Refine Gu to become immortal from one person

Chapter 297 Information in the Leap

Chapter 297 Information that spans thousands of miles

"What is a person? Honesty?"

After hearing this, everyone was a little confused.

"Now is not the time to explore these, you see..."

Barron pointed to the bottom of the cave and reminded.

"Oh? Is that the group that came in first?"

Everyone hid in the shadows, quietly observing the foreign mercenaries gathered in twos and threes below.

"one two three four……"

After counting the number of people on the other side, they found, "Look, those people are obviously foreigners, but many of them are sitting in a very standard five-hearted posture!"

After all, they suddenly cast their eyes on Barron in unison. This is also a stranger who is obviously a foreigner but practices the most traditional method of Qi training in China.

"Dont look at me,"

Barron was quite resistant to the fact that he suddenly became the focus, "This matter must have nothing to do with me."

"This should be the influence that this valley brought to them,"

Chi Yao murmured, "Since it can teach golden monkeys to learn how to move energy, then humans are naturally not a problem, that is to say..."

"Those people sitting cross-legged on the ground are ordinary people who have just learned to practice energy today, and those who sit casually and can resist the influence of the valley are all of our kind, and they are the targets we need to focus on!" Xia Liuqing continued. .

"You can't say so absolutely, Xia."

Barron reminded, "Don't forget that they still have guns, and I can see obvious traces of the military on several of them, obviously they are all familiar with guns. Such a combination, if you can stabilize your mentality, it will be more lethal." Not much worse than us."

"Yes, although we are all strangers, I still want to say something depressing."

Chi Yao took up the conversation, "This era does not belong to us anymore. Compared with the power that ordinary people can master, we are not stronger, but more special than them. Just like our current name, different people."

Speaking of this, he focused on Duo'er, Zhang Chulan and Feng Baobao
"Behind those small bullets are the crystallization of the wisdom of human civilization for thousands of years. If there is any slightest contempt or wavering, the years of penance may be completely destroyed by that kind of thing that costs a few dollars. Wait a minute When starting a war, don’t waste energy on protecting your body.”

What he said was serious, and Zhang Chulan and others nodded in approval.

At this moment, Elijah, who was in charge of the night watch below, suddenly let out a light sigh, which immediately attracted everyone's attention in this silent cave.

Suddenly, a mass of black ink-like thing appeared on his body, shaped like a ghost, flying unsteadily towards the mid-air.

The place where they rested was a cave extending in all directions, and there were many holes leading to other directions on the surrounding mountain walls. Now the ghost seems to be flying towards one of the caves.

"Elijah, what's that?"

Gusta, a strong man with a good relationship with him, frowned and asked.

Although there are a total of six or seven aliens in their team, Elijah can be said to be the strongest and most trustworthy among them, regardless of identity or strength.

Now there is something strange about him, which is not a pleasant thing.

"I do not know either, "

Elijah also had a solemn expression on his face. He checked his body carefully, but found nothing wrong, and it didn't seem like anything was missing at all.Looking up at the cloud of energy drifting away, he gritted his teeth, "Gusta, give me blessings."

Hearing this, Gusta bit his fingertips, raised his hand tacitly and drew a strange rune with blood on the back of Elijah's neck, and at the same time muttered silently: "Brave warrior, I grant you insight into everything." , Ozera!"

After the words fell, Elijah's eyes lit up with a faint aura, as if he had activated the lookout technique.

This is the power of the Luna runes. According to legend, this strange rune itself contains great power, and its effect is somewhat similar to some Taoist talismans.

Receiving the blessing of the Luna rune, Elijah looked up at the piece of breath again, but this time, he made a bigger discovery——

"There's someone over there!"

Following the flying direction of the pitch-black ball of energy, he saw Chi Yao and others hiding in the pitch-black cave at a glance.

When he shouted, not only Chi Yao and others who were suddenly found, but even those friends who were meditating and resting in place were startled.

Their trip to the Qinling Mountains was quite rough, and now they felt a little frightened. When they heard that there were other people nearby, they all panicked and made noises. Some even drew their guns and started shooting randomly at the surrounding mountain walls.

"Oops, found out!"

Zhang Chulan was startled suddenly, looking a little nervous.After all, it was his first time confronting an enemy with a gun.

And Chi Yao focused on the Gusta who gave Elijah strength. He has a flat head, a burly figure, and wears two shades of army green mahjong and trousers.

"The power of runes, it's interesting..."

The corners of his mouth curled up slightly, "Since they have been discovered, there is no need to continue hiding, just catch them all here!"

"What, what?!"

Zhang Chulan, who was about to retreat first, rubbed her ears, and couldn't believe what she heard in her ears, "Didn't you just say that you must not underestimate them, or you will pay a heavy price?"

Xia Liuqing and the others also looked like they had seen a ghost, and felt that this person changed his face too quickly.

"I said so rightly,"

Chi Yao nodded, "But it doesn't mean you have to avoid it if you pay attention to it!"

He shrugged and spread his hands, "It's not like we can't beat them. Besides, compared to the number of people, we will not be weaker than them..."

"What do you mean..."

Zhang Chulan was only halfway through the question when she saw countless pairs of faint pupils lit up in the cave behind them. They were the group of monkeys that followed them in!

"We only need to pay attention to those few aliens, and leave the rest to them to deal with, so as to ensure that there is no problem."

Chi Yao smiled inexplicably, "This time, let them know who owns the land under their feet!"

It sounds long, but in fact, time passed quickly, and the ball of jet-black energy that flew out of Elijah's body had already floated into the cave where Chi Yao and the others were hiding.

"What is this?"

Zhang Chulan frowned, he sensed a very ominous aura from this thing.

"Huh? This thing..."

Xia Liuqing looked at this thing thoughtfully, "It's a bit like..."

Before they figured out why, the thing had already been grabbed by Chi Yao, and then disappeared directly in his hands.


They looked at Chi Yao in shock and curiosity, "What is that?"

"It's nothing, it's probably a detection technique,"

Chi Yao casually said, "Be careful, they have already noticed this."

In fact, it was the information that the corpse god avatar far away on Nathan Island used Elijah's body to convey to him with the corpse demon.

Although they come from the same body, Nathan Island is too far away from the mainland, and it is impossible to communicate with conventional methods.There is a risk of exposing Chi Yao's identity if other methods are used to send messages, so the two parties have had little contact in the past few years.

This time also took advantage of the foresight. It was certain that Elijah would meet Chi Yao in China, so the corpse god clone chose to attach the information to Elijah's three corpses.

(End of this chapter)

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