Refine Gu to become immortal from one person

Chapter 320 Kill the chicken to warn the monkey

Chapter 320 Kill the chicken to warn the monkey

It is naturally not a trivial matter that can make Zhao Fangxu, the boss of the company, frown.

Even some of the ten guys on the table showed a little searching look on their faces, but Zhao Fangxu didn't mean to go into details here.

He quickly collected the information and brought the topic back on track.

"Do you have any difficulties or objections to the division of this area of ​​responsibility?"

Zhao Fangxu glanced around calmly, "If everyone agrees, then I hope that everyone can work together to help the company calm down the alien circle in the shortest possible time."

Everyone looked at each other, and no one raised any objections. Chi Yao also kept an eye on his nose, his nose and his heart, and responded silently with the crowd.After all, it is the first time to participate, mainly to experience the atmosphere.

"Very well, then let's do this first."

Zhao Fangxu nodded, "Thank you for making this trip."



After the meeting, Zhao Fangxu hurried back to his office. As expected, Huang Boren, Fei Dong and others were already there waiting for him.

"Tell me specifically, what's going on?"

Before he even had time to take a sip of water, he immediately looked at Bi Youlong, after all, he was the director in charge of foreign affairs.

"The news came quite suddenly,"

Bi Youlong's face was not good-looking, "But it's not without traces to follow. Some time ago, there was a case of Nathan Wei smuggled into the country, and I also reported it to the board of directors. At that time, I doubted his motives. Now it seems that , I’m afraid they came to fight for King Nathan.”

"Fighting the front line? Could it be to investigate the economic situation of our country so as to decide how much money to knock?"

Huang Boren said disdainfully.

"Hey, the letter said that King Nathan is going to discuss his ideas on the construction of Nathan Island with the world..."

"That's just asking for money!"

Huang Boren sucked his teeth, and his mouth was merciless.

The scientific research team under him is the biggest gold swallower in the company. He used to be familiar with the trick of asking for money on weekdays, and he saw through the tricks in King Nathan's rhetoric at a glance. What is the idea of ​​​​discussing construction?
If you agree with his idea, why don't you pay for it?If you disagree, you will be paid more if you come up with a new idea.Otherwise, isn't it just making trouble?

In Huang Boren's eyes, most of the company's funds are his money. Can you not be angry when someone suddenly steals money from him?
"Hmph, didn't this kind of thing just be sent out by a Nathan guard before? This time it was actually King Nathan himself? This is going to bite us hard! It seems that the Nathan named Elijah Senwei, did you collect intelligence well?"

Huang Boren cast a sideways glance at Bi Youlong. In matters of diplomacy, it's not wrong to leave the blame to Bi Youlong anyway.

"Mr. Zhao, Elijah and the others came here by smuggling. Apart from the two inexplicably dead hirelings, the people they came into contact with were Zhang Chulan, Chi Yao, and Xia Liuqing. They even handed over the people to me. Yes. Do you want to call them all over to ask about the details?"

Bi Youlong ignored Huang Boren's teasing, looked at Zhao Fangxu and suggested. .

"I've already asked about Zhang Chulan's side. That place is used by Wugensheng to store some gadgets. Although it is indeed a bit mysterious, there are not many things worth coveting. If that Elijah is really here to investigate Given our economic situation, we shouldn’t just go into deep mountains and old forests as soon as we come here.”

Zhao Fangxu shook his head, "We don't have to guess what King Nathan wants, and the biggest trouble in this matter is not what King Nathan wants from us, but that he wants to meet here with the leaders of different organizations from all over the world. Those outsiders will bring a lot of pressure to our security work, you must be prepared."


"As for how much they can gnaw away from us, leave it to me to deal with."



After leaving the headquarters of Everywhere, Chi Yao didn't delay much, but immediately returned to Miaojiang by plane.

Although the company's official documents haven't come out yet, it's natural to share with everyone the news of being successfully elected to the Top Ten as soon as possible.

What's more, there are tasks arranged by the company to do.

"Hahahaha, good boy, not bad not bad!"

After You Wu heard the good news, he immediately looked up to the sky and laughed, "Our Miao Jiang has finally returned to the highest stage of the circle, and this old man is worthy of his ancestors!"

Although Luo Shuning was also very happy, when she thought that Qinghe Village had lost the position of the leader Zhu Miao in her own hands, and how the current You Wu was not pleasing to the eye, she couldn't help stabbing a few words: "It's not because of your ability, What are you so proud of?"

"It's not my skill? Hey, Xiaoyao is from my black seedling department, so I have a share of the credit, but you, Aning, are the real winners in this wave! Why don't you hurry up and thank me?"

The two great Gu masters showed a lively temperament that is rarely seen in normal times, let alone the others. Today's Miaojiang is as lively and cheerful as it is during the New Year.

But the excitement is the excitement, and the things that should be done cannot be delayed.

"You mean, you want to send invitations to all the big and small sects in the southwest?"

"That's right, the so-called three fires for new officials. We just took this position, and we are in the honeymoon period with the company. We still need to have a good attitude in what we should cooperate with. And this is not a bad thing for us. Not a good way to quickly increase your reputation."

Chi Yao explained.

"It's true to say that, but I don't know how many people will sell our face. There are many sects in the southwest. It is a good thing to be a top ten, but it will also arouse the jealousy of others. Acting too much If it’s radical, if someone makes trouble, it’s not good to lose face. It’s better to stay calm and accumulate slowly, which may be safer.”

Luo Shuning also put forward her own suggestion.

"make trouble?"

Chi Yao smiled softly, "To put it bluntly, although there are many sects in the Southwest, there are no more than one person who is qualified to cause us trouble. After careful calculation, it is nothing more than Tangmen, Huodezong, Qingcheng, etc. , Emei, and Quanzhen Longmen.

"Among them, there is no need to worry about Tangmen and Quanzhen. They are definitely on our side. Emei and Qingcheng are at odds with each other. They have been competing for the position of leader of the Sword Sect. It is easy to win over, and I am still there. Some connections can be used. As for Huo Dezong, I will pay a special visit to one or two in the near future. Hong Bin and I are also familiar with each other at the Luotian Dajiao. It should not be a big problem to keep them neutral.

"As for the Qingcheng Sword Sect..."

He spread his hands, "If we want to stand up, we must have a chicken to kill, right? Otherwise, how can we deter other sects? I think they are just right to play this role."

Luo Shuning was taken aback by Chi Yao's analysis, and looked at him with extremely complicated eyes.Did the little guy do so many things before he knew it?

From this point of view, it would be a loss if this event is not held.

After a while, she was full of emotions: "Choosing you as a great Gu master is indeed the most correct decision I have made."

(End of this chapter)

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