Chapter 310
When it came to this topic, everyone present immediately cheered up, even Dong Fei and Dong Su, who didn't like to express their opinions for a long time.

One of them is in charge of torture, and the other is in charge of communication between the company and the Ten Guys Association. In previous meetings, Bi Youlong, who was in charge of diplomacy, and Huang Boren, who was in charge of scientific research, were not as active. But when it comes to the topic of Ten Guys, they can't continue Silent, because there are too many involved in this matter.

In a sense, the Ten Guys will be an organization that is at the same level as the company, and even sometimes has power and prestige above it.

Many people often call the company a court eagle, but facing the Ten Guys Association, most people only have awe in their hearts.

Of course, the premise is that if the bigwigs in the Ten Guys Club can really work together.

Unlike a company, although there is a board of directors, there is a chairman who has an overview of the overall situation and has the right to be arbitrary at critical moments.Members of the Ten Guys Club are all equal in name, even if there are some differences in seniority, strength and influence, they cannot forcefully decide anything.

But in any case, the Ten Guys Club is the real top of the domestic alien circle, and every candidate in it involves huge interest disputes, and they are also closely related to directors like them.

Therefore, Mr. Su, whose usual job content is to communicate with the Ten Guys Association, was the first to ask: "Does Mr. Zhao have a goal in mind?"

This statement also attracted the attention of several other directors. The interests of the representative behind a ten-member are so great that even they cannot ignore it. If they can personally support a ten-member to come out... The location is not impossible, Xiao Xiangyi or two!

However, Zhao Fangxu, as the original founder of the company, did not think of prestige as a second person. If he already had a definite candidate in his mind, others could only give up.

But to their surprise, Zhao Fangxu just shook his head slightly: "I have some considerations, but I haven't decided yet. You can speak freely if you have any ideas."


After a short period of silence, Huang Boren spoke first: "In terms of strength, there are quite a few forces that are qualified to become the top ten, such as Wudang, Quanzhen and other sects."

However, this sentence was opposed by Bi Youlong: "The aliens of the Taoist sect have a great influence in the circle. It is enough to have one Longhushan celestial master among the ten. If there are more, it will affect everyone. balance."

This is true. As an organization whose core goal is to maintain stability, it must not allow a situation where one of the Ten Guys will dominate.Otherwise, would Wudang, Quanzhen and other traditional Taoist schools really be inferior to the Lu family and the Lu family?

But if the selection is based on absolute strength and influence, and the Daoist sect among the ten must occupy at least three seats, then the company's position will become very embarrassing.

The result of Daomen's Yiyantang is not what they want.

However, although the root cause is this, it is difficult to put it so bluntly. Zhao Fangxu lightly tapped the table: "Taoists don't like the hustle and bustle of the world. Daoist."

As soon as these words came out, the following directors all secretly praised in their hearts.The chairman's speech is level, obviously trying to suppress the influence of the Daoist sect, but what he said makes people feel that he is thinking of those Daoists.

"Since they can't do it, what about the Zhuge family? The Wang family that withdrew before is also a family power, so it will be replaced..." Su Dong suggested.

"The number of people in Zhuge's family is too small,"

Before Zhao Fangxu could speak this time, someone else had already raised objections, "And their means and functions overlap greatly with Shuzimen, and they are not the best choice."

Zhuge's family is different from Tangmen. Tangmen opened up the foreign surname system to inject vitality into the family because of its limited development. Since then, Tangmen has become more like a sect than a family power.

But the Zhuge family didn't do this, so although their family members are all elites, but the total number is very rare, and I don't know if it is because of the warlock's awe of the way of heaven, their behavior has always been very low-key.

Mystery is more than prestige.

Now that the Zhuge family is mentioned, it is inevitable that the Tang Sect, which is similar in nature, will also be mentioned.

Sure enough, Bi Youlong said again: "How about the Tang Sect? In terms of strength, they should be the highest rank next to those top sects, and because of the foreign surname system, their population is not withered like the Zhuge family."

"But they are assassins, this name is not good..."

"The Tang Sect is not just assassins, they also have family and country righteousness in their hearts!"

Zhao Fangxu interrupted the voice of questioning, with a look of regret and memory on his face, "However, their current situation is indeed not good... Well, Tang Sect can be listed as a candidate, and if it is not possible, they can reluctantly On top. Let’s keep thinking.”

Tang Sect's biggest problem now is that it has not found the most suitable money-making business in this new era.

Looking at the technologies that the Tang Sect is proficient in, they are nothing more than poisons, traps and assassinations.But poison is the same as assassination, it cannot be sold in an open and honest manner; mechanism technique is not as good as Tiangongtang, which specializes in this kind, and the mechanism with great power and mass destruction is still contraband and needs to be controlled by the company.

This makes it difficult for them to make money.

As the saying goes, if you are poor and rich in martial arts, you can't do anything without money. Even if you open a martial arts school, there are only a few people who are interested in martial arts, and you can only barely maintain it.

"How about the Shining Star Club?"


When Zhao Fangxu heard this, his eyes flashed undetectably, and he looked at Bi Youlong who made the suggestion.

"Although it has been established for a short period of time, it has already made great achievements in international intelligence. Although there are already Muyou among the ten guys, the intelligence organization of Jianghu Xiaozhan is more aimed at the country. There are also two intelligence systems in the United States. One internal and one external, maybe we can also try?"

As the director who is mainly responsible for the company's foreign affairs, although his proposal is obviously for his own benefit, it seems that there is no major problem.

However, because of the anonymous report letter he received before, Zhao Fangxu had some extra attention on Yaoxing Club and Qu Tong in his heart.So after taking a deep look at Bi Youlong, he actually nodded and added the Yaoxing Club to the candidate list.

At this time, Fei Dong, who was in charge of the torture work, said with a smile: "Everyone, there is a piece of news that I don't know you clearly. The Red Miao and Hei Miao have merged. Today's Miao Jiang is stable in terms of strength. They are among the top factions. And they have various means, I think they can also be listed as one of the candidates, what does Director Zhao think?"

(End of this chapter)

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