Chapter 330 Divine Tree (Ask for a monthly pass at the end of the month~)

In the end, although they were very reluctant, Xu San and Zhang Chulan had to agree to King Nathan's request.

The result of this was that when Feng Baobao put on a white dress and entered the venue surrounded by two Nathan guards, the faces of Zhao Fangxu and Xu Si turned green.

Fortunately, Feng Baobao is very suitable to play this kind of noble and self-contained role, she just needs to play her true colors.

In other words, compared to the original King Nathan, some characteristics of Feng Baobao made her a counterfeit look more like the real one than the real one.

At the very least, after she entered the arena, her actions of treating other people as air and mercilessly rebelling against the director of Bechymos successfully confused all the organization representatives except Zhao Fangxu.

Even Ishikawa, the leader of the Japanese Ichthyosaur Society, which caused the outbreak of the second gene, said, "Even without Nathan Wei, I can confirm her identity."

And King Nathan is actually not really that boring. The reason why she asked Feng Baobao to be a substitute was to find out the assassin who had been staring at her.

That's right, King Nathan, the leader of the kingdom of aliens, is now facing a severe challenge.

Nathan is an island of aliens, and the foundation of its existence and continuation is the sacred tree in the center of the island. Whether it is the king of Nathan or the guard of Nathan, they are all chosen by the sacred tree to protect their own existence.

But the throne is not irreplaceable, and the way of changing is very primitive and bloody——

kill each other.

Those who are recognized by the sacred tree can break off a small branch as a token and become a challenger to the throne. This short branch is also called the "golden branch".

Those who hold the "Golden Branch" can use any means to fight the current King Nathan, and the one who survives will be the new king recognized by the sacred tree.

The reason why King Nathan took the initiative to leave the island and look for a substitute was because a new round of battle for the throne had already begun.

According to the agreement, the battle for the throne of Nathan Island cannot be carried out secretly behind closed doors, but must be completed openly under the witness of major organizations.

This is the most important reason why the young King Nathan came to China.

I have to say that compared to Feng Baobao, this King Nathan's aura is really lacking.Behemoth and the representative of the Ichthyosaur Society, who were speechless and even groveled by Feng Baobao before, each had their own plans in their hearts after listening to her narration.

The Ichthyosaurs are barely restrained, they just want to find a samurai who has been away from the country for many years.But Bechymos is different. For the sake of peace and justice, they will send people to Nathan Island to stop this primitive and barbaric atrocity, and even take over the entire Nathan Island when necessary.

Behemoth's decision was unexpected, but reasonable, and it was in line with their formal style over the years.

But by doing so, some organizations in countries that had no interest in this matter and did not intend to participate in it had to be forced to respond.

Because, Nathan Island is not just a place where many strange people gather, the most important thing is that the sacred tree on Nathan Island really has divine power.

The people born on Nathan Island are all congenital aliens!
In other words, if other people ignore it and let Bechymos occupy Nathan Island and get this sacred tree, the number of aliens under their command will usher in a wave of skyrocketing, which is something that no one wants to see arrived.

So even if it was for their own stable life in the future, they couldn't let Bechymos fully achieve his goal.

And Bechymos couldn't fight against all other organizations on its own, so it agreed to each family's request to send an observation team to the island.

After the meeting ended, Zhao Fangxu immediately called director Huang Boren.

"Little Huang, we don't care about the battle for the throne of Nathan Island, but if Behemoth wants to take over Nathan Island, you should come forward and bring back all the aliens from our country on the island."

"I see."

Huang Boren nodded, "However, aliens have a long lifespan. I am afraid that there are many people on Nathan Island whose identities cannot be completely determined..."

"Except King Nathan, as long as you can speak Chinese, bring them all back to me!"

Zhao Fangxu waved his hands domineeringly.

After dismissing Huang Boren, he closed the office door alone, and called to the computer, "Er Zhuang? Are you there?"

"Uncle Zhao? Is there another mission? @[email protected]"

The computer screen was suddenly completely white, and a line of text with expressions appeared in the center.

"That's right,"

Under the reflection of the fluorescent light, Zhao Fangxu's face flickered, "You should already know about Nathan Island, right?"


"Behemoth's abacus, we definitely cannot allow it. But it is not in our interest to have a direct conflict with them."

He pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, "So, we need to find some non-staff personnel to muddy the water."

"Understood, just go find some mercenaries, right? No problem! (ノ ̄▽ ̄)"

"It's best to be foreigners, and don't give them too many specific goals, just let them make trouble." Zhao Fangxu reminded.

"I understand, this kind of thing is sure! φ(>ω<*)"

After some pleasant exchanges, just as Zhao Fangxu walked out of the room, he ran into Zhang Chulan who was looking for him.

"What? You also want to go to Nathan Island?" Zhao Fangxu wanted to refuse immediately after hearing his first sentence.

To put it seriously, the matter on Nathan Island is related to the safety of the country, and may even cause major changes in the international situation.

He has to be cautious in his own layout, and let Zhang Chulan, a stunned young man like him, pass by. What if something bad happens?
In fact, Zhang Chulan didn't suddenly want to go to a strange place on a whim, mainly because Elijah told him the news just now.

Ever since guessing that the last time Elijah and their envoy was hired behind his back, the target was Feng Baobao, Zhang Chulan was very concerned about this matter.

But let's not say that Nathan Wei's creed made it impossible for him to betray his employer's information. Even if he wanted to say it, there was actually nothing to say, because everyone who had contact with him was dead.

Finally, after dawdling for a long time, Zhang Chulan finally asked Elijah for some useful information.

"There is an extremely mysterious Chinese visitor on Nathan Island. I have used many channels to find out his age, name, past, ability, etc. I only know that he has appeared in many places in the world. Decades at least. And someone called him—Seventeen!"

This information made Zhang Chulan attach great importance to it. After all, Elijah chose to tell himself this at this moment, and it must not be aimless.

At least he can be sure that this person must have something to do with what he wants to investigate.Even more associations, the thirty-six thieves who sworn sworn brothers back then seem to like to call each other in order of ranking.

The identity of this "Seventeen" is probably very mysterious.

But Zhao Fangxu thought again, what the company has to do now is to muddy the water on Nathan Island, the more muddled the better.

As for this kind of thing, is there anyone more professional than Zhang Chulan?
Think about it, since his debut, he has been like the eye of a storm, causing disturbances wherever he goes.If you let him out, maybe it will be more effective than those foreigners hired by Er Zhuang?
"It's not completely impossible, but you can't go to the island in the name of the company. Do you know what that means?"

Zhao Fangxu asked seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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