Chapter 317 Voting
As more and more bigwigs sat around the conference round table, the atmosphere in the room became more and more serious.

Finally, after Zhang Zhiwei, the master of the day, sat down for the last time, Su Dong, the chairman of the meeting representing the company, got up and closed the door.

This marks the official start of the Ten Guys meeting.

"The purpose of inviting everyone here today is believed to be clear to all of you, so I won't go into details."

Su Dong stood up, "The Ten Guys Club has always been an important organization dedicated to assisting the company in maintaining the stability and order of the alien circle. You and your sects have contributed a lot to the peace of society. Today, the Ten Guys Club will We welcome a new member to join, and the company has sent the information of the two candidates to everyone in advance. I believe you have already considered it."

She glanced around at the bigwigs around the table, and then continued, "I know everyone's time is precious, so if there are no doubts, then let's start the voting session directly?"

No one objected.

So the meeting went smoothly to the most important part.

"Then...those who support Huang Ning to become the new top ten, please raise your hand."

Because there were only ten people present plus Mr. Su who represented the company and had no voting rights, they adopted the simplest method of voting by show of hands.

After Su Dong's voice fell, he began to look around, preparing to count the votes.

But she looked left and right, scanned back and forth three times, but didn't even look at a raised arm.

The weirdness of this scene made Dong Su feel the urge to raise his hand and rub his eyes.


She hesitated a little, and even wondered if she hadn't made it clear just now.Although the change of the top ten is not common, she has experienced it several times over the years, so she can be called well-informed.

But she had never seen this scene before!
The nine bigwigs in the audience came here from all over the world, and their interests were not consistent with each other, but when faced with the request of "joining the gang" from the Seeking Truth Society, their attitudes were surprisingly consistent.

Su Dong suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart: "Could it be that they are in collusion, and they want to resist adding new people to the Ten Guys Club?"

After all, the ten guys will be the top of the alien circle, which is equivalent to the top of the mountain. The fewer people standing on the top of the mountain, the greater the benefits everyone can get.

It makes sense that they don't want ten guys to come in as newcomers.

But this is not what the company wants to see.

The organization of Ten Guys was originally due to the lack of prestige when the company was first established. Therefore, on the one hand, it has the meaning of wooing those traditional high-ranking families, and on the other hand, it can be regarded as tying them to its own chariot to make up for the shortcomings. .

To put it bluntly, it is a fox pretending to be a tiger.

If you don't know about the company, then you should know about such big schools as Longhushan, Shaolin Temple, Sijia, etc., right?They're with us now!Now you know how powerful we are, right?
It was a compromise in the early days of the company.

But as the company's status gradually stabilized, especially after getting in touch with the top and being recognized as the current semi-official status, the relationship between the fox and the tiger began to change slowly.

The company no longer needs to rely on the reputation of Shi Lao itself. Instead, with the blessing of the company, the name of Shi Lao has become a new standard for measuring the strength of the sect.

You said that you are a famous sect with a long inheritance and many masters?

In the end, he wasn't even a top ten guy, so what's the point of bragging!

Because of this, the company began to have some ideas about the original ten members.

To put it simply, the company wants to exert more influence on the Ten Guys, or to make the relationship between the Ten Guys and the company closer.

There are two ways to achieve this goal.Bring in existing members, or bring in new ones who are close to the company.

Under Zhao Fangxu's strategizing, over the years, every time the members of the Ten Guys Association have changed, almost under his control, the addition of new forces such as Muyou, Naruhu, and Feng Zhenghao has greatly diluted the strength of the members such as Tianshifu, Tianshifu, and Feng Zhenghao. The influence of established forces such as the Four Families.

Although these new forces can be famous for a while, they are not well-established after all, and they cannot do without the support of the company. This is a matter of mutual benefit.

More importantly, with the passage of time, many of the members of the first generation of ten members have exceeded the [-]-year-old mark, and another problem has gradually been put on the agenda-Zhao Fangxu is unwilling to make the ten members into a hereditary system.

That is to say, the seats of the ten brothers are not for Longhushan, the Lu family, and the Lu family, but for Zhang Zhiwei of Longhushan, Lu Ci of the Lu family, and Lu Jin of the Lu family.

If something happened to them, their heirs, the new Celestial Master of Longhu Mountain, and the new Patriarchs of Lu and Lu would not be qualified to directly inherit the position of the ten brothers from them.

Must be re-voted.

But when you think about it, you also know that it will be very difficult to promote this matter if the company does not have enough voice in the ten-member meeting.

After all, who doesn't want to fight for an eternal status for their sect?
And the combination of sects of seeking truth is also a new direction for Zhao Fangxu to explore.

As the saying goes, one monk carries water to drink, two monks carry water to drink, and three monks have no water to drink.

The more people there are, the more inconsistent their hearts will be, and this kind of imbalance is what the company wants to see.If the Ten Guys really work together one day, then the company should be the one to panic.

So if one had to choose between Miao Jiang and Qiuzhenhui, Zhao Fangxu hoped that Qiuzhenhui would become the new top ten.

But the scene that appeared before Su Dong's eyes directly shattered their thoughts.

Through the camera, the situation in the meeting room is also broadcast to other directors of the company simultaneously.

Seeing this, Zhao Fangxu's face changed slightly for a moment, and countless thoughts flashed through his mind. Is it true that he will not live up to his expectations, or the members of the Ten Guys have reached an agreement secretly, and they are giving the company a bad shot?
After waiting for a while, he found that no one had raised their hands, so Dong Su had no choice but to clear his throat and continue to say: "Then, those who support Miao Jiang Chi Yao to become the new top ten, please raise your hands."

This time the nine bosses finally stopped looking like statues. Almost as soon as her voice fell, Guan Shihua was the first to raise her palm, and praised with a smile while raising it: "Such a young man It's hard to come by now."

Although the time to get in touch was the latest, but because of the relationship with the fairy families in Changbai Mountain, Guan Shihua was the one who supported Chi Yao most firmly.

This time the scene was more lively.

After the sorceress Guan Shihua spoke, Lu Jin immediately answered, "That's right, I think so too."

Then came Master Jiekong and Feng Zhenghao. In an instant, Chi Yao had already defeated Huang Ning, and he was only one vote away from being elected.

This vote did not make him wait too long, and soon, the old master Zhang Zhiwei also raised his palm with a smile.

More than half of the votes, the resolution passed!

At this moment, the record for the minimum age of the Ten Guys, which was just refreshed by Naruhu a few years ago, was once again refreshed, and it was directly brushed to a level that was almost impossible to break again.

 py is a book, you can read it if you are interested.

(End of this chapter)

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