Chapter 350 Endgame
A single tree becomes a tree, two trees make a forest, and three trees make a forest.

According to the legend, Senhai Samsara Gu is a tree that reaches the sky that is rooted in the long river of time, and every branch is connected to a brand new world.

Now relying on the foundation of the divine tree, although Chi Yao has only refined its primary form, the ability to go back in time has begun to emerge.

"However, there are still some restrictions. You need to use certain things as anchors, otherwise you will completely lose your way in the long river of time..."

After succeeding, Chi Yao turned into a shadow and returned to the palace, and began to savor the magical effect of the Wood Sea Reincarnation Gu.

But the outside world, because of the disappearance of the sacred tree, has undergone drastic changes.



The sacred tree, as the foundation of Nathan Island, or the country of the forest, its role is usually not obvious, as if it only has symbolic meaning.But when it was lost, the pattern of the entire Nathan Island changed drastically.

In a sense, the existence of the sacred tree has made Nathan Island maintain a special atmosphere.

The air pattern is a special pattern that is formed by dead objects and in which the innate energy of living things circulates, transcending the concept of time.

In this atmosphere, King Nathan, who is endowed with the highest authority, can perceive everything on the island at will, and the next-level Nathan Guard can teleport freely. All their descendants are congenital aliens.

Compared with the [-]-section Tongtian Valley, the influence here is milder and less noticeable, but there is actually not much difference in essence.

But now, the sacred tree, which was the center of the atmosphere, was gone.

The atmosphere itself is a very delicate thing, and any slight change will lead to unpredictable consequences, let alone such a situation where the center directly disappears.

The moment the sacred tree disappeared, a strong impact that could not be perceived by the naked eye swayed directly on Nathan Island.

The most affected are the islanders of Nathan Island, especially those so-called gods who have been on the island for some years and choose to convert to the Forest Church.

The essence of the ritual of taking refuge in the sacred tree is to integrate the small pattern in the body of the convert with the large pattern constructed by the sacred tree, so that one can enjoy the convenience of the aura more quickly and conveniently.

But when the outside air situation collapses, their own internal structure will naturally be seriously affected.

The specific performance is...

Most of the gods suddenly wailed and fell to the ground, and some people's bodies directly softened into a puddle of mud. Even Nathan Wei could not avoid this kind of reaction.

No, it should be said that because they are Nathan Wei recognized by the Divine Tree, they have the deepest relationship with the Divine Tree, and they are also affected the most at this moment.

Of course, the collapse of the Qi Bureau does not mean to completely destroy their lives, but in the process of practicing Qi, the viscera, six internal organs and other organs and tissues absorbed too much vitality that was swallowed up by the sacred tree. , the body can't adapt at all.

The stronger they usually exercise, the overly strong muscles and bones at this time become the last straw that crushes them.

On the other hand, King Nathan, who was knocked unconscious by Li Muxuan, was the one with the mildest symptoms.Although according to the Tao, she is the person most closely related to the sacred tree, but who told her not to practice qi?

The disappearance of the sacred tree only caused her to suffer a huge mental blow, but her body didn't have much impact.

It stands to reason that most of the islanders on Nathan Island are in a life-or-death crisis, and now should be the best time for Behemoth to attack aggressively.


Flowers, trees, rocks, earth...

Everything on Nathan Island is collapsing fast.

Because they were originally formed by relying on the sacred tree. As the saying goes, if there is no skin, the hair will not be attached. Without the backbone, these embellishments will naturally lose the support to continue to survive.

"Shit! This island is about to collapse! Get out of here!"

The soldiers of Bechymos didn't even have time to make up the knife, so they immediately retreated towards the sea in a hurry, while [-]% of the islanders on Nathan Island fell into the crisis of self-destruction, and no one could stop them.

"Hello, Huang Dong? Retreat? Okay, I'll go there right away..."

In the palace, Chi Yao also received a call from Huang Boren, telling him to run to the shore immediately, and the company's boats would come to meet him.

After hanging up the phone, Chi Yao walked out of the room and notified Zhang Chulan and Wang Ye by the way.

"Brother Yao, what's going on? An earthquake?" Zhang Chulan asked curiously.

At this time, because the foundation was gradually crumbling, the ground of Nathan Island was shaking constantly, it was indeed like an earthquake.

"I don't know, Huang Dong called and said, let's evacuate urgently, let's go. Maybe King Nathan launched some secret weapon."

A few people walked while guessing on the road.

On the way back, they also ran into several members of the Japanese Ichthyosaur Association, and Barron who was also in a hurry.

"Well, you Barron! I haven't settled with you for leaving us alone before!"

Zhang Chulan was furious when he saw this guy.

They finally won the opportunity to come to Nathan Island to investigate the truth, but they didn't do anything, and they were directly arrested by Nathan Wei, and they have been locked up until now.

It can be said that this trip has no game experience at all, and the whole article is in prison.

However, Barron's expression at this time was very serious, and he didn't mean to laugh at all: "Nason Island is going to disappear."

"Nathan Island is going to disappear? What do you mean? How big is this earthquake?"

Zhang Chulan was a little confused.

"It's not an earthquake..."

Barron shook his head, "King Nathan's stamina is really unexpected. She didn't hesitate to destroy the sacred tree, making the islanders of Nathan Island very rare, and she was unwilling to compromise with Bechymos."

Then he pointed with his eyes to the man in gray robe not far away who was carried on his back by the president of the Fish and Dragon Society, Ishikawa Shin.

"The man's name is Mochizuki Wu, who used to be one of the Nasen guards, but now because the sacred tree was destroyed, he has become that half-dead..."


Zhang Chulan was taken aback, "You mean almost all the people on the island have become like this, then..." Where is Ruan Feng?how is he?
"Don't worry, I know who you are looking for. One of my goals is to find him, but unfortunately, although I found some traces, I can only see that he has experienced a battle recently and then disappeared. .”

Barron shook his head and directly stated the results of his investigation.

"Is that so..."

Zhang Chulan was a little lost, and the clues she finally got were interrupted again.

"I hope he's still alive..."

"That's for sure, no one can live better than him."

After Barron finished speaking vowedly, he parted ways with them and walked towards the ship of the Emerald Society.

(End of this chapter)

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