Refine Gu to become immortal from one person

Chapter 287 Actions of the Parties

Chapter 287 Actions from all parties (seeking subscription~seeking monthly pass~)

Ma Xianhong is a man of action. Now that he has made a decision, he naturally dispatched people to meet Zhang Chulan soon.

Under Zhao Fangxu, Zhang Chulan, Qu Tong and others' deliberate actions, or taking advantage of the situation to fuel the flames, the encounter between Zhang Chulan and Ma Xianhong became logical and natural.

"Hello, is this Zhang Chulan? My name is Ma Xianhong."

On the phone, Ma Xianhong introduced me, "You may not have heard of my name, but we have similar identities and experiences—the successor of the Eight Miracles!"

After some exchanges, he successfully persuaded Zhang Chulan to temporarily settle down in Biyou Village, so Zhang Chulan immediately diverted to the land of Yunnan and Guizhou.

Liupanshui, Biyou Village.

"Master Ma, thank you for your kindness!"

After Zhang Chulan saw Ma Xianhong, she immediately rushed forward in three steps and two steps, and held his hands sincerely, full of gratitude.

"It doesn't have to be,"

Ma Xianhong patted him on the shoulder and said lightly, "I said before that we have a deep relationship, and it's not an exaggeration to say that we are brothers of the opposite sex. The descendants of Baqiji have been bullied all the time. Now that I have such a little ability, I will protect you."

He waved his hand back and pointed at Biyou Village where the smoke was rising, "Don't look at me as a small village, but as long as you stay here, no one can touch you!"

Zhang Chulan was very moved when he heard the words, choked up silently, he raised his head for a while, with some doubts in his eyes: "That's not right, Master Ma, according to what you said, your great-grandfather and my grandfather are sworn brothers, so it will be counted according to seniority... "

As he was talking, he suddenly felt a murderous aura that was close at hand, and then he heard Ma Xianhong's voice gnashing his teeth: "It's okay to have different opinions?"

"Yes, yes, of course..."

Zhang Chulan nodded again and again, "I'll call you Brother Ma from now on, how about it?"

"……what ever."

Ma Xianhong hesitated to speak, and seemed to be a little resistant to this title, but he didn't get too entangled in it.

"Let's go, I've already summoned all the upper root organs to clean up the wind and dust for you."

"The root device?"

Zhang Chulan showed a puzzled expression at the right time.

"It's just some people who can help me perfect the self-cultivation furnace..."

With Ma Xianhong's approval and Zhang Chulan's own tact and sophistication, the process of his integration into Biyou Village was uneventful without any accidents.

In just a few days, he had almost collected the information of many key members of Biyou Village, including Ma Xianhong and Shang Genqi, and even got a little understanding of their respective methods in the name of exchanging ideas.

That night, he returned to his residence, took out his mobile phone, and wrote the collected information into a note while muttering in a low voice: "Old Zhao said that I only need to enter the information into the mobile phone, and they may know without sending it to anyone. Is this true or false?"

In the next second, the cursor on the phone screen was suddenly out of control, and a line of words was automatically typed:

【Of course it's true (o°ω°o)~】

"Grip slot!"

Zhang Chulan was shocked by this sudden response. He looked around nervously, then clenched his phone tightly and asked in a low voice, "Who are you?"

half an hour...

no respond.

Zhang Chulan's brain turned sharply: "Could it be possible to contact only by typing?"

Seeing that the cursor on the screen has returned to a state that can be operated, he pressed the keyboard: "Who are you?"

[I am Mr. Zhao sent to connect with you (ω) You can call me Er Zhuang! 】

A line of responses in the same style reappeared, and the cute fonts and emoticons seemed to indicate that the opposite party might be a girl?
Zhang Chulan was thinking in her mind.

"Is this the absolutely safe way Director Zhao said? It really deserves to be a company..."

After sighing, he continued to type: "You should have seen the names, images, and general genres of the important people in Biyou Village that I collected, right?"

【See, good job, here is their detailed information (ノ°▽°)ノ】

Along with this response comes a large file.After opening it, Zhang Chulan was stunned, because it had already inserted those upper organs that he only collected names and some characteristics into the sky, and almost every detail was written clearly.


Some cold sweat suddenly broke out on Zhang Chulan's forehead. This kind of intelligence gathering ability is really scary for a person like him who is used to hiding himself.

He even had some doubts, did Chairman Zhao send such an intelligence collection expert to connect with him, did he also want to beat himself, don't hide too much from the company?
Shaking his head, temporarily throwing out distracting thoughts, he continued typing on the phone: "Now that the information has been collected, what should I do next?"

"We need to analyze this before making a decision. You can do what you want for a while. Didn't you always want to find someone to inquire about your grandfather? Ma Xianhong may be a good one. You can talk to him more Let's talk, and help us analyze his character and real purpose by the way."

Suddenly there was a large response with standard fonts and no embellishments, Zhang Chulan was taken aback for a moment: "Are you... Director Zhao?"

【Yes, Mr. Zhao asked me to tell you! <). (>]

"I see... I understand."

After typing the last line, Zhang Chulan closed the phone, turned it off, and locked it in the drawer.

But even so, he still couldn't sleep well, and always felt that someone was watching him all the time.



Everywhere leads to the headquarters.

With the help of Er Zhuang, Zhao Fangxu, who had basically figured out the strength composition of Biyou Village, quickly called a meeting of several directors to discuss.

"This is Biyou Village's information, you all have a look."

He asked the secretary to distribute the printed paper materials.

wow wow~
After a sound of pages turning, Huang Boren was the first to speak: "There are ordinary people who have been successfully transformed into aliens? Then what are we waiting for? We must attack as soon as possible!"

"Attack? How to attack?"

Bi Youlong questioned, "Leaving aside the strength of the mysterious leader Ma Xianhong, just the so-called upper root tools under him... the Golden Family, the Earth Immortal, the Sword Qi Master, the Tiangang Qi, and almost all of them. A piece of magic's useless if there are fewer people, and if you make a big move, what reason do you have?"

Although strictly speaking, the company is only an organization to maintain order, justice or not is not the most important thing, but in any case, it must pay attention to a teacher who is famous in order to be convincing.

Otherwise, if we send troops to wipe out Biyou Village today for unwarranted reasons, there is no guarantee that other forces or organizations will not be in danger, and the company's reputation and credibility will be greatly reduced.

Other directors also expressed their opinions, but it is always a problem to be famous.

Although what Ma Xianhong did was infinitely more dangerous than the previous Yaoxian Association in their opinion, it was subverting the current stable social order!

But judging from the simple values ​​of most people, this is not a bad thing, but it can be said to be a great merit for saving all sentient beings.

This kind of conflict of understanding makes it difficult for the company to forcefully end the situation and break the situation violently.

The company is still hesitating, but Qu Tong from Yaoxing club is much more straightforward.

In order to guide Zhang Chulan's behavior and further explore Feng Baobao's secrets, Qu Tong deliberately asked Ma Xianhong to arrest Jinfeng's mother-in-law almost in front of him.

Who is Granny Jinfeng?
She is also one of the elders of Quanxing, and she used to be a follower of Wugensheng, the head of Quanxing, staying with him for a long time.And Wugensheng is the soul figure that caused the thirty-six thieves to become sworn brothers...

If you want to explore that period of the past, Grandma Jinfeng can be said to be an excellent starting point.

All the information was brought to his mouth, so Zhang Chulan had no reason to ignore it. He silently wrote down the name of Granny Jinfeng, and planned to visit with Baobao Feng after the mission in Biyou Village was over.

 Thanks to "Wen Yu" for the reward!

(End of this chapter)

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