Chapter 325 Help

Speaking of this, Chi Yao turned his attention to Zhuge Qing, "I heard a news by chance, saying that your family had the opportunity to compete for the top ten, but they were rejected on the grounds of repetitive methods and too few members. It’s gone. If something happens to the Shuzi Gate, maybe it’s also an opportunity for you?”


Zhuge Qing was taken aback when he heard the words, and made an unclear sound.

Seeing that a carp was standing upright, Wang Ye stopped paralyzing, and quickly interjected: "No, this move is too damaging. Is there a more normal way?"

"What do you think is normal?"

Chi Yao asked suspiciously, "He covets your means, so of course he will get it no matter how much he spends. As the saying goes, if you are not afraid of the thief stealing, you are afraid of the thief thinking about it. You shouldn't understand this truth, right?"


Wang also sighed, "Enough people have been killed or injured because of the Eight Miraculous Skills, and I don't want this number to continue to expand because of me. Well, now you should have a channel to arrange for me to meet Chen Jinkui? I Talk to him face to face first."

"Of course there is no problem with this. In fact, even without me, you can reach your goal by yourself."

Chi Yao nodded, "Although Chen Jinkui once hired some people to monitor your family, as far as I know, this person does not have a bottom line in his work. I will help you arrange it as soon as possible, Qing, how about you?"

Zhuge Qing stretched his waist a long way: "Since Old Wang knows what's in his mind, I won't say anything more. I have to go home and have a look after being away for so long, and contact me at any time if there is anything to do."



With Chi Yao's current status, it is not difficult to ask Chen Jinkui to meet, but at Wang Ye's request, he did not go with him, but he wrote a greeting card for Wang Ye, indicating that he has his backing behind him, The rest of the matter was left to Wang Ye to handle by himself.

Between the mountains and forests, there were bursts of insects.

While Chi Yao deduced the combat skills of his kung fu, he watched Duo'er and Baron who were also practicing kung fu not far away.

After such a period of teaching, Liuku Immortal Thief has learned the most basic breathing method, and the next thing to do is to transform his six internal organs.

The six internal organs are the general term for the gallbladder, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, bladder and triple burner. Their joint function is to digest and absorb, and to excrete the residue that cannot be absorbed in time.

But in the philosophy of Liuku Immortal Thief, there is nothing in this world that cannot be digested.

They want to transform the cultivator's internal organs into a special structure that eats everything. It can digest and absorb [-]% of all substances ingested by the human body, and turn them into nutrients for itself, without wasting anything.

Once the transformation is completed, even if you only drink a sip of water a day, or even breathe the microorganisms in the air, the energy contained in it is enough to support people's daily needs.

What the ancients called "eating wind and drinking dew, picking clouds and eating qi" is nothing more than that.

Of course, this is not something that can be done quickly. While guiding Duo'er's practice, Barron would occasionally chat with Chi Yao.

"Chi, are you really not interested in this kung fu?"

Barron was a little puzzled, "As far as I know, the aliens in your country seem to have caused extremely serious killings for the so-called Eight Miraculous Skills. Now that I am teaching right under your nose, don't you feel a little bit moved?"

"I don't deny that even among all the Eight Miraculous Skills, the Liuku Immortal Thief is considered one of the superior ones. The ability to delay aging and improve the essence of life is also very good."

Chi Yao shook his head gently, "But for the time being, I don't need these. You don't need to test me anymore. I know the way I want to go, and maybe one day I can't rule out temporarily using the Eight Wonders as a means Possibility, but in any case, it will not affect the fundamentals of practice."

"My own way..."

Barron was thoughtful and didn't say much.

Unfortunately, within a few days of such a leisurely life, another visitor came to the door.

"Zhang Chulan? Aren't you supposed to be working overtime to welcome that Nathan King? Why come to me when you have time?"

Chi Yao was a little surprised when he saw Zhang Chulan and Feng Baobao.

"Brother Yao, I'm here for help this time."

Zhang Chulan was full of travel and dust, and looked anxious. He and Feng Baobao still had a lot of grass roots and traces of dew on their bodies.

"What's the matter, can't even the company settle it?"

"It's not that the company is unfair, but that there is no way for the company to come forward..."

Zhang Chulan didn't talk too much nonsense, and briefly introduced the current situation in a few words.

It turned out that Huang Ning and others from the Seeking Truth Club were stimulated by the failure of the election for the Ten Guys, so they vented their anger on Xia Liuqing and Mei Jinfeng, and sent their disciples to search for the traces of the two of them, trying to get from them the rootless, or three-year-old The Secret of the Sixteen Thieves.

It's fine for Xia Liuqing to have no fixed place to live, but Mei Jinfeng has a fixed place, adhering to the idea that everyone can get and punish all-sex monsters, even though Mei Jinfeng has never done anything bad from the beginning to the end, but joining the whole Sex is her greatest sin.

The members of the Truth-Seeking Society don't care about other things, they have no scruples in order to obtain this secret.

And Mei Jinfeng's fighting ability is not very good, and at the critical moment, Xia Liuqing, who always stood by her side from time to time, showed his supernatural power and forcibly used the second-level ability of the Godhead Mask to barely escape with her.

But Xia Liuqing is also a hundred years old after all, and the method of cultivating the mask of the godhead is a side door, and it is not effective in cultivating one's life and character. Good physical condition.So he is no longer at the peak, although this wave of outbreaks barely retreated from the enemy, but he was also exhausted.

For Mei Jinfeng's safety, he had no choice but to ask Zhang Chulan for help.

It's not that he doesn't want to find other people, the problem is that most people in the whole sex are unreliable, and Ding Zhang'an, the only one who can be relied on, is also recovering from his injuries, so it's inconvenient to come out to help.

So after thinking about it, he could only turn to Zhang Chulan for help.

But with Zhang Chulan's ability, he could only temporarily help them avoid one or two things. The people from the Seeking Truth Society were not something he could handle, and it was even more impossible for the company to come forward.

So there is such a release today.

After listening to Zhang Chulan's narration, Chi Yao didn't have any extra emotions other than sighing in his heart that Xia Liuqing's life was too short. He looked at Zhang Chulan with a half-smile:
"Why do you think I will help two full-sexed people? Although I don't have a good opinion of the Qiuzhenghui, they are recognized as righteous sects anyway. For the two full-sexed monsters to fight against them... Zhang Chulan, you What can I use to convince me to take this troubled water?"

(End of this chapter)

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