Refine Gu to become immortal from one person

Chapter 346 Let the bullets fly

Chapter 346 Let the bullets fly
The originally flat land suddenly turned into deadly steel thorns, as if they were about to strangle those Bechymos warriors who had no time to react in an instant.

But it's a pity that although they don't have too many bells and whistles, but because they generally have extremely high physical fitness and have experienced very cruel and harsh combat training, these artificial aliens are not slow to respond to crises.

They quickly scattered in accordance with the tactical requirements, except for those who were right in the center of the formation, most of them successfully avoided this murderous attempt.


Garcia, who protruded half of his body from the alloy thorns, was a little dissatisfied with his results, but now is not the time to worry about it. He immediately manipulated the special alloy made from his own body to tear the enemies surrounded by thorns into pieces. , and then retracted his figure, showing the appearance of a human form.

At this moment, from the point of view of formation, he is surrounded by layers of soldiers of Bechymos, but from the point of view of momentum, he who sits on the alloy thorns seems to be looking down at the soldiers who are hundreds of times larger than himself. enemy.

"Captain, a high-energy reaction has been detected..."

At this time, the soldier in charge of the investigation reported again.

"I know! He's standing here, can't I see it?!"

The captain was very angry and grabbed the scout by the collar, "You should think about it, why didn't you see anything before he launched an attack?!"

"Yes, yes Captain."

The scout was very obedient, and immediately began to analyze, "According to the method shown by the other party, it is speculated that it should belong to a kind of alchemy, the field of human body refining. I suspect that he has greatly dispersed his body before, reducing the energy response. It made us mistake it for underground ore, so we ignored it..."

After Garcia heard this, the excitement of successfully killing the enemy just now couldn't help but fade away a bit.It has to be said that Behemoth's special forces, the quality of the fighters is indeed good, and he has almost analyzed his tactics just now based on this little information.

The field he is good at is indeed a taboo in alchemy - human body refining. The specific manifestation is that he can refine his body into a special alloy that does not exist on the earth.

"Human body refining?"

Before the captain of the BSS could speak, Ron, the director of Behemoth, who had been keeping the video in front of him in sync, spoke first, "This guy must be captured alive!"

His voice was full of greed and desire.

The three foundations of Western mysticism are faith, alchemy and magic, among which alchemy and magic are inextricably linked.

As for Behemoth, whose development is based on technology, among the three, alchemy is the most suitable field for them to enter and study in depth.

Because from a certain point of view, alchemy is the research method closest to modern science. Compared with illusory beliefs that rely on certain magical creations and magic that values ​​personal aptitude that varies from person to person, alchemy has a set of methods. Recognized and basically universal standards are the most suitable technology for industrial mass production.

And one of the taboo areas - human body training, is expected to help them realize some ulterior ambitions.

Hearing such an order, the BSS captain at the on-site command solemnly responded: "I must remind you, Director Ron, we are engaged in a war. During this process, if you want to carry out your order just now, then I A lot of extra and unnecessary sacrifices will be made by the players, I think..."

"It doesn't matter what you think, just execute the order!"

Ron interrupted him directly, with a cold and arrogant tone, "The research value of that person is not comparable to those of your mass-produced products! Also, my captain, I must remind you that this is not a war The war is just a lesson, or you can understand it as a plunder, our purpose is to get all the valuable things on that island."

"……I understand."

Although he didn't agree with the other party's words in his heart, the order issued by the director was not something that a mere captain could resist. After hanging up the communication, he waved his arm and changed the previous tactic of covering Garcia with firepower. People test each other's weaknesses.



Battle scenes like this don't stop here.

The four Nathan guards sent by King Nathan were not randomly selected. The fighting skills they each mastered are more suitable for large-scale group battles.

Garcia can turn himself into a forest of steel, while Alfonso has already set up a magic circle around Nathan Island. Anthony is in charge of the power of Thunder, which can effectively destroy Bechymos' high-tech weapons. The commander Elijah, who is well-balanced in all aspects and has a very clear mind, is in charge of dispatching and rushing to the rescue.

Although he is not good at fighting, King Nathan is still good at arranging troops.

However, even though King Nathan has done his best, the gap in strength can sometimes be desperate.

On Garcia's side, because of Ron's order to capture alive, the enemy's footsteps were indeed slowed down, and he caused a lot of damage, but his physical strength was not unlimited after all. Seeing the opponent's encirclement shrinking, it was only a matter of time before he lost. .

Alfonso's situation is relatively safe for the time being because there are a large number of magic circles arranged in advance.But the magic circle needs a lot of time and materials to set up. Once it is destroyed, it is basically impossible to repair it in wartime, so it is just eating money.

As for Anthony, who has the power of lightning, his situation is the most difficult.

Anthony's initial idea was to use speed to raid, directly enter the middle of the enemy's formation for a large-scale discharge, paralyze their high-tech equipment in a wave, and then start killing randomly.

It's a pity that things backfired. Nathan Island's understanding of Bechymos technology is still too one-sided.

He did rush in with lightning speed, but after a discharge, he found that the enemy was hardly affected, and it was as if he had thrown himself into a trap!
"Humph, idiot!"

Looking at Anthony who was fighting trapped beasts on the screen, Ron snorted disdainfully, "Our equipment can even defend against electromagnetic pulse bombs, just lightning..."

Elijah had to rush to help because Anthony failed to operate and was shown off, otherwise he might be directly overwhelmed by the firepower.

But even so, facing the unscrupulous Bechymos combat troops, the two Nathan guards could only retreat steadily, unable to confront head-on.

As a last resort, they had no choice but to send a request to King Nathan for help.

King Nathan, who heard the description of the battle ahead, looked sullenly at the corpse god clone:

"Mr. Corpse, where are your people?"

It was agreed that everyone would attack together. Why are the four Nathan guards in trouble now, but they can't see the aliens from the paradise and the market at all?
As soon as these words came out, the other four Nathan guards around her moved slightly, making a gesture of being ready to attack the corpse at any time.

"Don't worry,"

Facing the questioning, the corpse was not flustered, a faint laughter came from behind his pitch-black mask, "I've already made arrangements, and let the bullets fly for a while..."

(End of this chapter)

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