Chapter 327 Rootless successor (Ask for a monthly pass at the end of the month~)

After sending Zhang Chulan away, Chi Yao paid attention to the news of the Seeking Truth Association while paying attention to the World Alien Conference in the imperial capital.

As a result, it didn't take long to get information about a "suspected rootless heir reappearing in the world".

It is said that when the Qiuzhen Society was chasing Xia Liuqing and Mei Jinfeng, a mysterious person suddenly appeared. Not to mention his majestic and deep breath, he easily smashed the moves of Huang Ning, the master of Yanwu Hall.

As we all know, this kind of ability can be said to be the signature of Wugensheng, the former head of Quanxing, and it has never been heard of anyone other than him who has practiced it.In addition, his actions were obviously aimed at saving Xia and Mei.

Therefore, although Huang Ning couldn't see his face clearly, and didn't say a word to him, he still confirmed the identity of the other party, and convinced many sects who got the news.

As for why that person was said to be Wu Gensheng's heir, instead of Wu Gensheng showing up in person, it was naturally because Huang Ning was still alive.

There was a sudden panic in the circle.

As for the one who reacted the most to this, it was undoubtedly Lu Jin.

As his only and biggest inner demon, Wu Gensheng has troubled him for most of his life.Lu Jin never believed that people like Wu Gensheng would die quietly, so even though the Jiashen Rebellion had passed for more than [-] years and Wu Gensheng had always disappeared, he still never let go.

Now that there is finally news about the other party, how can he hold back?


Seek the truth.

Lu Jin's personal visit was received by four senior officials at the same time.


Mr. Lu didn't talk nonsense, he opened his suit and cut straight to the point, "The old man's visit this time is to ask about the news about the so-called rootless person. Apart from the rumors that are spreading all over the world, you are the only ones who have personally contacted him." Do you know if there is more detailed information? If you have any conditions, you can just mention it."

In this matter, Lu Jin seems to have an aura of doing whatever it takes.

"This is..."

The four of them exchanged glances with each other, and finally Huang Ning himself said, "Senior Lu, you're being polite. Everyone who is a full-sex monster can be punished. It's easy to talk about any conditions. But that day I just had a brief conversation with the other party." Trick, apart from being able to confirm that the opponent's method is indeed the legendary god spirit, I don't know much other information."

In fact, after Lu Jin came to the door, the top executives of the Seeking Truth Society collectively regretted it.

If they had known that chasing Xia Liuqing and Mei Jinfeng could attract this rootless descendant, and even lure Lu Jin to come to the door in person, they would have done so long ago.

In this way, you can take the opportunity to propose conditions and let Lu Jin vote for them!

Unfortunately, it's all over now.

"How could it be? Since you have fought against the other party, there should be some body shape, appearance characteristics, kung fu routines, and even fragments of items that are stained with the other party's breath, right?"

Lu Jin was puzzled.

"Uh... this is..."

Huang Ning's face was a little embarrassed, "Looking at the figure, the opponent is neither tall nor short, of medium build, and his appearance is not clear. ..."

"Only one move in total?"

Lu Jin's face was serious, "The opponent is so strong? They defeated you with one move?"

These words made the scene even more embarrassing in an instant, Huang Ning's face turned blue and red: "Well, the other party used the spirit of the gods to sneak attack, I was caught off guard, that..."

After explaining a lot, it can be summed up like, "Can it be called an instant kill if it is instant killed by the gods?"

In fact, this is not wrong. In essence, the spirit of the gods is to seal your skills, so that people can only fight hand-to-hand.

But the real situation is that even if Zhang Chulan activates the Nascent Soul state, it is impossible to deal such a serious blow to Huang Ning if he does mental calculations or not.But because Wu Gensheng's name was too loud, the sudden appearance of this god spirit scared Huang Ning so much that he didn't dare to continue chasing him, so he let the opponent go easily.

Lu Jin could tell at a glance that Fang's words were insincere, so he didn't bother to listen to his nonsense, "In this case, can you tell me where you met each other and where did they go?"

After receiving this information, Lu Jin left the Seeking Truth Society and immediately planned to go straight there.

But at this time, Lu Linglong, who was traveling with her, put forward a different opinion:

"Grandpa, since there is no further information here at the Truth-Seeking Society, even if we go to the scene where they fought, I'm afraid we'll be looking for a needle in a haystack, and it's hard to get anything. After all, whether you, me or big cousin, there is nothing wrong with finding people. Efficient means. As the saying goes, if you want to do a good job, you must first sharpen your tools, how about finding an expert in this field first?"

"...What you said makes sense,"

Lu Jin pondered for a while, and finally shook his head, "But this matter is my own business. You two, one inherited the cause and effect of the Trinity Sect, and the other agreed to bring it because I couldn't handle it. As for the other People who are involved, try not to get involved in it as much as possible."

Back then, taking advantage of the Jiashen Rebellion, Lu Jin took all the brothers of the Trinity Sect to besiege Wugensheng. As a result, the Sany Sect that had been disbanded in name was completely left with only his own seedling. He has always been hard to let go, and he doesn't want a similar situation to happen again.

"Is that so..."

Lu Linglong realized her mistake and corrected it, "It's because I was thinking superficially. If that's the case, then let's hurry up."



On the other side, Zhang Chulan and others who successfully repelled Huang Ning and his party also encountered an unexpected old friend.

"I really didn't expect it... I thought that the origin of the body was already the biggest secret in you, but now you have something to do with Wugensheng. I am more and more interested in your affairs."

A young man with short brown hair and eyes came out of the shadows with a playful smile on his face.

"Lu Liang?!"

Although his appearance and figure had undergone some changes, Zhang Chulan recognized him at a glance, the first full-sex monster who kept in touch with him.

"What are you doing here?"

"Actually, I had heard about Mr. Xia and Granny Jinfeng. I wanted to come over to see if I could help. Unfortunately, I just happened to see a scene where you showed your power."

Lu Liang teased, "One move to scare away the master of Yanwu Hall, Zhang Chulan, your progress is really unbelievable!"

"You said you also came to help Granny Jinfeng? Just you?"

Zhang Chulan stared at Lu Liang suspiciously, but he still remembered that although this guy had strange methods, he seemed to be a war scum.

"As the saying goes, don't treat each other with admiration for three days,"

Lu Liang adjusted his glasses and smiled confidently, "Zhang Chulan, don't think that you are the only one who has adventures. The me now is very different from the past."

(End of this chapter)

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