Chapter 292 I Check Myself? (Seeking subscription~asking for monthly pass~)

The attack and disappearance of Ma Xianhong also caught the company by surprise.

Imperial headquarters.

Zhao Fangxu, who was already preparing to leave for Mount Longhu, had to stop and held another board meeting.

"Attacked halfway? Could it be that he noticed our actions and ran away?"

Bi Youlong speculated maliciously, "Why don't we just take this opportunity to take over Biyou Village directly, how about that?"

His proposal was approved by Huang Boren, "Yes, no matter whether he disappears voluntarily or passively, this is a good opportunity for us. Without him, those so-called army of magic machines are just a bunch of dead people." It's just a thing, and it won't pose a threat anymore. In addition, Zhang Chulan is cooperating inside and outside..."


Zhao Fangxu vetoed, "You still don't understand? The core of our worries is Ma Xianhong, who has perfect skills, not a mere Biyou village that can't run away! As long as Ma Xianhong doesn't give up his idea, it will be like Biyou village." He can build countless places like villages! So our top priority is to find Ma Xianhong's whereabouts as soon as possible."

"Mr. Zhao, you forgot that there is another person in Biyou Village who can practice all kinds of tricks."

Huang Poren reminded, "Because he hasn't run away yet, I think I need to control it as soon as possible."

"Is that hatred..."

Zhao Fangxu nodded after pondering for a while, "Leave this matter to Zhang Chulan, and then send people directly to the dark fort."

After the meeting, Zhao Fangxu was thinking about who would take Ma Xianhong away, when the secretary suddenly came over with a letter.

"Mr. Zhao, this is a letter that requires you to unseal it yourself. I have already had someone check it. It is the most ordinary paper without any qi or toxin attached."


Zhao Fangxu looked at the big envelope. There should not be too many people sending anonymous letters to the company. This kind of thing is usually handed over to the secretary, and only if he gets any valuable information will he be passed on to him.Today it's...

He took it over and looked at it, and immediately understood that there was a line of small characters written on the envelope: Here is the information you are most concerned about.

"This kind of trick..." Zhao Fangxu shook his head with a smile, opened the envelope, and then his smile froze suddenly, and his eyes showed a little bit of surprise.

"You bring me all the information about Ma Xianhong, and don't miss anything."

He ordered in a serious tone.

Soon, the secretary gave him a USB flash drive on the spot: "It contains all the materials we have sorted out."

Zhao Fangxu searched the information quickly, and after a while, he leaned back and whispered: "No?"

"What did you say, Mr. Zhao?"

The secretary didn't hear clearly, and asked.

"Oh, it's okay, I'm thinking about other things, you go down first."

After dismissing the secretary, he thought about it and contacted Zhang Chulan: "Chu Lan, do you know that Ma Xianhong has a sister?"

"elder sister?"

Zhang Chulan was also very surprised, "I haven't heard him mention it... Hey, no!"

Halfway through the speech, he seemed to suddenly think of something, "I remember the first time I met Ma Xianhong, he told me that he had encountered something like me before, thanks to someone who rescued me, and he also wanted to help me I want to pass on this spirit... But when I asked who saved him, he didn't tell me, and it became vague."

"what do you mean……"

Zhao Fangxu seemed to understand a little bit.

"That's right, with Ma Xianhong's character, he rarely hides anything," Zhang Chulan confirmed, "so it must be a big thing for him to choose to hide."

"The one who saved Ma Xianhong?"

Zhao Fangxu pondered for a moment, "I'll give you an additional task, to ask more people in the village about this person, the more the better."

After hanging up the phone, he summoned his secretary again: "Have Ma Xianhong's family members been found? Also, give me a copy of the information about Qu Tong from Yaoxing Society."

"It is said that there is news, and our people are going to the field to investigate."

The secretary quickly brought what he wanted to him.

"Qu Tong... a genius doctor who has stayed abroad for many years. Although Yaoxing Club was established for a short time, it has already spread its business all over the world. It not only ranks among the second largest intelligence organizations in China, but the scale of its overseas business is far beyond that of small Jianghu. stack..."

I don’t know, I’m scared.

Such a resume is simply a template for the protagonist!

"In this way, the development of Yaoxing Club is indeed a bit smooth, but this kind of speculation cannot be regarded as evidence."

After Zhao Fangxu thought about it, he decided to try it out, and it would not be a loss anyway.

"Help me make an appointment with Mu You from Xiaozhan and Qu Tong from Yaoxing Club to meet at the company."



Receiving Zhao Fangxu's invitation at this juncture, I have to say that it is impossible for Qu Tong not to panic at all.

"Did I show a flaw there?"

She asked herself, recalled the whole process several times, and even contacted the company's internal response, trying to find out if Zhao Fangxu had any special arrangements.

After a lot of tossing, she decided to go to the appointment.

After all, if you don't go, isn't it equivalent to not calling yourself!
Before her ultimate goal is achieved, the foundation of Yaoxing Club cannot be easily given up.

So, after feeding Ma Xianhong who was in a coma, she went to the company headquarters alone.

Along the way, Qu Tong was a little suspicious, until she saw Mu You, she was a little relieved, since it was not a private interview, then it should not be her fault.

"Mr. Mu You, Miss Qu Tong, please sit down."

In the office, Zhao Fangxu watched them, and said lightly, "This time I invite the two of you, because I want to ask you to assist in the investigation."

He handed over two documents.

"Ma Xianhong, the holder of the divine machine..."

Zhao Fangxu briefly introduced what happened, "Now he has been kidnapped by a group of mysterious people. I hope the two of you can mobilize your power and help find some clues."

After finishing speaking, seeing the two people look up, his eyes swept past Mu You, briefly stayed on Qu Tong's face, and added:

"According to our investigation, Ma Xianhong seems to have a sister... please pay attention to this point."

Hearing this, Qu Tong subconsciously wanted to tighten her fingers and shrink her pupils, but her perfect hands and hands allowed her to forcibly control every reaction of her body with consciousness.

Even the subconscious stress response can be perfectly controlled.

Therefore, in Zhao Fangxu's probing eyes, Qu Tong did not reveal his flaws as he wished.

"We know, Director Zhao."

(End of this chapter)

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