patterns of five poisons such as scorpions and centipedes engraved on the side walls. There is a very familiar qi lingering on the side...

Even if he has never seen the portrait of Gu Cup, Chi Yao can be [-]% sure that this is what he, or the whole Miao Jiang has been looking for for decades——

Gu Cup!

"It's really hard to find nowhere to go through iron shoes, and it doesn't take much effort to get it!"

He sighed softly in his heart, the main body ran here and there, across oceans and seas, but the things came to the door by themselves.

There is nothing more strange than this.

Maybe it was because he held the Gu Cup for too long, Big G cautiously reminded beside him: "The things in this box were ordered by someone over there... There are also a lot of supplies this time, maybe there is something in it." Is there anything you like more?"

He hesitated and babbled, meaning nothing more than to remind Chi Yao that although you can take other things, it is best not to touch this thing.

But it's a pity, for Chi Yao, even if all those things are added up, it can't compare to a little stone skin of Gu Cup.

"No need, this is enough, you can keep the rest for yourself."

As Chi Yao said, he was about to turn around and leave, to study the Gu cup that he had so hard to get.

In the end, Big G actually stretched out his hand to stop him, and boldly said: "The reason why this business path can take shape is that we can help them transfer these things from time to time. If we lose this function, I'm afraid..."

"so what?"

Chi Yaohun doesn't care, he is just a zombie with self-awareness now, he doesn't have those worldly desires of human beings at all, and the thing of business is even more dispensable to him.

"You, you may not care, but so many of us are counting on these things! Once there is a problem with the business, have you thought about the consequences?"

While talking, Big G quietly gestured behind his back, and suddenly several strangers who had just finished finishing their work slowly surrounded him.

These people are his confidants.


Upon discovering their actions, Chi Yao shook his head and laughed, "Although I have no intention of ruling, you should be self-aware. Don't take my kindness as presumptuous capital. Otherwise..."

Accompanied by his words, wisps of black qi energy curled up from his body, turning into corpses of various shapes. Just being watched by these corpses, Big G and the others felt all kinds of energy in their bodies. Desires burst out all at once, killing, lust, greed,... and other thoughts appear in turn like a revolving lantern, and even concentrating on fighting has become a very difficult thing.

Not only that, under the influence of those qi energies, corpse demons gradually appeared on the bodies of Big G and others, but unlike the corpse demons in Chi Yao's hands who were like arms and fingers, their three corpses After being manifested, the first thing to do is to attack the host body!
"Hmph, you should be lucky..." It's not the evil corpse who dominates the body today, otherwise it would be a small punishment for not just drawing out the three corpses.

Looking at Big G and the others who were overwhelmed with self-care, he sneered slightly, turned and left.



Because he is a zombie, Chi Yao usually does not have any physical needs, so his residence is not in the area where most islanders gather, but deep in the forest.

There were two of his new friends over there.

"Zi, what good thing happened today, so happy?"

An old man in a white robe with a flamboyant beard laughed, and jumped down from the tree with a "boom", and landed not far in front of Chi Yao.

"Old Li, aren't you going to teach your little granddaughter today?"

Chi Yao recognized the person who came without raising his eyes.

It is Li Muxuan, the grandfather of the former full-sex member and now the king of Nathan Island.

"Tch, that little girl, I don't know if she was brainwashed by that so-called sacred tree, and she doesn't care about her own strength at all..."

Li Muxuan spat, his words were full of depression.

He is a dignified all-sex veteran, if he returns to China, there is no dispute that he is the number one all-sex person.Such a great master personally taught, but was disliked by his granddaughter, the imagination is indeed aggrieved enough.

"Interesting, in a place like Nathan Island where strength is respected, King Nathan is not interested in obtaining powerful force?"

Chi Yao smiled contemptuously and didn't comment much.

"Who says it's not? She pretends to be a grown-up all day long, but her innocence is terrifying."

Li Muxuan shook his head, "She seems to really regard Nathan Island as a paradise. Forget it, let's not talk about those things. How about you, if you have any happy things, please share them with me too?"

"Just found something interesting."

Chi Yao lightly tossed the Gu cup in his hand.

While the two were chatting, there was a sudden sound of footsteps in front of them, and a man with a cloak and a hood appeared, whose face could not be seen at all.

He didn't stop for Chi Yao and the two, nor did he have any communication, and walked straight towards the depths of the dense forest.

"A newcomer to the island? Over there is that guy's territory, and none of the people who went there with ill intentions will come back alive."

Li Muxuan looked at the retreating figure with teasing eyes to play with his taste.



At the same time, a visitor was also welcomed in the palace of Nathan Island.

"You want to hire Nathan Wei?"

"That's right, the legendary person who was born for promises, my adventure needs such a partner."

The visitor responded with admiration.

"Can you tell me the specific content of the commission?"

"Of course. I found traces of a treasure, but I can't handle the protective measures outside..."

"Where is the location?"


(End of this chapter)

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