Refine Gu to become immortal from one person

Chapter 314 The Youngest Great Gu Master

Chapter 314 The Youngest Great Gu Master
"Oh? This trick is a bit interesting."

Although it was blown away by the shock wave, the protective arrogance on You Wu's body suddenly became thicker, and a faint shadow of a jade toad flashed faintly. Therefore, although countless big trees and rocks were smashed, even a little bit of skin was gone. Not broken.

He stood up from the smoke and dust, patted Ash and laughed, "But it's not strong enough!"

"Then I'll give you some more energy!"

Seeing this, Chi Yao no longer carefully controlled his strength. Under the beating of his heart, streams of energy and blood were quickly sent to his whole body. He clenched his fists tightly and kicked him heavily on the ground.


The solid hard soil was cracked and sunken, and he used this strength to leap into the air, his arms stretched out above his head, his whole body was like a big bow drawn, and then he volleyed down like a heavy hammer. !

The strong breaking wind showed how powerful the blow was.

You Wu's eyes lit up on the ground, he also exhaled and made a sound, the phantom of Yuchan behind him became more and more solid, and then punched him impartially.

When the two fists met, there was a muffled sound, and the ground under You Wu's feet was overwhelmed, causing his entire calf to sink completely.Then the air wave exploded, and all the land around Zhang Xu collapsed like a big pit, and in the center of the big pit was Yu Wu, who was nailed halfway into the ground like a nail.

"Hey, it's... really strong."

He pulled himself out of the hole with difficulty, looked at Chi Yao with admiration, "I don't know how you practiced your strength and energy, could it be that the natal Gu of the holy grade is really so magical? "

After the fight just now, he has almost figured out Chi Yao's current level.In terms of proficiency in skills alone, he is obviously far behind. At least so far, he has not seen a phantom of a voodoo, which shows that he has not yet grasped the essence of any voodoo.

But his basic physical fitness is ridiculously strong, even stronger than You Wu, a person who has lived with Gu for nearly a hundred years, which shows that the Gu in his body is very powerful in blessing him.

Moreover, the two of them didn't use external voodoo support in the battle just now, they all relied on their own strength.Of course, there is intentional element of You Wu in this, but the most important thing is that Chi Yao can even suppress the Gu master's ability to control Gu, he has no idea of ​​testing at all.

"A-Ning, do you want to try it too?"

You Wu turned to look at Luo Shuning who was watching the battle.

"What can I try?"

Luo Shuning shook his head, "His Gu control technique has long convinced the entire Qinghe Village." After all, the scene where thousands of Gu overwhelmed Qinghe at the beginning still makes countless Qinghe Gu masters awe and admire.

"Then you don't have any objections?"

Speaking of this, Luo Shuning still doesn't know what You Wu wants to do. She frowned and thought for a while, then asked, "Is it necessary to be so anxious? With Xiao Yao's talent, give him another five to ten years Time, wouldn’t it be good to take over in An An’an by then? Even Na Ruhu, the youngest of the top ten, was elected in his [-]s or [-]s... If you are too young, you might suffer a disadvantage there.”

"Young age is a disadvantage, but it can also be an advantage."

You Wu said while putting on his clothes, "For example, I am old enough, right? But in the Ten Guys Club, who can I show my generation? Is it like a tiger? Or Feng Zhenghao? The problem is that these two boys I'm afraid they are not opponents, what's the use of this seniority?"

Back inside the house again.

"And there are some things that age is not an obstacle. Although Xiaoyao is young, in terms of making friends widely, no one in the whole Miaojiang can match him. In this case, it is better to let him go. Anyway, as newcomers, we always have to Let’s get down first and be the little one. Xiao Yao, what do you think?”


Chi Yao pondered for a moment, and felt that there was nothing wrong with it. After all, he had been participating in the tribe's decision-making from a very early age, and it made sense to think about what You Wu said.If you are a new member of the Ten Guys Club, even if you are a senior in age, you can only keep a low profile because of your seniority. Instead of this, it is better to change yourself. Sometimes being young is indeed an advantage.

So he nodded solemnly: "Then I will do my part!"

After the three people unified their opinions, today's high-level meeting of all Miaojiang people came into being.

"I called everyone here today because there is a very important thing to announce."

You Wu's majestic and vigorous words spread to everyone's ears, "Now that the Heimiao and Qinghe departments have merged into one, then naturally there should not be two more Great Gu Masters, which represent the meaning of the supreme leader."

After saying a word, the Gu masters of the two villages below opened their eyes wide, and each looked at their big Gu master.

Among them, the eyes of the Hei Miao Gu Masters were mostly surprises, while the eyes of the Qinghe Gu Masters were full of worry and resentment.

Now, after all, it is the leader of the Black Miao Department, Zhu Miao. In most people's minds, this is probably You Wu's way to squeeze out Luo Shuning.

Facing the suspicious gazes of his juniors, Luo Shuning just used his eyes to comfort him, and didn't say much.

But You Wu's voice continued to sound.

"In the new Miaojiang, there is no longer any distinction between the Great Gu Master Hei Miao and the Great Gu Master Qinghe. There is only one position to lead the group - the Great Gu Master Miaojiang! Luo Shuning and I have reached a consensus on who to choose. It's - Chi Yao!"

After the last word fell, the scene was completely silent, and everyone was a little dazed, as if they hadn't expected such a development at all.

But after a brief silence, the Qinghe Gu Masters cheered first.Compared with You Wu, who was suppressed by Qinghe Village for most of his life, and finally enjoyed his success, Chi Yao was the one who subdued them by himself after all, and many of them and their descendants had asked Chi Yao for advice on how to control Gu.If they had to choose a person from the Black Miao tribe to lead Miao Jiang, Chi Yao would be the most suitable candidate in their minds.

Although the Hei Miao Department was a little slow, they all applauded soon. No matter what, it was their own people who became the leaders of Miao Jiang.

Moreover, Chi Yao was established as the heir of the Great Gu Master very early on, although he is younger now, it is not too abrupt.They were stunned mainly because they took an extra glance at Chi Li's expression.

Before Chi Yao's talent was revealed, he was the best successor recognized by most Gu masters of the Black Miao Department.

In the end, he didn't expect his son's talent to be so good, so he passed his entire life directly, and made a handover between grandparents and grandchildren.

Just as everyone expected, the expression on Chi Li's face now is indeed very rich, with gratification and pride, but also a little depression and emotion.

But all in all, this decision has not been questioned or resisted.

Chi Yao successfully broke the record at the age of twenty-two, becoming the youngest Gu Master in Miao Jiang's history!

(End of this chapter)

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